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Everything posted by aka_tom_w

  1. so you are telling us the new game looks like this? are you refering to manaSoft's FirePower? I am just curious -tom w
  2. um... I could be wrong but isn't that a bit like asking: "How do you know the light goes off when you close the frig door?" (it just does) but what do I know? :confused: -tom w [ August 31, 2005, 09:20 PM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]
  3. ....or you can give orders to half squads, teams or sharp shooters. Meaning the men in each squad will NOT be individuyally controled by the player. BUT they will be represented in a 1:1 fashion Unlike CMx1 ok? -tom w
  4. yes yes that feature would be very handy are you refering to "pre sets" to toggle or "tab" between specific user defined map views? yes that would be a VERY welcome addition to the UI -tom w
  5. that one seems to be still up in the air because no one really wants to know or agree to the fact that it may still be "Just one point" BUT that's all it might be until we hear otherwise or "there is some form of abstraction involved" but I don't know what they have in mind for this one???? :confused: :confused: -tom w
  6. NOW thats good thinking! Mord is the FIRST person in this thread to REMIND us that all the voice sounds and speech files are editable, so a player "could" make the game and the sounds a rude and profane as they want. (At least that is the way it used to work in CMx1) KISS Keep it simple stupid! Why didn't anyone else think of this? OH NO!! it would be FAR to easy to heap abuse and ridicule on the original poster and suggestion than to just say this: "Simple solution to this. Make your own speech files. Or find some online that are adequate." -tom w
  7. Peace man, you know like.... it was only a suggstion I will concede it is probably a good idea to make the game more "family friendly" than rude and profane. -tom w
  8. Oh come on! That's not fair, I have seen FMJ at LEAST 50 times! (well at least the first 20 mins of it anyway!) -tom w
  9. Now I am not talking about really graituitous profanity and swearing for profanity sake...just a little more "realism" in the profanity in the voices on the sound track? You know.... like Swearing and yelling in real life on the battlefield! I could be wrong but I am guessing most grunts in most battlefield situations know how to yell a few choice words. I am thinking of the kind of profanity one might expect in something like Full Metal Jacket which sounded like the right kind and the right amount of swearing to me (I am still chuckling whenever I think of the first 20 mins of that movie!) -tom w [ August 29, 2005, 03:00 PM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]
  10. Change: How about More profanity in the voices on the sound track? You know.... like Swearing and yelling in real life on the battlefield! -tom w
  11. Steve has addressed this issue. Somewhere sometime ago he admited they had an idea of how much % of the time and which % of the total number of players play against the AI (Solo play) At that time Steve told us that he figured MOST of the Players play against the AI (solo play) MOST of the time. (or something like that.) AND as such they would be trying to appeal and sell to that market demographic. Maybe someone else can find his post to that effect, it might even be in the Steve's recent CMx2 bones thread, but I don't think so... I would say they know how important a good AI opponent is and that they will strive to make the game work so the AI provides the player with a half decent challenge. With the addition of the things they have added to the scenario designer (hopefully ways to better program or "hint" the AI) I would suggest they are working HARD on makeing the AI opponent a real CHALLENGE for most players. (But I am only guessing) For me I would say of all the game I have played on CMBO CMBB and CMAK easlily %80 -%90 of those games are against the AI. (Sometime I wins and sometimes it beats me, but I like to think I win most of the time ) -tom w
