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Everything posted by Madmatt

  1. Hehehe, bring it on. As to the server, its up now, sometime in the next 96 hours or so I am going to bring it down again but we will post some advance notice. It will be down about 48 hours at most, hopefully much shorter. Madmatt
  2. Once we release the English version I will be providing all my notes and info on how to make changes to the mission.xml files to change a whole host of parameters. While this is no substitute for a formal editor, which we also plan to release in the future, you can do an awful lot by hand editing those files. Madmatt
  3. We are calling the new v1.05a update a "Super Patch" because it not only fixes the few remaining reported bugs, but it adds a ton of new features and functionality to the AI, the Editor and game itself. One of the biggest improvements has to be with the AI, which will now much more intelligently use the special abilities of its units (like Paratroopers and Engineers) to prepare for, launch and even defend against attacks. Newcomers and veteran players alike should find the AI much smarter, and tougher from this point on. A wealth of additions were also incorporated into the Game Editor which will allow much more freedom to create complex unit behavioral and add situational condition scripting into your own campaigns. If that wasn't enough, some new multiplayer enhancements are also being rolled out in this update to make those sessions a lot easier to manage and play. v1.05a GAME ENGINE CHANGES (partial list) - Paratroops within 'Operational Range' of an Offensive target and without any adjacent enemy units will now automatically 'Prepare' to be used in air drops on subsequent combat turns. This is simply generic AI behaviour that is being Added not something that can be controlled via scripts - Note the AI will make every attempt to perform air drops under *ideal* conditions. AI will look for vacant cities that it can reach via air drop or for offensive/amphibious targets that will also be supported by friendly units - Improved all AI naval movement to better avoid enemy units, i.e. under FoW recognizes spotted positions and uses them to its advantage when moving subsequent units - Defending Rockets now include their entrenchment and defence bonuses when calculating their potential losses (Iron Ranger) - Liberating countries now become the new PARENT overwriting the previous parent. for example, if the USSR liberates Iraq it will be the new Allied PARENT overwriting previous UK PARENT relationship (BioWizard) - Improved AI logic and sequencing for Garrison and Reinforcement. - Added a FoW feature for Engineers, now they will remain hidden under FoW while building a FORTIFICATION unless an enemy unit is immediately adjacent - Added a FoW feature for Paratroops, now they will remain hidden under FoW while preparing unless an enemy unit is immediately adjacent - Changed FoW for Land units spotting units at sea. Now all land units, with the exception of Bombers, will spot Naval units at 1/2 their current spotting range, i.e. AF spotting range might already be Reduced due to weather effects etc., all other spotting remains the same... should make the "cat and mouse" (Desert Dave) naval game a bit more interesting - Note, Added the replacement of non City/Capital/fortress GARRISON positions to the AI. for example, when the AI has a GARRISON unit located in the Yugoslavian mountains, a nearby Corps will now replace an Axis Army or Tank Group if applicable and if available to do so - Lowered land unit morale bonus/decrease for when a country surrenders or is liberated from 25-40% to 20-30% (Terif) - Added additional AI debug features that can be accessed while in game: - press the 'F1' key and this will generate a DEBUG subfolder under the 'SAVE' directory storing each 'autosave' by current campaign date. This will make it easier to reference something the AI did on its last turn (now repeatable with the stored save) under DEBUGSAVE mode - Pressing the 'F2' key and this will generate a DATALOGS subfolder within the SC2 installation directory. This folder will generate files keeping track of WEATHER as well as AI PLANNING, RESEARCH, and DIPLOMACY - improved restrengthening/upgrades algorithms for AI units- Engineers that are not fully active can now fortify when adjacent an enemy unit (Iron Ranger) - Fixed a previous ALT-TAB issue that did not allow you to switch out of the game during AI, Network and E-Mail replays without causing a crash - Note an attempt to switch back to SC2 will only be successful when the AI or replay in progress has completed, i.e. the game is not frozen it is just completing its task first before popping back up - Note, if your opponent completes their turn while