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Everything posted by Madmatt

  1. Guys, please check out this thread for a test fix. http://www.battlefront.com/discuss/ultimatebb.php?ubb=get_topic;f=66;t=000091 Madmatt
  2. Also, its important that EVERYONE selects the same speed setting, otherwise you can get very long load times and lag. Madmatt
  3. Okay, it looks like we fixed this issue. If anyone still gets a 501 error, FIRST make sure you are entering the code properly (some people reported a problem but were not typing the code right) and that doesnt work, then email us at elicense@battlefront.com Have a good weekend and enjoy the game! Madmatt
  4. Hey guys, I am working on a quickfix for you guys that have the Mission Editor problem. I hope to have some files for you to try early tomorrow. Please stand by and one way or the other we will get this sorted out. Madmatt
  5. I have elicense working on this issue this very moment. It appears to only have affected the codes for people that ordered the Download and Mail Delivery version. It looks like some sort of database corruption but the eLicense support team is on the case. I have the email addresses for all customers that ordered this version and the moment it's fixed I will email you directly! Madmatt
  6. Hello everyone. Seems that people that have purchased the game today (and last night) are encountering a problem when they try and license the game. They enter the code and get a message that the code is not valid or known and it lists a "Error Code: 501" type error. Apparently the eLicense Database/Server which stores those codes for the license system is corrupt, and is currently being worked on/rebuilt. Your license info is secure, so you dont have to worry about that, but since they are still working on the database you will apparently not be able to license your game until they complet this work. Right now is almots 10pm EST and its unlikely that this work will be complete before tomorrow. We understand and totally symphatize with your agravation and anxiety at the moment and are extemely upset ourselves by the level of service we have gotten today from the eLicense Staff. Thats probably little consolation for you at the moment but I wanted you to know that WHEN YOU GUYS GET MAD, WE GET MAD, and we are trying to get this all resolved. Unfortunately, this issue (and a few others related that have plagued this product rollout) is out of our direct control to fix but we are trying everything in our power (and a few things that aren't) to get this all working smoothly like it should have. We don't take the faith and trust you place in us lightly and appreicate the understanding, amazing patience and kind words you have expressed to us in email and here on the forums. We will get this fixed, and I will make sure that something like this never happens again on my watch! I am keeping track of everyone that has emailed us and their various issues. As we get things fixed, I will update this post and email people directly. Madmatt
  7. You can actually change this manually either by hand (altering the mission.xml file) or using the editor. Madmatt
  8. The Mission Editor can do this okay, but your better off (at least at first) learning it through modifying existing scenarios. The AI depends on a complex system of what are called "triggers" and rects and points to shape its "intelligence" and battle plans so your idea should work (with the AI controlling the MG-42) but i think by looking at how a complete battle is structured, you will learn how to shape yours. Madmatt
  9. Retrench, Looks like our pre-order emails didn't get received by a large batch of customers. You can just go to this page to begin your download: http://battlefront.elicense.com/download.asp Madmatt
  10. Some people are reporting that when they start the game and try and enter their license code, that it seems that the program hangs (locks up) on them. While we are working with eLicense to troubleshoot this issue, we have a workaround that will hopefully work for you. UPDATE: I have made up a new standalone patch file that will fix this issue without having to perform the steps below (although they still work). See my reply below for a link to the patch and infon on how to use it) Launch the game, the Theatre of War license screen should appear (the one with the M3 Lee firing). Click the License button. You should now see a Theatre of War - Install License Screen. Make sure that your license key is in the License Key feild (36 digits including dashes). Click the Get Off-line License button. On the next screen, use your mouse and highlight everything in the white panel. From the very top where it says, "INSTRUCTIONS FOR GETTING AN OFF-LINE LICENSE" all the way down to the bottom where it says "-----END LICENSE REQUEST-----" Now with all of that text highlighted (make sure you get that all of that top line, its easy to mis the first few letters!, right click with your mouse and select "Copy". Now, with that window still open, you will need to launch your internet browser. Doesnt matter which one (IE, Firefox, Opera, they all work fine.) Once your browser is open, please go to www.license.net Put you mouse in the big empty white box on that webpage and now right click and select "Paste" Once that whole feild is filled with the text, click the Generate Off-line License button. The page will refresh and you will see a message in green text which says: "YOUR OFF-LINE LICENSE HAS BEEN GENERATED BELOW:" Again use your mouse and highlight all of the text in the text window begining with "-----BEGIN LICENSE REQUEST----- and ending with "-----END LICENSE REQUEST-----" , scrolling all the way down so you get it all. Right click and select "Copy" Now, return back to the Theatre of War Request Off-Line License program window. Click the "Next" button. You should again see a big empty white feild in the middle of the screen. Put you mouse into the white area, right click and select "Paste". The text field should fill up with the text from your browser. Click the Complete Installation button. You should receive a message that your license is accepted. Madmatt [ May 18, 2007, 03:58 PM: Message edited by: Madmatt ]