  12. No terrain fog of war in CMx2 BUT it looks like they are thinking about it......
  13. I like the idea there there my be a field for "Balance Rating" or difficulty to win in the scenario line data in the scenario viewer.. It could be a difficulty rating but I would rather see something that would indicate the balance or the balance factor or something to give you some kind of idea of what was in the scenario before you try to play it. Same with some kind of note or notation that would indicate some battles are better played from this side or that side against the AI or they are design for human vs human play. I would like to know all that BEFORE I open up the scenario. Its not a bad suggestion. -tom w
  14. NOW that would be ground breaking Speed of sound modeled in the game? You see the BANG far away and depending on where the camera is and the distance from the "BANG" you would hear (in the computer speakers) the sound of the BANG sometime later... now just how hard would that be? -tom w
  15. If I may make a suggestion.... Please go back and play all the CMBO demo scenarios and take a look at what was FUN about them and WHY they had such a huge WOW factor associated with them. heck, maybe even propose a Demo scenario design competition? Chance Encounter was ONE HELLUVA good scenario Look at its replayability! it was duplicated and re-edited for CMBB and CMAK and Everyone played in EVERY variation of the CMx1 (CMBO CMBB CMAK) game engine! Chance Encouter was HUGE Please please give us something like the Fun and WOW of Chance Encounter as a Demo scenario. We don't need a whole lot of new or fancy units (just a few) we don't need a huge scenario just a few tanks and a few grunts and a handful of infantry based anti-tank weapons in a suitable environment where the infantry can launch the weapon, (what ever it is) and SMOKE the big ugly tank and reduce it to a pile of firey wreckage.... Please please give us a few demo scenarios that we can show to the NON- BFC faithful and use it to BLOW them away. Just a few free demo scenarios that say : "HEY! check me out! I'm the new kid on the block (sorry ) and you should take a good look at me because I am UNLIKE any computer war game you have ever seen!" (A few interesting "in game" surprises that the player TOTALLY would not expect sprinkled in here and there sure wouldn't hurt either ) please.... -tom w [ August 28, 2005, 07:54 AM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]
  16. it had to be done "Steve Responding to Whiners":
  17. This sounds GOOD to me ETO??? First game out the door (or some smaller sub section of ETO post D-day) Did anyone else catch this? HEDGE ROWS ARE coming to CMx2!!!! Beyond that I can't comment because we have not coded hedgerows or hedges yet. I expect that they can be damaged, along with walls and other forms of terrain.
  18. thanks for the clarification for my own personal curiosity I would like to see the AI play against its self and watch what happens I would think it would be fun for two players to set up units in a scenario and give them the first move orders and watch the AI handle the following turns until the conclusion of the battle (human hinted AI vs Human hinted AI) But that's just me.... -tom w
  19. The elegance and sheer simplicity of this idea suggestes it is DO-ABLE and perhaps relatively easy to code. Look at the idea and Steve's original proposition/bone again. I think it will add a more fun to the game AND he has already said (basically) "Don't Mess with it!" It sounds good to me JUST the way it is.... lets leave it be and SEE how it works in the game FIRST before we all try to "mod" it to what we think we want. -tom w [ August 27, 2005, 10:35 AM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]
  20. did Steve ever out and out say NO to Korea (like he did to the Cold War "potential" confllict) or is Korea still very much alive and possibly on the drawing board.... Korea was on his list was it not? YUP there it is NUMBER 3 on the list! this was the "off the top of his head" list from last May
  21. maybe sgtgoody (esq), could revisit this thread and tell us what he had in mind the first time. -tom w
  22. I too am bemused perhaps even More Befundled I think it "sounds" great (on paper, in a post you know what I mean), but I would like to understand it better see just exactly HOW it works in the game. BUT... it does sound like it has GREAT potential! -tom
  23. Gunslinger's pallete was PERFECT Gunslinger all the way! The thing about Gunslinger's mods was they looked GREAT on LCD's and laptops I think there is difference in the feel and tone and look of the colour between the CRT and the LCD Some folks here are WWII military grogs I hate to say it but I consider my self a colour calibration grog the colour pallete they go with should be viewed and tested on both CRT's and LCD's at different gamma settings. There should should be a note or disclaimer as to what gamma setting the moniter was set at when the colour was determined. Such as "This colour pallete is best viewed at gamma 1.6 and millions of colours (thousands I guess if they stick with 16 bit graphics) -tom w
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