SC2 is minimized you will be notified via the chat 'squak' sound effect played 4 times in quick succession, otherwise it is just your opponent sending you a text message - Added an SC2 taskbar icon to the system tray (bottom right hand corner on most systems) - Note, the SC2 icon will flash whenever there is a playable turn. for example, if you minimize SC2 during an AI or Network game this can be handy to let you know that either the AI has finished its turn or that it is your turn to play during TCP/IP - Network games now also allow the inactive player to scroll around the map while waiting for the turn to start, v1.04 introduced scrolling for the inactive player but it did not include the period between synchronizations - Added a few new network game indicators such as a message when your opponent has completed their turn and that game data is currently being transferred - Added Research and Diplomacy to the 'Preference' options under the Options->Advanced dialog - Note if Research and Diplomacy are not enabled in the Editor then these options cannot be Changed in game under the Advanced dialog, i.e. these options are considered locked from the Editor - AI now includes fortesses in automatic Offensive/Defensive planning with an override possible via scripting - Bumped sub raiding experience gain from .1 to .2 per convoy raid (Blashy) - Fixed a strike range intercept bug for snow conditions (Terif) EDITOR RELATED CHANGES (partial list) - Added an ACTIVATION#1 event for Allied DoW on Denmark (Desert Dave) - Added an #AI flag for EVENT scripts to give modders the ability to specify scripts for either an Allied or Axis AI game (Edwin P.) - Added a time stamp check to AI and EVENT scripts so that the Editor can now keep track of Changed files. This dramatically increases the processing speed of campaigns after the initial save. The Editor also now keeps track of changes and which Script files require re-checking/re-compiling only as needed - Added an 'Update All' button for both the Edit AI/Event Script dialogs. This was simply Added in order to force a manual update of all scripts, i.e. a re-verification and re-extraction since this is now handled automatically by the Editor - Amphibious Transports can now also use WAYPOINTS when using the PLAN script similar to regular Transports. See PLAN script notes for further details (Edwin P.) - Note, using WAYPOINTS will also speed up AI movement of Transports - Added BUILD_UP_AMPHIBIOUS_MINOR and BUILD_UP_SEA_TRANSPORT_MINOR flags for PLAN scripts. Now BUILD_UP_AMPHIBIOUS and BUILD_UP_SEA_TRANSPORT will include HQs by default while BUILD_UP_AMPHIBIOUS_MINOR and BUILD_UP_SEA_TRANSPORT_MINOR will not - Added BUILD_UP_FLEET flag for PLAN scripts. This allows for organized naval FLEET movement via scripting. See PLAN script notes for further details - Adjusted the northern coastline of France near Brest in order to take into account new strike range rules - Adjusted coastal tile for Kronstadt port so that Finnish ground units cannot attack Soviet navy (in port) unless they control Leningrad, also takes into account new strike range rules - For FORTIFICATION scripts you can now see the 'edge' info when viewing available FORTIFICATION sprites in the Editor, i.e. shown when moving the mouse over the sprite in the lower left corner of the status bar in order to ease the writing of forTIFCATION events - Tweaked some of the Allied GARRISON, OFFENSIVE, AMPHIBIOUS, TRANSPORT, PURCHASE and RESEARCH scripts - Tweaked some of the Axis GARRISON, OFFENSIVE, AMPHIBIOUS, TRANSPORT, PURCHASE and RESEARCH scripts - Added Soviet Partisans for the Caucases flagged for Allied AI games only (Edwin P.) - Bumped maximum German Submarine builds from 6 to 8 (Blashy) - Added several WAR ENTRY (AI) events (Edwin P., Desert Dave) - Fortresses can now be specified as a #DESTINATION_RESOURCE for UNIT scripts - Added optional Victory scripts to check for a 1945/08/31 end date, original 1947/01/01 Victory scripts are still default (Blashy) - Added a UK Engineers unit to arrive in Egypt March 1, 1940 via the UNIT script for Allied AI games only (Jollyguy) - Added El Alamein FORTIFICATION tile to Egypt (Desert Dave, Jollyguy) - Added a UK moves Government to Canada SURRENDER event (selectable with default still Egypt) - Added required Convoy adjustments for a UK moves Government to Canada event - Special thanks to the following additional forum members for their help on this patch: - Retributar - TaoJah - Jollyguy - Honch - Iron Ranger - Terif - Kuniworth - Normal Dude - Thrawn - Liam - Hellraiser - BioWizard - SidiusPOA [ Check out all the features of the v1.05a Super Patch and find links to download it right here! ]
