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Everything posted by aka_tom_w

  1. I have been following this thread daily It would be my opinion that the features on this list WILL NOT Be in any CMBB patch, but they might be on "The List" for CMII the re-write which we might see 2.5 - 3 years from now ...... These are the BIG ONES for me in the re-write the NEW CMII engine possible new features like: * NO more Borg Spotting (Relative Spotting) * LOS & LOF blocked by LIVE AFV's (i.e. infantry have "some" cover behind live and dead vehicles that are not burning) * Same as above, vehicles and other units CANNOT shoot through other live or dead vehicles that are not burning * Full movie replay * Roster (for those would think they need it) * Multi-turreted vehicles like the Allied Grant and Lee * Amphibious units * Dynamic lighting effects now back to tweaks that might actually make it into the patch. The bug Gaylord Focker found yesterday (in this thread http://www.battlefront.com/cgi-bin/bbs/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=23;t=002171 ) should be looked at.... " Gaylord Focker Member Member # 9024 posted October 16, 2002 12:12 AM I was just playing a game where i had an anti-tank gun highlighted, simultaniously checking line of site with the units info window open. Since the info window was open i decided to click on kills while doing line of site, it brought up the kills screen, but then froze the game. I could still move my mouse but the clicking did nothing, could not click on a unit, could not click go, could not collect 200 dollars, hehe. Not a big deal to me at all, just felt like starting a post. --------------------" -tom w [ October 17, 2002, 07:43 AM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]
  2. Istill like this idea Hell! they have 2.5 years (3, if they push it) AND they have already done half the work. I say CM II: "The Whole Enchilada WWII" !!! (ok not the Pacific) Why not all of CMBO AND all of CMBB (units and terrain wise) and then add all of the Med, North Africa AND the early war years (German Blitzkrieg of Europe), and use the NEW CMII engine with new features like: * NO more Borg Spotting (Relative Spotting) * Full movie replay * Roster (for those would think they need it) * Multi-turreted vehicles like the Allied Grant and Lee * Amphibious units * Dynamic lighting effects What new (must have) features did I miss? oh oh AND AND don't forget this... Double the price to $75 US (since they already have us ALL hooked on the CM drug CMBO and CMBB were really just "starter" drugs, they will have not problem doubling their price for there next offering ) -tom w</font>
  3. Bug #1 YES if the power book sleeps and you playing CMBO or CMBB you have only one choice REBOOT. This issue never really bothered me all the much. Bug #2 ??Don't know Bug #3 in both CMBO and CMBB ALL aircraft are represented by a shadow and the noise of an aircraft passing over head. Perhaps you should check the manual to realize your expectations are beyond the ability of the game to show actual aircraft. BTW I play CMBO and the CMBB demo on the 400 mHz G3 mac laptop. -tom w
  4. That was a GREAT suggestion buy one and try it. All three of you pitch in. Order one copy Play it Try it Share it With one copy you can play TCP/IP head to head If the AI sucks so bad (which it surely does not) you think you did not get your money's worth then you can get some of your money back if you sell the game on E-Bay? So how about it??? Are you going to order a copy now? -tom w [ October 16, 2002, 10:37 PM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]
  5. If the tank has been hit and it is not burning it may or it may not be damaged, if it is damaged and the crew has decided to abandon, then there is a random time factor called the "Death Clock" which determines the random time between when the crew decides to bail and the enemy can see and KNOW the crew has bailed and the tank is dead. In between that time the enemy cannot KNOW for sure if the tank is dead or just playing dead, it could be shocked and idle but not damaged, the Death Clock makes sure the enemy cannot know until it sees smoke or the crew abandon the tank, whether the tank remains a threat or not, so JUST to be sure the TAC AI knows it must continue to fire on the "idle" tank until it sees the crew abandon or it sees the target on fire, during this time the death clock is ticking, when it expires the enemy then knows for SURE the tank is dead. I think that covers it. OK? -tom w [ October 16, 2002, 01:58 PM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]
  6. These look GREAT please keep up the good work and let us all know when and where they will be available for download? thanks! -tom w
  7. from this thread: http://www.battlefront.com/cgi-bin/bbs/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=23;t=000282 karch Member Member # 3292 posted September 03, 2002 06:25 PM From my understanding of when BFI was describing it, this is all part of making the "Death Clock" work. Again, this is my understanding and may be wrong. Once crews leave the tank, the computer knows it is truly knocked out. The enemy sees it too. Programming limitation, no way around that. Keeping the crew inside the tank even though we know it is KOd and the crew is leaving is the only way they could have the enemy not know it is being abandoned. Because there are still troops in the tank, it is not listed as dead and the AI or even you, may still target it to be safe. The downside/byproduct of this is the crew stays inside the tank longer possibly all getting KOd by a catastrophic explosion. I understand that there are only 2 options for vehicles. Manned/active and dead/abandoned/KOd If there were a 3rd option, abandoned by the enemy doesn't know it yet, that would be great, but I understood that it couldn't be done with the engine and that this is the closet thing that could be done. Given the option of having my troops too long abandoning a vehicle to increase the