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Everything posted by Madmatt

  1. Okay this thread has a good enough run. Once more for the record the AI doesnt cheat. End of story. Goodnight. Madmatt
  2. Umm, yeah, that would cause that message to appear as well. Madmatt
  3. Voxman, That video card is very popular with customers and beta testers alike and so far your the only one that has reported this issue. Not sure what else to say at this point. The gamma for night battles is fine on my Ti500 GF3 with 30.82 drivers. DO you have any custom gamma settings running that are handled by the Nvidia control panel? Madmatt
  4. That TNT card may be a problem. Download the demo and see how it performs for you. If play is decent with good performance then the full game will be the same. Madmatt
  5. Charles has said that ATR's will now engage soft vehicles in v1.01 so this issue now looks to finally be put to rest. Thanks for all the input guys! Madmatt
  6. Good news. Charles just implemented a new tweak to v1.01 which will allow ATR's (even those with all Tungsten ammo) to engage soft vehicles. Thats should do the trick! Now someone before Rex (?) referenced a FOW ID halftrack issue but I can't find the original thread. Can someone point me to it please? Madmatt p.s. Oh he said they will engage bunkers too, but I havent seen that for myself as yet as Charles is a big meany and won't let me test the new patch! [ November 03, 2002, 06:06 PM: Message edited by: Madmatt ]
  7. Actually units CAN'T move between buildings by mouseholing unless the two adjacent tiles are factories in which case you can enter and exit them from any side. Madmatt
  8. Okay, yeah I do recall a similar issue to this in CMBO and Win2k. What is happening if I remember correctly is that Windows is trying to index those saved games and in the process it is corrupting the content. I * think* the fix was to make sure Windows 2K doesn't index any of the directories associated with CM but i will need to try and find my notes on this. It was an old issue, but it can be fixed and it is something that Windows 2K is doing to those files. Right click on your CMBB folder and go to Properties>Advanced. You want to make sure that Windows isnt encrypting, Indexing or compressing those directories. Madmatt
  9. There seems to be two different but somewhat similar issues here. The first issue, which is what this thread was about, is a bug with some Dells in how they report their UPTIME to Windows. This timer gets confused and reports faulty timing. This affects CM as it looks to the clock to synch up the playback. Thats why garbarge is displayed in the timer or playbacks seem to play very fast or slow. For THAT issue, there is nothing we can do. Some of the work arounds mentioned seem to work though with leaving the computer running for a while (approx 45 minutes or more) before running CM. This issue also affects Crimson Skies, Cossaks and some other games. Now a second issue is the one reported directly above. As I understand it this person is only having this issue with PBEM. Now this *could* be related to some PBEM issues we uncovered recently and are patching in the forthcoming v1.01 update. It depends on if his opponent is on a CDV version or not. In the past we have seen other timer issues which were related to video drivers and in some cases mouse drivers. Some older Intillieye drivers from Microsoft could cause the timer to jump back and forth throughout a playback. Some video cards also displayed garbage in the timer window. The best thing to do is to ensure you have the most up to date (but not beta) drivers for your video card and mouse. It is very important to be careful before you lump in your specific problem with another persons reported issue. Madmatt
  10. First make sure you have the latest Radeon drivers installed. If you do and the problem continues, please save the game once you get to the AAR screen and send the file to me. Be sure and recap this issue in the email as well. Thanks! Madmatt
  11. There is no file written to the computer while it loads which would trigger a re-occuring crash, the game doesnt behave like that. It does check the saved Prefs file to configure the resolution, and various in game settings (unit size, etc..) but thats it. Windows systems don't have backside caches (as such), thats a Mac thing. You will need a Cache Profiler program which you should be able to get from www.powerlogix.com So, are you still having problems or not? Did the re-install make a difference? Madmatt
  12. IF the game crashes it will not corrupt previously saved files at all. It never even looks at those files unless of course one of them is currently in play. Please explain your issue clearly for me. Are you saying you had a crash and now none of your saved games will load? Madmatt
  13. Which *specific* video card do you have? Saying its a 64meg card doesnt really say anything. If its a Radeon then you may need to turn off the z-Mask which should improve framerate a great deal. Details on how to do that can be found on this thread: http://www.battlefront.com/cgi-bin/bbs/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=8;t=002715 Madmatt