  4. We are calling the new v1.05a update a "Super Patch" because it not only fixes the few remaining reported bugs, but it adds a ton of new features and functionality to the AI, the Editor and game itself. One of the biggest improvements has to be with the AI, which will now much more intelligently use the special abilities of its units (like Paratroopers and Engineers) to prepare for, launch and even defend against attacks. Newcomers and veteran players alike should find the AI much smarter, and tougher from this point on. A wealth of additions were also incorporated into the Game Editor which will allow much more freedom to create complex unit behavioral and add situational condition scripting into your own campaigns. If that wasn't enough, some new multiplayer enhancements are also being rolled out in this update to make those sessions a lot easier to manage and play. v1.05a GAME ENGINE CHANGES (partial list) - Paratroops within 'Operational Range' of an Offensive target and without any adjacent enemy units will now automatically 'Prepare' to be used in air drops on subsequent combat turns. This is simply generic AI behaviour that is being Added not something that can be controlled via scripts - Note the AI will make every attempt to perform air drops under *ideal* conditions. AI will look for vacant cities that it can reach via air drop or for offensive/amphibious targets that will also be supported by friendly units - Improved all AI naval movement to better avoid enemy units, i.e. under FoW recognizes spotted positions and uses them to its advantage when moving subsequent units - Defending Rockets now include their entrenchment and defence bonuses when calculating their potential losses (Iron Ranger) - Liberating countries now become the new PARENT overwriting the previous parent. for example, if the USSR liberates Iraq it will be the new Allied PARENT overwriting previous UK PARENT relationship (BioWizard) - Improved AI logic and sequencing for Garrison and Reinforcement. - Added a FoW feature for Engineers, now they will remain hidden under FoW while building a FORTIFICATION unless an enemy unit is immediately adjacent - Added a FoW feature for Paratroops, now they will remain hidden under FoW while preparing unless an enemy unit is immediately adjacent - Changed FoW for Land units spotting units at sea. Now all land units, with the exception of Bombers, will spot Naval units at 1/2 their current spotting range, i.e. AF spotting range might already be Reduced due to weather effects etc., all other spotting remains the same... should make the "cat and mouse" (Desert Dave) naval game a bit more interesting - Note, Added the replacement of non City/Capital/fortress GARRISON positions to the AI. for example, when the AI has a GARRISON unit located in the Yugoslavian mountains, a nearby Corps will now replace an Axis Army or Tank Group if applicable and if available to do so - Lowered land unit morale bonus/decrease for when a country surrenders or is liberated from 25-40% to 20-30% (Terif) - Added additional AI debug features that can be accessed while in game: - press the 'F1' key and this will generate a DEBUG subfolder under the 'SAVE' directory storing each 'autosave' by current campaign date. This will make it easier to reference something the AI did on its last turn (now repeatable with the stored save) under DEBUGSAVE mode - Pressing the 'F2' key and this will generate a DATALOGS subfolder within the SC2 installation directory. This folder will generate files keeping track of WEATHER as well as AI PLANNING, RESEARCH, and DIPLOMACY - improved restrengthening/upgrades algorithms for AI units- Engineers that are not fully active can now fortify when adjacent an enemy unit (Iron Ranger) - Fixed a previous ALT-TAB issue that did not allow you to switch out of the game during AI, Network and E-Mail replays without causing a crash - Note an attempt to switch back to SC2 will only be successful when the AI or replay in progress has completed, i.e. the game is not frozen it is just completing its task first before popping back up - Note, if your opponent completes their turn while SC2 is minimized you will be notified via the chat 'squak' sound effect played 4 times in quick succession, otherwise it is just your opponent sending you a text message - Added an SC2 taskbar icon to the system tray (bottom right hand corner on most systems) - Note, the SC2 icon will flash whenever there is a playable turn. for example, if you minimize SC2 during an AI or Network game this can be handy to let you know that either the AI has finished its turn or that it is your turn to play during TCP/IP - Network games now also allow the inactive player to scroll around the map while waiting for the turn to start, v1.04 introduced scrolling for the inactive player but it did not include the period between synchronizations - Added a few new network game indicators such as a message when your opponent has completed their turn and that game data is currently being transferred - Added Research and Diplomacy to the 'Preference' options under the Options->Advanced dialog - Note if Research and Diplomacy are not enabled in the Editor then these options cannot be Changed in game under the Advanced dialog, i.e. these options are considered locked from the Editor - AI now includes fortesses in automatic Offensive/Defensive planning with an override possible via scripting - Bumped sub raiding experience gain from .1 to .2 per convoy raid (Blashy) - Fixed a strike range intercept bug for snow conditions (Terif) EDITOR RELATED CHANGES (partial list) - Added an ACTIVATION#1 event for Allied DoW on Denmark (Desert Dave) - Added an #AI flag for EVENT scripts to give modders the ability to specify scripts for either an Allied or Axis AI game (Edwin P.) - Added a time stamp check to AI and EVENT scripts so that the Editor can now keep track of Changed files. This dramatically increases the processing speed of campaigns after the initial save. The Editor also now keeps track of changes and which Script files require re-checking/re-compiling only as needed - Added an 'Update All' button for both the Edit AI/Event Script dialogs. This was simply Added in order to force a manual update of all scripts, i.e. a re-verification and re-extraction since this is now handled automatically by the Editor - Amphibious Transports can now also use WAYPOINTS when using the PLAN script similar to regular Transports. See PLAN script notes for further details (Edwin P.) - Note, using WAYPOINTS will also speed up AI movement of Transports - Added BUILD_UP_AMPHIBIOUS_MINOR and BUILD_UP_SEA_TRANSPORT_MINOR flags for PLAN scripts. Now BUILD_UP_AMPHIBIOUS and BUILD_UP_SEA_TRANSPORT will include HQs by default while BUILD_UP_AMPHIBIOUS_MINOR and BUILD_UP_SEA_TRANSPORT_MINOR will not - Added BUILD_UP_FLEET flag for PLAN scripts. This allows for organized naval FLEET movement via scripting. See PLAN script notes for further details - Adjusted the northern coastline of France near Brest in order to take into account new strike range rules - Adjusted coastal tile for Kronstadt port so that Finnish ground units cannot attack Soviet navy (in port) unless they control Leningrad, also takes into account new strike range rules - For FORTIFICATION scripts you can now see the 'edge' info when viewing available FORTIFICATION sprites in the Editor, i.e. shown when moving the mouse over the sprite in the lower left corner of the status bar in order to ease the writing of forTIFCATION events - Tweaked some of the Allied GARRISON, OFFENSIVE, AMPHIBIOUS, TRANSPORT, PURCHASE and RESEARCH scripts - Tweaked some of the Axis GARRISON, OFFENSIVE, AMPHIBIOUS, TRANSPORT, PURCHASE and RESEARCH scripts - Added Soviet Partisans for the Caucases flagged for Allied AI games only (Edwin P.) - Bumped maximum German Submarine builds from 6 to 8 (Blashy) - Added several WAR ENTRY (AI) events (Edwin P., Desert Dave) - Fortresses can now be specified as a #DESTINATION_RESOURCE for UNIT scripts - Added optional Victory scripts to check for a 1945/08/31 end date, original 1947/01/01 Victory scripts are still default (Blashy) - Added a UK Engineers unit to arrive in Egypt March 1, 1940 via the UNIT script for Allied AI games only (Jollyguy) - Added El Alamein FORTIFICATION tile to Egypt (Desert Dave, Jollyguy) - Added a UK moves Government to Canada SURRENDER event (selectable with default still Egypt) - Added required Convoy adjustments for a UK moves Government to Canada event - Special thanks to the following additional forum members for their help on this patch: - Retributar - TaoJah - Jollyguy - Honch - Iron Ranger - Terif - Kuniworth - Normal Dude - Thrawn - Liam - Hellraiser - BioWizard - SidiusPOA [ Check out all the features of the v1.05a Super Patch and find links to download it right here! ] [ November 21, 2006, 06:01 PM: Message edited by: Madmatt ]
  5. There will be SIGNIFICANT differences in pretty much every aspect of the game between the Russian version that is out now, and the one we will be publishing. Keep that in mind. I hope to list out some of those differences in the very near future as I think you all will be very happy of what we have been doing since we joined with 1C. Madmatt
  6. October 24th, 2006 6 new Wallpapers added today! There is no better way to show your excitement for Theatre of War then to dress up your desktop with one of these new exciting Wallpaper images. The six new wallpapers feature a SU-100 on overwatch, a pair of snow covered Ferdinand's on the prowl, a SdKfz 7/1 engaging some unlucky Russian aircraft, a M8 Greyhound on patrol, a IS-2 in a gun duel with a Panther and a Polish Vickers E dw on the move. View and download them today from our Pics, Videos and Wallpaper Gallery. Madmatt [ October 24, 2006, 02:22 PM: Message edited by: Madmatt ]
