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Everything posted by aka_tom_w

  1. sneaking to exhaustion seems to be an issue for some folks. This post from cribtop gamer made the most sense to me, good tips and good tactics... I understand that there are only 3 things you need to know about moving your inf in the open SUPRESSION SUPRESSION SUPRESSION Cribtop Gamer Member Member # 6225 "The real trick is to never get to the point where you are pinned down in the first place. A pinned unit in the open was a dead unit according to everything I have read. Quick tactics: 1) Do NOT try to cross open ground until you have won fire superiority and suppressed the enemy. How do you do this? Use a forward screening element. You should never be in a position where the main body of even one of your platoons is exposed to fire from hidden enemies. It WILL happen sometimes because your enemy will ambush you, but not very often if you play it right. 2) As someone said - do NOT try to finish an enemy by closing to hand to hand combat range. Work yourself into grenade range and open fire with more dudes than he's got. Use whatever cover there is and attack from more than one angle. I am frustrated that BTS may dial down the realism too far to please those who are unsatisfied. This game's infantry model rules. I am just as frustrated as anyone when troops don't go to the nearest cover available, but that is the ONLY thing I would change. Really, unless I am on a totally open steppe, I almost guarantee I can take out an MG 42 with 2 squads of regular Russian infantry. Seriously, do it just like they did in that scene in SPR (except use cover better than they did). You will soon discover why infantry squads were needed to protect MG positions. This wasn't supposed to be a flame or a rant, but really, if you are getting pinned you are moving through the open with too many men and/or trying to make an assault down to hand to hand range. Don't make these mistakes and move more slowly. My only complaint is that often times CMBB scenarios have time limits designed for the over-robust infantry model of CMBO." Thanks to Steve for starting a new thread. It is important to remain positive and constructive to effect change in a positive direction . -tom w [ November 19, 2002, 02:54 PM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]
  2. Not to worry, watering down realism to please a minority of players has never and will never happen The truth is that there is some room for tweaking, but we feel that the people who are expecting 1.01 to fix the "problems" they see with 1.00 will be disapointed. Nearly all of the people that have voiced concern/complaints thus far look like they are having problems because they are getting their troops into situations they never should get into in the first place. In real life even a Green unit wouldn't get into the position that some gamer's order their guys into. Then they complain that the system is broken and not their tactics because "no real unit would ever do this or that". Our answer is "no real unit would ever let themselves get into such a situation to begin with, so how can you judge the realism of what CMBB does?" This is akin to saying "I managed to get my Panther upside down and was frustrated that I couldn't swivel the hull around to face a threat. BTS got it wrong! Fix it or do somefink". Our response to such a complaint is to point out that one is not supposed to put a Panther upside down. Steve</font>
  3. It would be my guess that this is/was intentional All those years of posting.. "Play Green Troops- The secret realism of CMBO" has paid off. I would guess the official explanation of this observation is that it is not a bug but was in fact designed that way to be realistic BUT that is just IMHO -tom w [ November 17, 2002, 11:46 PM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]
  4. can't you just turn "Ambient Sound Off" Maybe I am confused but I thought shift "S" toggled three states Sound Off Sound On Ambient Sound On Sound on with no ambient sound means NO BIRDS does it not? -tom w
  5. can someone post a direct link to the review? I can't find the review or see the video :confused: has anyone seen the video yet? does the link work and where is the review that I can read, I can't seem to see it anywhere either thanks -tom w
  6. vehicle moral I think it is GREAT that vehicle crews sometimes break and get scared and run away like infantry ! Thats COOL! -tom w
  7. that might sound like a problem but don't forget there is now tank crew moral to worry about! have you seen your crews get scared and run away? they do that too now and partial penetrations and penetrations by small calibre rounds are now something that may not make the crew bail out right away, as they are unlikely to K-Kill the tank with one hit or penetration. BUT you can be sure they are taking a toll on the moral check and maybe the crew will break and run away if they get scared. Tank Crew moral is one of the most under appreciated features of the new and wonderous world of CMBB IMHO ! -tom w