  11. Here is the exact offline license procedure that worked for Andrew below, listed in easy (hopefully) to follow step by step instructions. this should be a good work-around for those people that are getting the "Frozen eLicense Window" problem. (the #501 error message issue is different though and is related to a database issue at elicense that they are working on fixing!) Launch the game, the Theatre of War license screen should appear (the one with the M3 Lee firing). Click the License button. You should now see a Theatre of War - Install License Screen. Make sure that your license key is in the License Key feild (36 digits including dashes). Click the Get Off-line License button. On the next screen, use your mouse and highlight everything in the white panel. From the very top where it says, "INSTRUCTIONS FOR GETTING AN OFF-LINE LICENSE" all the way down to the bottom where it says "-----END LICENSE REQUEST-----" Now with all of that text highlighted (make sure you get that all of that top line, its easy to mis the first few letters!, right click with your mouse and select "Copy". Now, with that window still open, you will need to launch your internet browser. Doesnt matter which one (IE, Firefox, Opera, they all work fine.) Once your browser is open, please go to www.license.net Put you mouse in the big empty white box on that webpage and now right click and select "Paste" Once that whole feild is filled with the text, click the Generate Off-line License button. The page will refresh and you will see a message in green text which says: "YOUR OFF-LINE LICENSE HAS BEEN GENERATED BELOW:" Again use your mouse and highlight all of the text in the text window begining with "-----BEGIN LICENSE REQUEST----- and ending with "-----END LICENSE REQUEST-----" , scrolling all the way down so you get it all. Right click and select "Copy"/ Now, return back to the Theatre of War Request Off-Line License program window. Click the "Next" button. You should again see a big empty white feild in the middle of the screen. Put you mouse into the white area, right click and select "Paste". The text field should fill up with the text from your browser. Click the Complete Installation button. You should receive a message that your license is accepted. Madmatt
  12. Tzazon, Did you try and use a download file manager program to grab the file? If not, then we strongly suggest using one as we have seen that due to the large size of the file, just using a browser may not work reliably. Early yesterday there were some complications with the file link that made using a File Manager more difficult than it should have been. Those issues have been cleared up. A download manager program should not only be more reliable and be able to resume halted connections but also be much faster. Chanss, I think the reason DE started to redownload your file when you clicked on it was that it wasn't really the actual file that you saw but just the "space" that DE was allocating for the download. I might be wrong but i have seen some download managers do that. We have added a link on the download page to the free program FlashGEt which seems to be working very well and is as just as fast as all the other Download programs available. Madmatt
  13. I am honestly too busy and tired to actually read through this post but i am sure of one thing, it is not in of itself directly related to any element of the game as a whole. As such it is off topic and am closing it down. Call it abuse of power, call it lack of sleep on my part, call it what you want, but I am locking this thread at last up as of right now. We are not saying you cant have a discenting opinion of this game, thats fine, we just ask that you try and keep ON TOPIC. When you start talking about business motivations (and again not saying anyone did) or talking about the state of the FORUM at large or about specific people and how they post, then you have gotten off the topic of the game and that is NOT permitted. Madmatt
  14. There is no zoom in or out in ToW. The mouse wheel should control camera elevation though. Madmatt
  15. I would have to say it is as I have never seen or heard anything similar to that. Madmatt
  16. Ehh..errr..ummm...thanks? Madmatt
  17. Getting people to volunteer voice samples is ALWAYS easy...getting people to volunteer GOOD voice samples...now thats tricky. But if anyone (of any nation) wants to offer up their voices, and they have GOOD recording equipment, a good speaking voice, and can record in a environment that sounds natural (i.e. no echo!!!!), then sure, email me at Matt@battlefront.com and I can send you a full voice script. If the quality is good, then it could go into a future ToW patch. Hell, if anyone can speak Arabic with a Syrian dialect wants to help with CMSF, you can volunteer for that as well! Madmatt
  18. Madmatt


    Of course, I believe its also detailed in the manual..You know the little peice of documentation that no one ever seems to read.... Madmatt
  19. Well, according to Martin, he did email everyone that ordered but its more than likely that the message got caught up people's Spam filters. I gotta teach that boy how to make his emails formatted so that doesn't happen so ofen. Madmatt
  20. Wolfseven, what probles are you having? Are you getting the security page constantly appearing or something else? Did you by chance "read" the Security page? We are trying to roll out some changes with our filehost anyway to help out people that have been having issues. Madmatt
  21. You guys that are reporting corrupted downloads, check to make the file is named properly. With some download managers, it might call the file something like default, or even dnldfile.php, even though it is really the "Theatre_of_War_Setup.exe". If you have a 1.78 gig file that has a different name, try renaming it to the above and see if that might do the trick. Madmatt
  22. Hey guys, we will be rolling out some changes on the file host hopefully before the end of the night that should help out people that are having these sorts of problems. Madmatt
  23. Hang on guys, we are going to make some changes with our filehost to hopefully better accomodate this for you. Madmatt
  24. Von Fauster, Please look over the DEP section of the elicense FAQ. It sounds like elicense is not launching: http://www.battlefront.com/elicense_faq.html#nothingappears
  25. Is it replicatable? An odd crash now and then is going to happen, although in my experience, ToW has been very stable, in single play at least. Madmatt
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