  7. We have a forum naughty word policy? Oh crap! Madmatt
  8. October 18th, 2006 Beta version of Scenario Editor Released TBG Software and Battlefront.com are thrilled to announce the release of a public beta version of the full featured Scenario Editor for "DropTeam"! This brand new Scenario editor allows for the creation of entirely new worlds, maps and missions, including Physical Properties, Skybox, Ambient Sounds, Particle Emitters, Elevation Data, Textures, Terrain Types, Fluids, Game Types and Objects and more. This takes the already powerful physics engine to new heights and allows players to create brand new maps of up to 1000 square kilometers, including all deformable terrain, its own unique physics (gravitation, atmosphere.) and more! Dropteam is already using XML files for modding and reads data from professional GIS (Geographic Information Systems) packages such as ArcGIS and Terragen, and as such is becoming one of the most extensively moddable game packages available. An expansion to the Sci-Fi themed base game covering World War Two is already planned. The Scenario Editor is available as a free download, and is even available with source code in an open license to encourage users to create new exciting missions and battles for DropTeam - mechanized combat in the far future! Links to download the beta editor: http://tbgsoftware.com/DropTeamScenarioEditor.zip or ]http://www.simhq.com/simhq3/sims/boards/bbs/ultimatebb.php?ubb=get_topic;f=158;t=000012 Beta scenario editor documentation: http://tbgsoftware.com/DropTeamScenarioEditor.pdf
  9. October 18th, 2006 Beta version of Scenario Editor Released TBG Software and Battlefront.com are thrilled to announce the release of a public beta version of the full featured Scenario Editor for "DropTeam"! This brand new Scenario editor allows for the creation of entirely new worlds, maps and missions, including Physical Properties, Skybox, Ambient Sounds, Particle Emitters, Elevation Data, Textures, Terrain Types, Fluids, Game Types and Objects and more. This takes the already powerful physics engine to new heights and allows players to create brand new maps of up to 1000 square kilometers, including all deformable terrain, its own unique physics (gravitation, atmosphere.) and more! Dropteam is already using XML files for modding and reads data from professional GIS (Geographic Information Systems) packages such as ArcGIS and Terragen, and as such is becoming one of the most extensively moddable game packages available. An expansion to the Sci-Fi themed base game covering World War Two is already planned. The Scenario Editor is available as a free download, and is even available with source code in an open license to encourage users to create new exciting missions and battles for DropTeam - mechanized combat in the far future! Links to download the beta editor: http://tbgsoftware.com/DropTeamScenarioEditor.zip or ]http://www.simhq.com/simhq3/sims/boards/bbs/ultimatebb.php?ubb=get_topic;f=158;t=000012 Beta scenario editor documentation: http://tbgsoftware.com/DropTeamScenarioEditor.pdf
  10. As the main contact between 1C (The developer) and Battlefront.com (publishers of Theatre of War) and as the lead of the Beta Team, I can say unequivocally that this totally, 100% BULL****. Sepp, whoever the hell he is, says that testers are telling specifics about the game, and yet because they are under NDA, won't give them their names. Yeah, well the NDA doesn't really work like that and neither do MY testers. Also, you guys are waiting for ToW to be released by us because it's not yet ready to be published. From our point of view, it's not delayed at all. We will release it once we have finished the work we set out to do. There will be very obvious differences between the Russian and Western versions of the game and the main reason is because the Western version will reflect all the changes we have been requesting and helping 1c make to the game. These changes take time to implement, and it also takes time to properly localize a game to our standards. The demo and game are close to being released but to say that you guys are waiting because of some sort of hack that allows players to cheat is simply idiotic and when you think about it, doesn't even really make any sense. The game is really focused on single player action against the AI as you play through the 40+ campaign missions. While it does not (yet) have a formal mission editor, the mission files themselves can be edited to some extent (and I will be posting more on this after the game is released to help you get the most out of it) and