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Everything posted by Madmatt

  1. While I can't give you any better date than "when its ready" I can however dangle some goodies for you. We have recently received a new version for testing that includes a great many of the changes we asked for. Cheif amongst them was to get units to actually enagage at realistic ranges as opposed to the artificially limited ones that occur with the Russian version. So far, things are playing out much more realistically, but that change has meant we need to go through all the battles even closer than ever to make sure play balance is still maintained. Anyone thats ever designed a CM mission knows how time intensive that process can be. That was only one of many changes implemented but I thought you guys would like at least a small update on where things sit right now. Madmatt
  2. Umm...yeah Anyway, to answer the questions, "NO". Infantry, during the course of a battle, can not build dig or make trenchs, with or without the aid of babies. Madmatt
  3. Brussell, I will email you in a moment with some suggestions and questions on how to get you all fixed up. Madmatt
  4. No one is saying that you are a theif, and for the vast majority of customers our license system is easy adn unintrusive, but you are obviously having a problem so we will try to get you all squared away. Since you already have another post open with this topic, I am going to close this one and try and help you in the other. Madmatt
  5. Madmatt


    The game works just fine on a AMD processor. Madmatt
  6. ToW supports wide screen monitors just fine. I have a 21 inch widescreen and play in 1680x1050 mode natively. Madmatt
  7. Someone asked about CM:SF and pause. You can pause at will during the realtime play and also move the camera and issue orders. Remember, CM:SF can be played in realtime mode OR in the more traditional CM hybrid turn based WeGo mode. Madmatt
  8. When you pause in TOW you can still move around the map and issue orders. Madmatt
  9. Fair enough, how about this statement: We are still evaulating the changes implemented thus far and making further recommendations and changes to the code. Due to a variety of factors, it is still not prudent to state a formal/firm release at this time. We appreciate your patience, and when we have more to say, rest assured we will do that very thing. Madmatt
  10. As long as someone is on your Friends list with Xbox live, you can not only send them text messages (email), but also send voice messages, do live video chat (if you have the add-on cam), or even send game invites, as well as see what games they have installed and which game they are currently playing when they are online. Madmatt p.s. In fact, I abuse Rune not only in email here, but also on Xbox Live!
  11. IIRC Steve is using an old ATI video card I gave him several years ago so don't base much on what he says about hardware! I run CMSF with a Radeon x850 (AGP) card and it runs great and looks even better. While ATI and nVidia over the years have both released substandard drivers, these days, things have deffinetly improved for the better. Now then, if you want the best video card money can buy right now, you would be hard pressed to find a better or faster video card than a brand spanking new nVidia 8800 GTX. Not only is it faster than snot (which is notoriously fast!) but its also one of the first DX 10 cards yet released. And before you ask, no, CMSF at this time, does not take advantage of any of the new DX 10 API stuff. Lets see how stable Vista and DX 10 are first and then maybe we will see what goodies Charles can add down the road... Now, I need to jump off of hear and yell at Steve for commenting AT ALL about hardware stuff! You guys do realize he is still on dial-up internet right??? Madmatt
  12. After you downloaded the demo file, how big was it? Was it a zip file or a rar? Did you first uncompress it, making sure that all the subdirectories were created? What file did you launch once you uncompressed the archive? For Windows installation, once all the files are uncompressed, you need to run the Windows Version Installer.exe file. Madmatt
  13. It's possible that you got a corrupted install. I would suggest downloading from a different mirror just to be sure. Madmatt
  14. I didn't see any downtime from either server lately. Are you sure the issue wasn't just on your end? Either way, I just checked and both Landis and the Demo Server are up and running fine. Madmatt
  15. It's the Holiday Season and to help celebrate we have just released some new screenshots and deskptop wallpapers from two of our most anticipated titles of 2007. From our upcoming modern tactical combat simulation, Combat Mission Shock Force, we have 8 new wallpapers available covering the Stryker ICV, BMP-1, M1A1 Abrams and a Syrian T-72 M1. The wallpapers each come in 4 different screen sizes to accomodate your desktop resolution. From our Napoleonic Warfare game, Histwar™ Les Grognard we have 10 new hi-res in game screenshots. Combat Mission Shock Force Wallpapers Histwar™ Les Grognards Screenshot Galleries [ December 28, 2006, 03:07 PM: Message edited by: Madmatt ]
  16. How big was your download file? You should probably just redownload and try again. Do you remember what site your dloaded from? Maybe try from a different one just to be safe. Madmatt
  17. December 19th, 2006 Updated DropTeam Demo Released We are pleased to announce the availability and release of an updated DropTeam Demo. This new demo now offers both Single and Multiplayer gameplay and includes all of the dozens of improvements and new units added since the game was originally released. Of course, that includes the new infantry units that were released recently! The demo allows you to play with all the same units as the full game, but is limited to just a single map, the radioactive wasteland of a moon known as Hopewell. Read more details and find links to the new DropTeam Demo right here! December 19th, 2006 Two New gameplay Tutorial Videos released In addition to the new Demo above, we are also happy to announce the availability of two new gameplay Tutorial Videos. Created by a fan of the game, these videos come complete with extremely informative narration and show off game concepts such as using the Drop Requests function, the Tactical Menu, unit controls, camera functions, how to coordinate multiple units and how to communicate and share info between players on the same team. Grab these amazing Tutorial videos right here!