  14. Here is my original Internet HOW-TO guide which I wrote from CMBO. Its pretty much the same for CMBB now. This is also covered in depth in the CMBB manual pages 189-193. Combat Mission: Beyond Overlord Internet Play instructions by Madmatt Quick How-To: Playing a TCP/IP multiplayer game is quite easy. All you need is two players with active connections to either the Internet or LAN. One player is designated as the Host the other is the Client. The Host is responsible for picking the Scenario or Operation and selecting any applicable parameters for a Quick Battle. They also have a slight advantage of purchasing units prior to the client connecting. Keep this in mind: the Host should inform the Client, prior to connecting, of any specific parameters, time period, unit restrictions, point totals et cetera, of the battle. This can be done using any normal communication method. (ICQ, 3rd party Chat service like the one at Combat Mission HQ, or simply via email) The Host loads the game normally and selects any pre-made Scenario or Operation. The Host can also choose to start a normal Quick Battle. Once the game is loaded, play proceeds normally and the Host selects the side to play. The Host is then presented with the standard Connection Type Screen. The TCP/IP option is now available, click the TCP/IP button and a new Time Limit Option will be accessible. This is the default timer limit for both Action and Orders Phases combined. Select the desired time limit then click OK. You then enter a password and click OK again. The next screen you get will be the Host Connection Page. This will also list the all of the Hosts Current IP addresses, one of which the client will need in order to connect to the game. See below for issues with the IP address. The Host then waits until the Client connects and once that occurs the game will proceed normally. From this point on the game will proceed almost like playing the AI except the enemy will be Wild Bill, Rune or Kwazydog or any of your other fellow gamers! For the client, connecting is even simpler. They need to load the game and select Join Multiplayer, They then select Join Network Game. At this point they are presented with a screen to manually enter the Hosts IP address. They can toggle through the four IP address windows by using the "TAB" key. Once they enter the address they will attach almost immediately to the Host and begin to download the scenario info and begin the game. NOTE: A scenario does not need to be on the Client's system in order to play. The Host sends that info. See below for specific connection and chat issues. Some Comments About The Timer: One of the new features of the game is the optional implementation of a play timer. When the game type TCP/IP is chosen the host is given the option of selecting from a variety of fixed times including a No Timer option. This works as follows: In the Setup phase you are given TWICE the Timer Amount in order to position your units. Once the game begins the timer amount selected is shared between the Action Playback Phase and the Orders Phase. You always get an additional full 60 seconds in the Playback phase (the time of one full playback) before the timer begins to count down. For example, if you had selected 2 minutes as the Timer Amount you would, in fact, have 4 minutes in the Setup Phase to get ready. Once the game was in play each subsequent turn you would have 3 (see below for details on this) minutes to watch the movie and issue orders. Why 3 and not 2? Because you always get the one free minute during the movie playback. NOTE: That 1 free minute is NOT transferable. It is applied ONLY to the Playback Phase. If you were to immediately click DONE in the Playback Phase and proceed to the Orders Phase you would only have 2 minutes to give orders. Think of it as a 1 minute 'Bonus' only applicable to the Action Playback Phase. If you have not completed viewing the movie or issuing orders when the time expires, the game will proceed to the next phase automatically. Pay attention to the timer, and balance your time wisely. Multiple reviews of a movie will quickly eat into the total amount of time you have to give orders. The timer will switch to a warning color, red, as it gets low. The timer is not affected by minimizing the game or escaping or "alt-tabbing" out to the desktop. It will continue unabated regardless of the game's current activity level. If you need to get up and leave the computer or just need more time to plot orders or watch the replay you can request a temporary Pause to the current phase. This is accomplished by pressing the Alt and P keys at the same time, flashing a message on the screen to both sides indicating that you have requested the Timer to be Disabled. The other player now has the option of accepting or denying this request. To accept all they have to do is also press Alt-P (prior to the timer expiring obviously) and a message will pop up indicating that the Timer is Disabled. The game does not Pause as such, but rather the timer stops counting. You can now take as long as you need to issue orders or watch the movie with no concern that time will expire. When you are finished or are ready to continue with the game just click GO, or Done (depending on the phase you are in) and the game will resume normally. If the timer is paused by either player in a Movie phase, it will stay disabled throughout the following orders phase as