this would allow you to tweak the scenario and make it easier or harder to your hearts content. The things that is NOT editable, just like in CM, are the actual hard data files, for example weapon performance, armor thicknesses, the A.I. etc... The mission files allow you to make the type of changes you would expect, change setup zones, weather, choose the map, time of day, what units and loadouts they have, positions on the map, reinformcements schedules etc... We WANT that stuff to be customizable, and we hope to have a formal scenario editor available at some point in the future so that making new scenarios could be made easier. We realize that ToW has had a long, and to many, painful development cycle, but its in our hands now, and we need time to make it as best as we can. Thats all there is to it. Madmatt
  11. Wow, i had no idea anyone even ever used my old chat system anymore. Everytime I ever logged in to it, I seemed to be the only one...Hmm.. maybe you guys were trying to tell me something??? Oh well, the thing to remember is that Battlefront.com did/does not own or opperate CMHQ. Thats my baby, and was always run on my own free time and with my own resources. The chat system was getting exploited in some ways I did not want and so I made the decission to shut it down. As mentioned above, I have updated the links (including the one in the Opponent Finder forum) to point to The Proving Grounds chat system which actually uses the same software (albeit a more updated version) that CMHQ ran, so it should take care of all your needs. Madmatt
  12. Oh and I am currently testing a scenario which is infantry only. I started with three US squads attacking a German occupied farm, and got reinforcements of another platoon once things started to get really heated up. Madmatt
  13. Yes, their is a limit to what a soldier can carry, and their are a wealth of different grenade types. Madmatt
  14. Let me try and answer here as there seems to be some confusion. There are a variety of ways to select infantry units. If the squad leader is still alive, you can doubleclick on him and the whole squad will be selected. You can use the classic, drag and select method with the mouse and all units within this area will be selected. You can choose individual units and add them to a selection list by clicking with the shift button held down. You can also assign "unit groups" by selecting any units you wish, and then holding the Control Key along with a number key (1-0). Pressing that same number key will reselect that entire group. Lastly, if you just want to control a single soldier, or unit, you can do that too. And why would you want to only control a single soldier do that? Well, for one, it allows you to have that soldier scrounge on the ground for ammo, weapons, grenades etc...Or maybe you want him to run out and grab and use that MG42.... Madmatt
  15. Yeah, as Rune said, all the data you see in the screnshots recently (and that includes, weapons data, armor values, even wheter or not the unit SHOULD be included) is still very much under review by Battlefront. It's obvious to us that ToW was originally meant to cover far more than just the Eastern and Western European theaters, hence the fact that we still see units like the M3, M3A2 and Matilda listed, or the fact that the Tiger in the pic above is sporting a nice North African paint job. And thats fine, we know from our own experiences with the CM series that often times things are scaled back or cut from the developement and the old data is still left in the game code, to be used in the future possibly. The same is true here. Think of it as a bonus if you want, you get some extra vehicles and skins to play with for the same price. Madmatt
  16. September 22nd, 2006 Eastern Front Expansion for Down in Flames now on sale The wait is over, the new add-on expansion for the award winning Down in Flames game, is now available for sale. The Eastern Front Expansion adds 29 new planes (including for the first time, jets!), 2 new nations, new pilot and wingman skills, and over a dozen new campaigns along with new gameplay enhancements, customizable dogfights and greatly improved A.I. to fly against. As with most of our titles, you can choose to order the Eastern Front Expansion in a download version,or get the game shipped to you in the mail, or choose both mail and download delivery. In addition, we are also offering a special bundle pack that includes both the original Down in Flames game along with the Eastern Front Expansion together! See below for more details. Eastern Front Expansion Webpage Madmatt