  8. Did it drive the 60km off-road without tracks and a broken suspension? Wow! Btw. What soviet weapon fires 5.2 cm projectiles?</font>
  9. I'm sorry :confused: I don't understand how the patch will help this issue?? What will the patch to do make this situation better? -tom w
  10. Recon by fire? recon by Arty? snipers as recon? use tank hunter teams as recon? half squads as recon? as mentioned above use an SP or tank to pump a few HE rounds into the suspected area. in all the games I have played I have never run out of HE in tanks so why not "waste" a minutes worth of rounds to recon by fire the area you suspect? -tom w
  11. it would be if you could get past the .exe that he packed it with there is some winace .exe thingy that is a compression method that the mac users have not got past yet I have the mod downloaded on a MAC and plan to move the file to a PC run the .exe to extract it then put it back on a mac its the .exe excuteable in the compression that is not mac compatible thats all -tom w
  12. FOR sure! its not all about LOS its about spotting! The AT rifle team in the woods is a great example It has clear los to the tank but the buttoned tank has no idea where the rounds are coming from so it is not "just" a matter of reciprocal LOS. As MikeyD mentioned stealth bonus and binoculars could be factors in spotting as well -tom w
  13. Yes thanks! e-mail reply sent much appreciated! -tom w [ November 13, 2002, 12:16 PM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]
  14. Well, yes, I'll do with that, but isn't this a more complicated and risky way of "sneaking" ? I mean, I can get plastered by enemies just outside my cover arc without returning fire nor moving back ! :eek: Why was the old "sneak" not kept, and "crawl" renamed in a misleading way ? :confused: </font>
  15. That should be a VERY welcome fix and it should provide great flexibility for the player. If Move to Contact is like sneak (being that is it supposed to be "sort of" Stealthy) then the MTC with the Cover arc that prevents units from stopping if the contact is outside the cover arc "should" be the PERFECT solution. No :confused: ?? Looks like the patch is in the testing stage now as Rune seems to imply in the latest peng challenge thread . -tom w [ November 13, 2002, 12:00 PM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]
  16. Sorry for the public service announcement in prime time bandwidth BUT I have been recovering from a HD crash and have had no e-mail for the past day. I maybe with web and e-mail access at home for a few days until the HD in the laptop is raplaced. for now this thread is like the only e-mail I have. I can't play at home (No laptop) and I can't play at work (obvious reasons) so I am out of touch with my PBEM opponent and out of touch with the game. So this is what withdrawl symptoms feel like ahhhh :eek: yuck! MUST get laptop fixed ASAP (we are waiting on parts.... ) sorry for the O/T interuption Can someone tell me Elvis' member number and his e-mail address I can't find either of them now ??? thanks -tom w [ November 13, 2002, 11:50 AM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]
  17. Add my name to the list of folks using Jaguar (OSX 10.2) If not for CM I would be using it ALL the time. The only other "sticky" problem for OSX is Quark, it still is not worth trying to run in classic. So Quark is trying to get their act together too and offer an OSX version. some folks are optimistic for late this summer but to my knowledge there has been no official announcement. If CMBB would run in OSX that would be a REALLY big deal for some of us. oh welll I think it is mostly out of the question -tom w
  18. Oh ! I like that one its almost as good as: "Strategy is buying a bottle of fine wine when you take a lady out for dinner. Tactics is getting her to drink it. (Frank Muir)" (Just for fun) -tom w
  19. Roger that Pud! I still like the fun factor in CMBO, if Bro, JD did not play CMBO he should buy that first if he is worried about the cost as it is cheaper. AND Hell Yes! play the CMBO demo too! -tom w
  20. Yes, vehicles can and will move off-map due to morale problems. However they seem to be MUCH less likely to do so than infantry. I think someone (aka_tom?) posted about how the AI replotted a vehicle of his in a traffic jam off-map (morale of the story, unless fixed stay away from the edge ).</font>
  21. Oh yes! My Friend Brad called them 6-sided-demons! The sound of dice rolling/rattling should be a .wav file playing during the "crunch" when the blue line shows the turn calculation.... ah the sound of dice rolling! Thats what Combat Mission is missing! -tom w [ November 10, 2002, 10:52 PM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]
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