well. Tips and Watch-outs: Nvidia Drivers: We have encountered a variety of issues with the latest leaked 7.17 drivers from Nvidia. If you have these drivers you will need to uninstall them prior to running the game or will crash frequently. We recommend the official Detonator 3 release (6.31 New reports have shown instability with any of the Nvidia 7.xx drivers as well as versions beyond 6.47. IP Addresses: When a player Hosts a game, Combat Mission lists ALL the IP addresses assigned to a system. If you have multiple modems or network cards it will list all IP addresses associated with those devices. What it can't do is tell you which one is the correct IP address as it depends on how your system is configured. Users of AOL, for instance, may have up to three addresses listed. You will need to have your opponent try to attach to each IP address in order until they find the one that allows connections. Once you have found the correct IP address, make note of its place in the list since it should always be the same one. For example, let's say when you host a game Combat Mission shows three separate IP addresses. You give the first one to your opponent and it doesn't work. You give him the second one and he makes a connection. In the future, the correct IP address should always be the second one in the list even though the address itself may change. * TIP: Unless you are hosting a game on a local network, an IP address of 192.168.x.x will not work. Those addresses can only be used with other computers on an internal LAN. Firewalls and Proxies: In order to play a network game, Combat Mission requires that TCP port 7023 be open for all outgoing and incoming transmissions. Please configure your firewall and proxies accordingly. Users of the software packages Black Ice Defender and Zone Alarm may have to disable the software completely before a successful connection can be made. We have gotten reports from some users of Black Ice Defender that even disabling the software was not sufficient and they had to fully uninstall the package. Once this was down games could be hosted and joined. Please visit the Battlefront.com Discussion Forums for the latest info on such issues. Cable/DSL Router Configuration: If you use a home broadband router like the LinkSys Cable/DSL 4 port Router and wish to host games you will need to add TCP port 7023 to the routers forwarding table. You then need to match port 7023 to the internal IP address of the computer that you want to host the game with. Then use the routers control panel (usually accessed via your browser) to get the external IP address given out by your ISP. Give this external IP address to your opponent and he should be able to connect with you hosting. Please visit the Battlefront.com Discussion Forums for the latest info on such issues. Internet Connection Sharing: Many people use ICS on their home LANs to access a broadband or modem connection to the Internet across multiple computer systems. Currently a computer that is connected to the Internet via an ICS connection can not Host a Combat Mission game out to the Internet. They can however host locally to systems that are connected on the same home LAN. They can also still attach to a hosted game normally on the Internet or the home LAN. This limitation on hosting affects systems that gain their access to the Internet SOLEY through an ICS connection. Please visit the Battlefront.com Discussion Forums for the latest info on such issues. Lost Connections: If at some point some point during play you lose connection (this IS the Internet after all) each player should be given a message which indicates that the connection was broke and that play may be restarted by loading the autosave. This autosave is created on each players system when the game detects a loss of transmission to the other player. Sometimes, one player or the other will drop to the desktop. Even when this happens, a usable Autosave is usually created. It does not matter who reloads the autosave and hosts the game although depending on the timing of the disconnect some orders may need to be reissued on both sides. If the connection was lost AFTER both players hit go (committed to going forward with the game) then autosaves that are created due to that broken connection will NOT allow either player to give any additional orders. A message will appear on the screen indicating that each player must press GO and advance to the Movie stage. This is done to prevent one player from purposefully breaking connections during a turn that is going badly and also out of fairness to both sides. * TIP: If one player had already clicked "GO" and was waiting for their opponent to finish issuing orders when the game disconnected, it is usually wise to have that person re-Host. That way, at least one person's orders should be fully intact. Orders are saved on their own system whenever they click GO. Chatting: The new patch allows each player to send a text chat message by first pressing the tilde "`" (tilde) key or for users with non-US standard keyboards they may alternately use the number "0" (zero) key. To send the message you must press the "enter" key. Once you open a chat window, you have to send a message to get the window to disappear, even if the window is blank, you do this by pressing the "Enter" key