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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by BFCElvis

  1. It is a downside to the Matrix tournaments. If you look at other tournaments you'll see that there is always a number of players who don't show up after signing on (this is the one right next to our: https://www.matrixgames.com/tournaments/scores/857). The back end system allows for use to award points automatically if someone drops out. So, everyone should receive some points when the round is over. Not as much fun but it's somefink. Hopefully the 2nd round will get you a more accurate opponent.
  2. It sounds like your opponent didn't read the instructions and play their initial Red turn.
  3. We're far enough in where it isn't a secret............I unloaded almost everyone and set them up watching across the valley. After a couple of turns of that I started moving men forward. But there wasn't much I did in setup.
  4. People like you are who I am scared to death to get matched up with. Imma gonna guess that you would slaughter me. I think that I may have spent 10 minutes on each battle setting up.
  5. No, I'm sorry but you can't. The PBEM++ files reside on the Slitherine servers. A saved game is stored locally on your computer. There isn't a way to mash them together.
  6. No need to wait. The turn is there. Login and you'll see it. That is what connects you to the Matrix server so that the turn(s) can be displayed.
  7. You should get emails notifying you when the turns have been sent. If you haven't gotten any, check your spam folder.
  8. Go into here: Then use the dropdown menu to select this: You will have a file waiting for you, right now, when you do. Possibly 2 if RooksAndKings has already played their first file.
  9. I don't know them either. You should have your first turn in your In Progress box. When it starts every player gets at least that. Once you've played that your opponent will have 2 turns waiting for them. But you definitely have 1 now.....Although it is only setting up the Red password that you don't even need.
  10. I spoke too soon!!!!!!! I was able to add you back! In the back end system I can see a list of players. Everyone had a green box with an X in it except you. I clicked on the box and BOOM. You're in again!
  11. It looks like you may have and no, there isn't any mechanism for adding players once things have started. I saw that red Leave button too and resisted clicking until it changed to Scores I don't see any reason why not. Maybe not in some official way but I can definitely see putting them up...maybe in this thread even. Neither of the new battles have AI orders. So, they would be for H2H play only. It looks like I got @George MC for the 1st round.
  12. 15 minutes until start time! I wonder who will be the lucky one that draws me and gets the easy win.
  13. The best ways to reach me are either direct message on the forum or opening a Help Desk ticket. Both generate emails and getting my attention. I'm also happy to PM you my direct email address, if you'd prefer. The download links are in the confirmation emails (sent immediately) and in your account, once the order has been processed. If you don't see a confirmation email the email probably went into your spam folder. If the above doesn't help, send me a PM or open a Help Desk ticket so that I can use your real world information to look up your order.
  14. I found your account using your forum email address and unlocked it. I see the failed purchase attempt. Try using the PayPal method. I've found that helps sometimes when multiple attempts fail when they shouldn't: https://battlefront.mojohelpdesk.com/help/article/127863
  15. Yup. 33 days per round. That means that the first 2 round there will need to be a few days where the players play more than 1 turn. But it's basically a 1 turn a day pace.
  16. Thanks. Is it for any PBEM or this 1 specific battle?
  17. Sure, open a ticket and I can get more information from you and run it up the chain of command. Thanks for yanking the mods and trying it. Right now, it definitely appears to be somefink specific to your system.
  18. We are pleased to announce the first Combat Mission Cold War full Tournament! The Tournament will begin Wednesday December 21st at 5pm GMT. You can join the Tournament anytime between now and when it begins. This Tournament will feature 3 rounds with 3 different scenarios. 2 of these scenarios are new and have been created specifically for this Tournament. Round 1: Jazreel Junction : Is a 35 minute meeting engagement at the Company Team level US vs Soviet June 1979 Round 2: All Quiet On The Eastern Front Tournament: Is a medium sized 35 minute meeting engagement set on 6th September 1981 between Soviet FSE and US task force advancing to contact. Round 3: Hunter and Prey: Is a small 30 minute battle. It is a Soviet armor attack on a US convoy Before joining the tournament, please take a moment and carefully read these instructions that are specific to all Combat Mission Tournaments!!! - Because of the way that Combat Mission’s original “play by email” system works, both game files have an in game field for password protection of the file. This field should be left blank. For the US side the password has been selected before the battles were sent and that field is to be left blank. You can use a password for the Russian side but it isn’t needed because the Tournament feature handles protection from cheating without using the in game system. - The Tournament will have you playing 2 individual battles where you are playing both sides of the same battle. If you get into the game before your opponent, you will see 1 game turn to play. If your opponent has gotten there first then you will see 2 turn files and each turn thereafter should have 2 files. - Once a tournament begins you will receive the files in the "Saved Game and PBEM" drop menu under Automated PBEM++ In Progress. You will receive email notifications when your opponent has sent you turns. - You will need a Matrix user name and password to play any tournament (or PBEM++ battle). If you don't have one already you can get one here: https://www.matrixgames.com/login Sign up now either through the game or here
  19. As I said, I have seen mods do all sorts of wild things. Even, as my last post says "Things you would never expect were related. " That said, if you want to take a deeper dive let's open a Help Desk ticket and see if we can sort this out. Especially if removing the mods doesn't clear it up. Happy to help any way I can. No. Not yet anyway. The next one will as it will contain PBEM++ and the tournament feature. But nothing in the v2.12 PBEM was touched that I am aware of.
  20. That was my first thought when I saw the screenshots. Over the years I have seen all manner of odd things happen from mods. Things you would never expect were related. It took a while of trying to figure out an issue before I would start with "remove all mods" and, when that fixed more problems than it didn't, it because my opening suggestions.
  21. If you're unable to create a Help Desk ticket, please send me a private message so I can ask you things I don't want to ask on the forum. Like sending me your Commonwealth key.
  22. At the risk of dragging this topic well past it's expiration date (because what is being asked will never ever ever ever never ever ever ever never never never happen and the design decisions for that were made loooooooooooooooooooong before I was even a beta testers, let alone on the payroll) when you start getting into new models and units that is whole different thing. That involves 3D artists, 2D artists and animators. And that is before even getting into the physics of what is being rendered. A player created Pack? Sure. But a base game or module? I'm not sure that people appreciate what goes into that. It's been 22 years since CMBO was released. So, if releases were slow in the past 9 years think about how little was released in the 12 years before. CMBO/CMBB/CMAK, CMSF1 and CMBN? Yet, here we are. Other similar war game companies have come and gone during that time. But we're still going strong. Would everyone love it if we released titles more quickly? Of course, we're not a non-profit organization. But what standing the test of time has shown me is that the business decisions made over the years have been sound and deliberate. In other words.....They've worked. You and I are living proof. If we didn't care Battlefront would be gone. But we do care. It does matter to you and I. You're probably not aware but that is exactly what is happening. benpark "made" the Fire and Rubble module. The_Capt, Bil and IICptMillerII "made" Cold War. GeorgeMC "made" the new Red Thunder Pack and Itahikial_AU is making the new CMBN Battle Pack. It is already being done and has been for years.
  23. Correct. And where in there did I say no one would create accurate mods? Nowhere. Because i didn't. That is where the strawman lives. But nice effort to put words in my mouth that I never said.
  24. No one (at least not me) ever said that people couldn't "reproduce correct, quality content". What I said was that there would be people that created Frankenunits/tanks/guns/etc. We want no parts of that and will not be party to it. (Nice strawman attempt though.)
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