  17. September 22nd, 2006 Eastern Front Expansion for Down in Flames now on sale The wait is over, the new add-on expansion for the award winning Down in Flames game, is now available for sale. The Eastern Front Expansion adds 29 new planes (including for the first time, jets!), 2 new nations, new pilot and wingman skills, and over a dozen new campaigns along with new gameplay enhancements, customizable dogfights and greatly improved A.I. to fly against. As with most of our titles, you can choose to order the Eastern Front Expansion in a download version,or get the game shipped to you in the mail, or choose both mail and download delivery. In addition, we are also offering a special bundle pack that includes both the original Down in Flames game along with the Eastern Front Expansion together! See below for more details. Eastern Front Expansion Webpage Madmatt
  18. p.s. I also fixed the typos on the USSR and United Kingdom pages. Madmatt
  19. Let me try as best I can to answser some of the comments and concerns here. Remember, ToW is not meant to be a sandbox *build your own battle* type simulation like Combat Mission. Rather, it features specific battles and situaitons and as such the unit mix is not as comprehensive as in CM. Now then, as to specific vehicles and units not pictured. Piat,yes its in, but the source material 1C sent me didn't have a picture of it, so its not shown in the gallery. In the game data there are many more types of small arms (different Panzerfaust types for instance) but again, I didn't get pics of them. There are also all sorts of grenades, and AT devices not listed, but that are in fact in the game. Mortars, we are still working on. The Boys ATR is in the game data itself, but we have told the designers that it should not be used by the US, just like the M3 tank. As to specific vehicles asked about, maybe a text list of units/guns would be nice? Here is what I pulled from some of the game data files. This list is by no means complete, so should be considered "non-final" or beta. This list also may have non-standard designations or names listed, that is because it came from a build of ToW prior to Battlefront's direct involvement. Panhard 178 (AMD 35) AMC P16 Mle.1929 Pzspw P204f SdKfz 222 SdKfz 232 8-rad SdKfz 250/1 alt SdKfz 251/1 Ausf.C SdKfz 251/1 Ausf.D Wz.34 BA-64 NKL-26 Daimler Mk.I M3A1 T17E1 Staghound M8 Canon de Campagne Mle.1897 PaK 35/36 L/45 PaK 38 L/60 PaK 40 L/46 PaK 43/41 L/71 Bofors Wz.36 Field Gun Wz.1897 45mm mod.1938 ZiS-2 ZiS-3 6 Pounder Mk.IV 25 Pounder Howitzer Mk.II Howitzer M2A1 M1 UNIC P107 BMW R75 Horch Type 830 Kubelwagen Typ 82 Opel Blitz (4 varients) Sd.Kfz.7 FIAT PF 508 FIAT PF 621 GAZ-67 GAZ-AAA GAZ-M1 NKL-16 Voroshilovetz ZiS-5 ZiS-5 CPM Ford FAT-2 Universal Carrier Mk.I Dodge WC-51 GMC-CCKW-353 Studebaker US6 Willys MB Blenheim Mk.IV Buffalo Mk.I Hawk 75A MS-406 Bf-109F Bf-110C Fi-156 Fw-190A Hs-129B P-11c Bomber P-11c Fighter P-11c Recon Il-2 1941 Late La-7 Pe-2 series 359 U-2VS Yak-1B Blenheim Mk.I Gladiator Mk.II Hurricane Mk.IIc Spitfire Mk.Vb P-38L P-47D P-51B Brummbar Elephant Ferdinand Hummel PzKpfw V Jagdpanther PzKpfw 38(t) Hetzer PzKpfw IV Jagdpanzer PzKpfw IV 70 Jagdpanzer Jagdtiger Nashorn StuG III Ausf.G StuG III Ausf.C/D StuG IV Wespe ISU-152 SU-100 SU-122 SU-76M SU-85 Archer M10 Gun Motor Carriage M36 Jackson Bataille Char B1 bis Hotchkiss H35 Renault AMR 35zt Renault FT-17 Renault R35 Somua S35 KlPzBfWg I Pz 35(t) Pz 38(t) Pz I Ausf.B Pz II Ausf.C Pz II Ausf.F Pz III Ausf.F Pz III Ausf.J Pz III Ausf.M Pz IV Ausf.C Pz IV Ausf.F2 Pz IV Ausf.H Pz V Panther Pz VI Tiger II Ausf.B Pz VI Tiger Ausf.E 7TP TKS TKS MG Vickers E dw Vickers E jw BT-7 mod.1936 BT-7A IS-2 KV-1 KV-2 T-26 T-27 T-34-85 T-34 mod.1941 T-34 mod.1943 T-40S T-60 T-70M A12 Matilda II Valentine II, Infantry Tank Mk. III A22F Churchill VII A27M Cromwell IV A30 Challenger I A34 Comet I M24 Chaffee M3 M4 Sherman M4A1 Sherman M4A2 Sherman M4A2 76W Sherman M4A3 76W Sherman M5A1 Stuart 13.2mm Hotchkiss 25mm Hotchkiss SA 34 37mm SA18 47mm SA35 L34 7.5mm Mle.1931 75mm Mle.1897 75mm SA35 L17 8mm Hotchkiss MAC-1924 MAS-1907 15 M16 MAS-36 MAS-36 sniper Mle.1935S 105mm leFH18M L/28 128mm PaK 44 L/55 150mm sFH18 1 L/30 150mm StuH 43 1 L/12 20mm Flak 38 20mm KwK 30 L/55 37mm Flak 36 37mm KwK 34t 37mm KwK 36 L/45 37mm KwK 38t 37mm PaK 35 36 50mm KwK 38 L/42 50mm KwK 39 L/60 50mm PaK 38 7.92mm MG-34 7.92mm MG-35t 7.92mm MG-37 7.92mm MG-42 75mm KwK 37 L/24 75mm KwK 40 L/43 75mm KwK 40 L/48 75mm KwK 42 L/70 75mm PaK 39 L/48 75mm PaK 40 75mm PaK 42 L/70 75mm StuK 37 L/24 75mm StuK 40 L/48 88mm KwK 36 L/56 88mm KwK 43 L/71 88mm PaK 43 1 L/71 88mm PaK 43 2 L/71 88mm PaK 43 3 L/71 88mm PaK 43 41 Faustpatrone 9mm Luger P-08 7.92mm Mauser K98k 7.92mm Mauser K98k sniper 7.92mm MG-34 7.92mm MG-42 9mm MP-40 Panzerfaust-100 Panzerfaust-30 Panzerfaust-60 Panzerschreck 7.92mm PzB-39 7.92mm StG-44 9mm Walter P-38 20mm FK wz38 37mm Bofors wz36 47mm Vickers QF 7.92mm Hotchkiss