unknown variable compared to knowing instantly if any vehicle is KOd or abandoned, I'll take the new version. I love it. I rarely have any use for crews, so the few that get roasted because they were too slow due to the death clock will be more than offset by the increased realism of not knowing what vehicles are truly dead. karch Member Member # 3292 posted September 08, 2002 11:27 AM I'm sure I read that the delay you see has nothing to do with how long it really takes people to bail from tanks, but to add the feature of the enemy not knowing your tank is actually dead yet and still fire at it. Once thee tank is actually abandond, the enemy knows it and would never keep firing at it (one of the cool new features). It's the only way they could figure out to have the tank effectively knocked out but not have the enemy know it for sure. I really think this has nothing at all to do with how long it takes someone to climb out of a tank
  8. My self and a few others in CANADA pre-ordered CMBB and we are still waiting as well -tom w
  9. That makes sense. More than that I mean that is Right ON! especially this part: "You pay peanuts, you employ monkeys - as true in CMBB as it is in real life" he he very good. I am have only played the demo so to comment here may be inappropriate but I LOVE the Death Clock, because it ADDS to the fog of war because you can't REALLY know if that AFV is playing dead or if they are in fact bailing out unless you see them bail out or the thing is in fact actually burning (that one is obvious).Andreas points out that 88mm crew knows to switch targets if it gets apenetration because they KNOW what an 88 mm penetration can do to the enemy tank. The complaints in this thread about smal caliber AT guns pumping rounds into what seem like dead tanks, proves the death clock is working perfectly, because that smaller caliber AT crew CANNOT know that tank is dead or dying so to continue to fire at it is the right thing to do. As Andreas points out the solution to this is NOT to change the game BUT to deploy more AT guns close together in the form of a battery and deploy them wisely so they can all work together, or use smoke rounds or combine the AT defence the ATR's or your own AFV's and or tank hunter teams as a distraction to those enemy AFV's ganging up on your AT gun. I think (at least in the demo) the Death Clock works GREAT and it is one of the TRULY inovative features in CMBB!! -tom w [ October 16, 2002, 10:15 AM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]
  10. EFOW Good pics here: Originally posted by tar: http://www.battlefront.com/cgi-bin/bbs/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=23;t=000692 The weapons graphic continues to show the NUMBER and type of gun even when the other information about the size of the formation is not shown. See screenshot below: -tom [ October 16, 2002, 08:51 AM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]
  11. Bump can we mention the EFOW issue again as described (very nicely) in this thread: http://www.battlefront.com/cgi-bin/bbs/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=23;t=001939 thanks -tom w
  12. That's Pretty Damn Impressive!! Nice Job! are they avaialable yet?? where will they be posted/hosted? -tom w
  13. A hotrub in this thread?? AND a cold drink to go with it?? What have I been doing all night, well I'll tell ya, I've clearly been waisting my time playing CMBO! (still waiting for CMBB). :confused: THANKS for all the "in-thread" hospitality! Cheers! -tom w [ October 15, 2002, 09:48 PM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]
  14. Ouch! That on top of the exhange rate and the shipping makes each game cost close to $100.00 cnd. The amount billed to my credit card was almost $85.00 cnd BEFORE the duty police take their cut when it comes across the border. But we must thank BTS for the little green sticker that says it is a $5.00 GIFT of software! that is VERY generous (when it works, he he) -tom w [ October 15, 2002, 04:49 PM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]
  15. I'm sure (from personal experience) that he is VERY busy dealing with grumpy Canadians who pre-orderd CMBB and who HAVE NOT received their game yet! I suspect he is dealing with plenty of OTHER problems with defective disks (PC disks that is he he). Matt has been VERY helpful with regard to my missing CD. You can see I am A HUGE fan of his by my signature file -tom w
  16. I recently played the ASL Stoumont Scenario (its at the scenario depot and it is VERY GOOD I don't know how historically accurate it was but ti was a GREAT scenario to play! THere are several KG peiper scenario's out there and there is a FULL blown Peiper Operation. Good luck -tom w
  17. Hi How much duty (extortion tax) did they make you pay? -tom w
  18. That would be GREAT but my guess is it will not be the forth coming patch. I think we will be lucky to see topo maps in CMII the Re-write 2.5 (?) years from now. -tom w
  19. Maybe in the patch? where is that thread "What should be in the Patch??" perhaps this suggestion should be added to that thread as BFC and Steve was following it and posting there. -tom w
  20. "Looks like it not only has to be the final file, but you must also copy the file into the Quick Battle Maps file in order for it to work." who knows a bit more about how to do this? is it documented in the manual anywhere? (pg #'s ?? :confused: ) Please don't tell me to RTFM because I pre-ordered the game and I am STILL waiting for it. -tom w
  21. Ok I like a good mystery too! I agree with Treeburst and the folks you say knokcing out two tanks with one round in CMBB is impossible (At least we all suspect it is impossible based on the way these things work in CMBO) However, I am at a complete loss to explain: "The Panther got credit for two kills btw." but if there was more than one shooter then we don't need to ask the warren commision to re-invent the magic bullet theory. :eek: -tom w
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