as indicated above. The message is displayed in the upper right corner of the screen and is announced by an audio squawk sound that plays on the other player's system. * TIP: The Host of a game will get a message on their screen when the opponent has joined. As soon as a Client joins into a game they can begin chatting. At this point it is smart for them to send a brief message to indicate to the host that they are "in" the game. As such, I usually just send the message "IN". That tells the host that all is well on my (client) side and play can commence. Chat Limits: Chat messages are not viewable when you do not have the 3D game screen up. That means you won't see a chat message while you are in a Briefing screen or the end of game Debrief screen. You may hear the other player squawking, though. You can go back into the game map (3D view) and continue chatting as normal though. Operations: Operations proceed just like normal single battle except that at the completion of one battle you are shown the current Op Debrief Screen. Remember that you cannot chat when viewing this screen. As soon as both players click OK the next battle will commence to load and the setup phase will begin. [ November 01, 2002, 03:31 PM: Message edited by: Madmatt ]
  15. Okay, I am confused, If the screen is black everytime the game loads how can you play a battle? Can you please clarify your issue for me? The most likely culprit are the GeForce drivers you are using. My recommendation is to steer clear of any of the 40.xx drivers and stick with either 30.82 or 30.87 which you can get directly from Nvidia or from Microsofts Windows Update. Madmatt
  16. You have the CDV version and will need to contact their tech support for help on that issue as they use a different installer than we do. I believe I got your email and replied back already with some files which might help you as well. Madmatt
  17. We have identified a issue which can sometimes occur between the Battlefront version and the CDV version which can cause various problems with PBEM games. This should be rectified with the release of the v1.01 patch. Madmatt
  18. Charles looked over the gist of this thread and here is what he had to say: They are largely correct - we don't account for the different turret sizes directly. However, some notes: 1. Tanks with especially small turrets have a lower silhouette rating than they otherwise would (and large turrets make a larget silhouette rating) and this affects the *overall* chance of hitting the tank. 2. CM *does* track whether curved mantlets cover the entire turret front or not. For example, some early T-34s have small rounded mantlets, so the shell might strike this curved part, or likely it won't (hitting the 'flat' part of the turret front instead). 3. I think I saw some people claiming that the IS-2, KV-I and King Tiger and maybe some other tanks have "small" turret fronts. I find this puzzling. For example, the King Tiger turret front, even the flat part, is still quite large because the overall turret is *enormous*. So, relative to the KT size overall, even just the turret front flat part is as large as a typical tank's turret front relative to the overall tank. So even though we don't track it specifically, the difference here is far smaller than certain people appear to be claiming. The same is largely true for the IS-2, though it's curved side-to-side so you have to look at the area that's sloped less than, say, 25 degrees or so (and this total area is still pretty good-sized). The turret front of the KV-I is just flat-out big no matter how you look at it, so I don't have any idea what people are complaining about on that one. 4. With all these things said, we're looking forward to the new engine where we'll track individual armor plates no matter where they're placed or angled, and this will simulate the issue much better than we can now. I will leave this thread open for a bit... [ October 31, 2002, 04:51 PM: Message edited by: Madmatt ]
  19. Been trying to test this but I haven't been able to replicate it yet. Normally my passengers seem to jump off when it gets too hot. Can someone email me a save game which shows the Sneak waypoint being inserted in please? Do you actually SEE the sneak waypoint getting added or are you just referring to how they behave once they disembark? Be sure and include a recap of this issue in the email as well. Thanks! Madmatt [ October 31, 2002, 04:36 PM: Message edited by: Madmatt ]
  20. I don't believe the base price will change when in the Unit Editor although the rariety levels will. You have to be in the QB purchase screen to get their "adjusted" price as I recall. Madmatt
  21. ATR were added very late in the design and coding of CMBB. As such there are some limitations to their use. They will NOT engage- Infantry or Wooden Bunkers with their AT-Rifles, they will however employ their sidearms and defend themselves if the need arises. Charles says this will NOT be changed in CMBB as it would require too much re-coding. Madmatt
  22. Ghostrider, you could have a defective CD, depending on when you bought it. Email me directly with your order # and we can discuss this offline. Madmatt
  23. Charles is going to look over some of these ATR issues soon. Madmatt
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