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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by BFCElvis

  1. I was only joking with you. It's internet speak for "read the f****** manual". The credits page of the manuals list not just the number of people but their names.
  2. No. Because that possible last Beta hasn't arrived yet. And there is no guarantee it will be the last once it does.
  3. Really? When I was writing that up I almost said that I remember one of the releases was hours, not days or weeks. But I couldn't recall if it really went down that way or if it just my perception. I guess it really did go down that way.
  4. Sure. Let's break tradition a bit. Let's pull back the curtain some and talk about the release process and I'll tell you where we are in that process. As things go along we get "Beta Builds" . These get piled onto a testers existing installation. Once we feel that everything that is going into the game is in the game an installer version is created as either a RC or FC version (release candidate and final candidate). I've seen anywhere from 1 to 5 of these. More commonly "a couple two tree" as we say in Philly. The only thing that stops these from being released is something show stopping. These are as much to test the installers as they are to test the game. Going back to CMSF1 and through every game I have seen this last phase take a day or 2 and I've seen it take a couple of weeks. Depends if any showstoppers are found. That's the process. So, where are we in that process? Ben and I were asked by HQ the other day if we felt that the next Beta build would be enough to move onto an RC version. We both said yes. I believe that when the first FC/RC version for Rome to Victory was available to test is when I first said that we were "very" close with Rome to Victory. That was when I felt comfortable saying "very". So, if anyone feels like going back through those threads it'll give you an idea of how long it was from first FC/RC to release on that title.
  5. Too late. Sorry, mate. Heck, I do the Help Desk on Christmas....so I wouldn't rule out any date.
  6. I don't mind releasing on a weekend if it's ready. I consider this is a 24/7 365 job. I would rather release it the moment that it is ready than hang onto it over a weekend. I also like the idea of Monday through Friday people getting something on the weekend but I wouldn't hold something until the weekend for that reason either. The short answer, if it's ready on a weekend it'll be released on a weekend.
  7. No doubt those guys bring 1,000s of eyes to the games. Then there are guys like this that bring 10s of thousands of viewers: And this guy. (super nice guy too) He has over half a million followers and sometimes gets over 100,000 views on a Combat Mission video, like this one. You can't beat 100,000 people hearing the first 2 minutes of this video:
  8. Yeah. Much larger potential audience. Like the difference between offering your book only at the local bookstore compared to offering your book on Amazon kinda difference. Just having your book on Amazon doesn't mean anyone is going to see it. That's where Slitherine comes into play. They get you noticed.........It's what they do.
  9. Unlike Cold War, Fire and Rubble will not be simultaneously released on Steam.
  10. I can dig it. And having having played nearly all of it...you do. And being inside and running out of things do....I can dig that too. I had said (what seems like a million years ago now) that there was 1 more piece that would get us past the 95% done point. We got that a week and a half ago. It's mop up time now.
  11. One is being released along with a 3rd party. One isn't. New products released through Steam require different steps than products released only by us. There is a product approval process with Steam. There is planned marketing by the 3rd party that they need to know when work needs to be ready. Cold War had reached a point in it's development where a commitment on a realease date could to be made. For both the Slitherine marketing department and for Steam. Now we have to hit that commitment and still deliver the quality that we strive for with every release. I hope that explains it and is candid enough.
  12. Hee hee.....unfortunately, that isn't as easy of a question as Gisha's.
  13. He asked a question about a possible scenario, I answered it. Easy peasy.
  14. Something like this?: FR Snow for the Hungry Historical Date: January 30, 1945 Conditions: Snow with Blizzard conditions Location: Near Jaskeim East Prussia along the Baltic Coast Backstory: Konigsberg has just been encircled and the German navy has officially begun Operation Hannibal for evacuation of German civilians in East Prussia. Gross Deutschland organized all of its remaining armor and APC infantry to attack East along the Baltic coast and relieve the encircled soldiers and civilians trapped in Konigsberg. That is one that @ASL Veteran has made.
  15. We're sliding on that slope again, folks. This is a thread that I have o intention of locking. I'd rather not give vacations.
  16. Please stay away from personal attacks. Not end of the world insulting but enough to ask you to not do it. OK?
  17. Yeah....That's a good question. We're getting really close to the edge here. If this is a thread about "Hey look! Here's a video showing lot of WW2 tanks rolling down the street. It's kinda cool to see them moving around.....even if it is just a parade" then we're good. If it keeps sliding down the slippery slope that we're starting to see it slide down......that ain't as good.
  18. Yeah. The art work is complete and, barring a bug, the next build I'll be able to post full pictures. It's a simple fix. The naming conventions used for the art and the naming conventions the game was looking for were different. The fix was simply renaming the artwork files to match what the game is looking for. It isn't a situation like the mapping problem we had with the Sikh turbans.......That was a nightmare.
  19. Yup. They are not quite fully camera ready yet. Once they are I'll post a lot more.
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