wz25 7.92mm wz30 75mm Field Gun wz97 7.92mm Kb ppanc wz35 7.92mm Kb wz98 7.92mm Kb wz98 PZO 7.92mm Rkm wz28 Browning 9mm Vis wz35 100mm D-10S 12.7mm DShK 121.9mm M-30 122mm D-25T 14.5mm AT Rifle 152.4mm M-10 152mm ML-20S 20mm ShVAK 20mm TNSh 37mm 61-K 45mm 20K 45mm AT 57mm ZIS-2 7.62mm DT 7.62mm Maxim 76.2mm F-32 76.2mm F-34 76.2mm KT-26 76.2mm ZIS-3 76.2mm ZIS-3Sh 85mm D-5S 85mm ZIS-S-53 7.62mm DP-27 7.62mm Mosin 7.62mm Mosin sniper 7.62mm PPD 7.62mm PPSh 7.62mm SVT-40 7.62mm SVT-40 sniper 7.62mm TT 20mm Oerlikon 40mm OQF Mk.IX 57mm 6 pdr Mk.IV .303 Bren .303 Vickers Mk.I .33 BESA 75mm Mk.V 76.2mm 17 pdr Mk.II 77mm Mk.V 77mm OQF Mk.II 87mm 25 pdr Mk.II .303 Bren Mk.I .303 Enfield No.2 Mk.I .303 Enfield No.4 Mk.I .303 Enfield No.4 Mk.I T PIAT .38 Sten Mk.II 105mm M2A1 Howitzer .50 M2 Browning .50 M2HB Browning 37mm M6 57mm M1 AT gun .30 M1919A4 Browning 75mm M3 75mm M6 76mm M1A1 76mm M7 90mm M3 Bazooka .30 M1918A2 Browning .30 M1919A6 Browning .45 M1911A1 Colt .30 M1 Garand .55 M37 Boys .45 M3A1 Grease Gun .30 M1903A4 Springfield .30 M1903A4 Springfield sniper .45 M1A1 Tompson Madmatt [ September 22, 2006, 05:47 PM: Message edited by: Madmatt ]
  20. September 14th, 2006 Unit Gallery and After Action Reports added An all new Theatre of War Unit Gallery has just been added to the website. View over 200 different tanks, armored cars, anti-tank guns, self propelled guns and more from the 6 different nations featured in the game. In addition to the Unit Gallery, we have also added a dedicated After Action Report area. Read through 4 exciting hands-on accounts from beta testers and members of the design team as they put the game through the paces. Theatre of War Unit Gallery Theatre of War After Action Reports Madmatt
  21. Today we added details on the 29 new planes added in the Expansion as well as info on 13 of the new campaigns. See for youself here: http://www.battlefront.com/products/eastern_front/index.html Madmatt
  22. Today we added details on the 29 new planes added in the Expansion as well as info on 13 of the new campaigns. See for youself here: http://www.battlefront.com/products/eastern_front/index.html Madmatt
  23. Making a batch file is as easy as opening notepad. Pasting in the statement I listed above, and saving it with the .bat extension. Thats all there is to it. Of course, you could just download this premade batch file I made for you. Put this in your T72 game folder and doubleclick it to run. ftp://ftp.battlefront.com/pub/misc/T72/cfg.bat Madmatt
  24. Hot on the heels of the recent v1.03 patch, we now have a v1.04 patch ready to roll out. This patch fixes about a dozen new issues and adds hundereds of different enhancements, tweaks and user suggestion to the original release. This 32 meg patch is all inclusive and includes all the fixes from the earlier v1.01, v1.02 and v1.03 patches. In addition, this patch includes two new user created utilities; a Map Generator and a Script Editor. MapGen.exe is a utility to create tile maps for Strategic Command 2 from a bitmap. This tile map can then be imported into the Strategic Command 2 Editor and used as a starting point for a new scenario. GAME ENGINE CHANGES - Fixed a game freeze "Thinking..." error (BDW) - Fixed an HQ purchase and renaming bug (Terif) - Fixed a bug where transports did not automatically unload when starting in port and without a plan (Edwin P.) - decreased the size of multiplayer save files, this should increase the transfer speed for E-mail and Network games (33-50% faster) - network games now allow the non-active player to scroll around the map, previously this was not possible - Fixed a bug with how the FREE UNIT script was handled, now units can only become Free if the alignment value of #TRANSFER_ID matches their current alignment. For example if Belgian units are set to become Free under the UK this will only happen if Belgium is Allied when it surrenders and not if they were Axis (Honch) EDITOR RELATED CHANGES - Fixed a PARTISAN script error that listed Irish partisans incorrectly for Norway (Winti) - Fixed a convoy path error from Iraq to the UK - Fixed a PLAN Garrison event error for the UK when attempting to Garrison Trondheim after an opportunity invasion - sped up script error processing when using the 'Update' button in the AI and Event script viewer dialogs - made some initial OOB adjustments to the 1944 campaign SAVE GAME COMPATABILITY NOTICE The v1.04 patch is NOT compatible with save games from v1.0, v1.01 or v1.02. It is compatible with v1.03 games. If you have current v1.0, v1.01 or v1.02 game in progress, please finish them before patching. [ View the full v1.04 Patch Changelog Here ] [ Download the Strategic Command 2 Blitzkrieg v1.04 Patch Here ] Madmatt
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