  18. December 19th, 2006 Updated DropTeam Demo Released We are pleased to announce the availability and release of an updated DropTeam Demo. This new demo now offers both Single and Multiplayer gameplay and includes all of the dozens of improvements and new units added since the game was originally released. Of course, that includes the new infantry units that were released recently! The demo allows you to play with all the same units as the full game, but is limited to just a single map, the radioactive wasteland of a moon known as Hopewell. Read more details and find links to the new DropTeam Demo right here! December 19th, 2006 Two New gameplay Tutorial Videos released In addition to the new Demo above, we are also happy to announce the availability of two new gameplay Tutorial Videos. Created by a fan of the game, these videos come complete with extremely informative narration and show off game concepts such as using the Drop Requests function, the Tactical Menu, unit controls, camera functions, how to coordinate multiple units and how to communicate and share info between players on the same team. Grab these amazing Tutorial videos right here!
  19. Nope, no formal release date yet, but both 1c and Battlefront are working hard to get this game out to you as soon as its ready! Madmatt
  20. Now now children, play nice. We do read and listen to your comments, very closely. I see a lot of comments here with questions like "Will BFC change XYZ to make the game better?" or "What about such and such a feature, is there time for BFC to have that added?", and I can certainly understand why you want to know this stuff. Here is the thing to realize, if we WEREN'T having some rather big changes made to the game over what is in the Russian release, well then guess what? WE WOULD HAVE RELEASED IT ALREADY! But we haven't, and why? Because we ARE working with 1c to get some very big changes made to the game. 1c has been very receptive to our, some would say, overwhelming, list of suggestions, change requests, feature additions, TO&E updates, AI behavioral modifications, weapon, armor and vehicle performance data improvements, gameplay/scenario balancing tweaks, even new soldier voice overs AND MORE!!! So, why havent we given you guys a "specific" list of stuff thats going to change? Well, it's simple really, because we are still testing all of this stuff, and some of it may or may not make it in. I know thats gotta be frustrating to hear, but thats how its going to be for the time being. Daimyo, we do appreciate you posting your opinions and info on the Russian Release of Theatre of War, very interesting stuff to be sure, but one thing to very clear on, its the RUSSIAN RELEASE he is playing, not the upcoming Battlefront.com one. With some of the changes we are working on, they should be very different games indeed. Madmatt
  21. A more realistic and authentic force balance in the campaign battles is one of the many things we are working on at the moment. Madmatt
  22. Yup, that was one of the things that was on the list to be fixed. Since that video was actually made a few months ago, I think it was fixed even in the Russian release. I will need to check to be sure though. Madmatt
  23. November 22nd, 2006 10 new Gameplay Videos and 1 new Wallpaper released Tomorrow is Thanksgiving here in the United States and we couldn't think of a better way to celebrate than by sharing with you some new Theatre of War gameplay videos and wallpaper! We have ten new videos showing off a variety of game features, units and effects. From air strikes and artillery barrages, to armored assaults and crews bailing out from burning tanks, these videos show off just a little of what's in store for you when Theatre of War ships out. You can find the videos (named Movie Packs 1 through 4 and Winter War) and the new Wallpaper (#10) on our Pics, Videos and Wallpaper Gallery. The Winter War Video was made a few months ago using the original Russian version. The other 9 videos were made by Battlefront's own Moon, but they were made with an earlier beta build that does not have any of the new Battlefront changes in it. Theatre of War website Madmatt
  24. Small format typo in the German and French links, all fixed now (and new mirrors added as well) and proper v1.05a readme uploaded as well. Sorry about that. Madmatt
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