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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by BFCElvis

  1. Without getting toooooooooooo specific......No, there will not be a Canadian campaign. And, there will be a more battles than mentioned in the pre-order announcement (the extra time was good in that way).
  2. There is absolutely nothing wrong with seeing the games this way. I can even relate based on one of the very few non-CM games that I play. For xmas a couple of years ago I got the kids an Xbox. It came with Madden '18 because that was about the only game that held any interest for me. One of my best buds talked me into spending $60 for Madden '19. I was resistant because I didn't see much difference or value. I only did it because when he got his he traded in his '18 so that he could get '19 cheaper and if I didn't get '19 we couldn't play head to head anymore. I noticed almost no difference in the games. He then did it again for Madden '20. This time I didn't get the new one.....we played head to head so little I didn't see the value. BUT there are people chomping at the bit for the changes from '18 to '19 and '19 to '20. I don't play deep enough to feel any need for them myself but some people do. CMx2 games are very similar in that way. For me, there is a HUGE difference between Shermans fighting around hedgerows and T34s rolling across the Steppes. Or waging war between June and October 1944 and fighting through deep snow in January 1945. Or using all of the cool tankettes in CMFI. They present not just a visual difference in the game but different tactical problems to solve/deal with. But I have no problem understanding that for some people they all come down to the same, tactical level war simulations. And everything else is aesthetics and window dressing. I get it and it's cool. We just appreciate that there is some form of the game that you enjoy.
  3. This year I have spent more time on the forums than I had for many many many years, as it's now part of my job. Frankly, I had expected more calling out of fanbois and haters and trolls. I have found refreshingly far fewer than I had expected. Sure, you get the disagreements about things from time to time but I've found both "haters" and fanbois" to be respectful and stay on their point for nearly every conversation. On the "outer boards" I had heard rumblings about critics of the games being shouted down but the reality doesn't seem to be true. Certainly, supporters will respond, often by repeating things that have been been hashed and rehashed many times before, but they seem to do it in a respectful way. The receiver may not like the answer that they get but they are getting it from well meaning people. Likewise, people who are critical normally will post their opinions in a friendly and sincere way. From a moderator point of view I have had to do close to nothing other than block spammers. And the few times that things do flare up it is almost never the Us vs Them kind of disagreement that does it...it tends to be more general personality differences.
  4. Steve checked the link on the website and is seeing what I'm seeing. If anyone can't download the campaign through that please open a Help Desk ticket and I'll get you the campaign through a different method. He saw what I did when creating the link in this thread gave me some advise about changing it....which I've done. So, you can try that as well.
  5. Interesting and weird. I'm not signed into the website....only the forum...and the links (both on the website and the OP here) continue to work. I'll ask the guy (Steve) who worked on the site before I took it over to see if he has any possible insight.
  6. The air assets added to Rome to Victory is Focke-Wulfe 190F8, P-47D Thunderbolt Fighter Bomber , P-51B Mustang Fighter Bomber and P-51D Mustang Fighter Bomber
  7. The absolute moment that I hit Submit on my reply I realized that. I also realized that....man, I have a lot of open browser windows. I am one multi-tasking mofo. I suppose it is though. They are 2 Rome stand alones battles that were being prepped for final shipment to HQ. I won't get into the details about either battle other than to say that Brummbar is a very cool battle that presents a very interesting problem. And Mort may be the oldest battle that went into development. If i told you when the 1st version was created your head would explode.
  8. Thanks. YIKES that's some link you sent me. You don't even have to click on it to know it ain't going anywhere. It may mean clearing out your cache or somefink like that. Here's the URL that I get when I click on it: https://battlefront.sharefile.com/share/view/s7d76501e23a4e608/fof9f423-8c9f-4494-82e5-704ab8a27de7 Which doesn't look anything like the one you sent me.
  9. HHmmm...It's still working fine for me. HAve you tried using a different browser? Can you copy/paste the URL that the link goes to and send it to me?
  10. Correct. There is an old (banned but not for this) forum member who used to track the time from pre-orders opening until release. And that is what he found...I haven't look up his talley but my memory was that it was usually 6 weeks. For those that are interested in this kind of thing it should serve as an example of how unusual this is.
  11. Didn't I ask everyone to chill? That's what I meant by "why doesn't every play nice." Gonna shut this one down for a bit.
  12. Indeed. This has gone off the rails fast and it isn't a thread that I want to lock up. So, why doesn't every play nice. Correct. Something like Fire and Rubble. Which is the official and not changing name of the module.
  13. This is something that I think that I will take your advice on when the CMRT module pre-sales open. Best not to put any estimate for release in the pre-order. Giving our best estimate has turned out to be more trouble than it is worth. As far as "transparency and communication", I think this comment holds no water. Both Steve and myself have frequently commented about some of the hurdles that this module has put in front of us. We've both stated what is actually going on. Hard to be more transparent than that unless you think that we are making them up and something else is going on. And if communicating the exact same thing on a daily basis is what you're looking for then you're unlikely to get that. Once it's communicated it doesn't need to be repeated every day......or even weekly...or monthly. Who wants posts that say "ya know X, Y and Z that we said are slowing things down? They still are." every day, week...month? For what it's worth, and without getting too deep into someone's personal life/situation, one of the key people in the project has had difficulty in recent times because they are in the area of the California wildfires and have had issues with having electricity. Those in the States are probably familiar with what is going on out there but people outside of the US may not be aware of it.
  14. No worries and thanks. You and I have been around these parts for a very very long time.
  15. This isn't a thread that I'd like to lock down. So, please keep the political stuff out. OK?
  16. I felt it deserved it's own thread, rather than get lost in an older one.
  17. Some of you might have noticed we changed the name for the upcoming Red Thunder module. You might wonder, “gee… why did they do that?!?”. No, it doesn’t have to do with aliens or the Illuminati. The more mundane reason is that we selected a name that has a potential copyright conflict which, at first, we didn’t think was significant enough to nix the name. However, on second thought the publisher of that long ago, totally different, game is still around and probably has more lawyers on staff than Battlefront has ever had staff. Feeling confident about our chances of defending against a challenge means nothing if we don’t want to spend the money and effort to distract us from virtual battlefields into legal warfare. That’s in nobody’s interests (expect the lawyers involved). After thinking about it some we decided it was better to simply go with a different name. It’s the only sensible thing to do. Excepting our decision to keep making wargames, we are very sensible people
  18. Again, it in no way was meant to be a formal announcement. A proper announcement will be on the home page and include a link to the modules own pages where more in depth screenshot galeries and the TO&E list etc will be. This was meant to be fun. I originally didn't want any units to appear in any screenshot expect for the tanks firing at each other at night. But Ben's picture with the windmill looked really nice and the landscape, rather than the men, are the focus of the shot. Releasing these was an aesthetic thing more than an informational thing.
  19. They set me on fire. Ben started putting them up and I was "wowed ".....big time. To the point where I started poking HQ about posting a bonette, since it isn't official announcement time yet. I thought they brilliantly set the mood. But, just because it rocked my boat doesn't mean it had to rock everyone's.
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