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Everything posted by BFCElvis

  1. I think I was misunderstood. I understand that in a "battle" the clearing of a field is out. But in a multi-battle "operation" can they be cleared during the "down time between battles". If it still not within the scope of the game that is fine. I'm just asking.
  2. Matt-I LOVE the work you guys are doing at CMHQ so don't take the following comment the wrong way. Foofighter-That front page looks GREAT!!!! Colin-I keep waiting for more Peng AAR updates on you site. Is it because he is spanking you as bad as I am spankin SS
  3. You would think that the time an operation covers would allow for the clearing of minefileds. But I have no idea how big these minefields might be. Are they so small that once you have cleared out an area they only are a little bit of a pain to get around, like a pond or something. Or will they cover large areas and really make it affect you entry of units? But please do NOTHING that would delay the game because some lame brain (ME). Thanks for the quick reply. [This message has been edited by Elvis (edited 01-24-2000).]
  4. Steve, I understand about not clearing minefields in a battle but how about in an operation? Where it might span a day or two. Would you be bringing in reinforocements through minefields that the front line has already gone past?
  5. SS you have been hiding. While you taunt the poor helpless sorryass Peng you have yet to send me your email. I will take this to mean you once again surrender. I am willing to discuss the terms of your surrender. Expect no mercy.
  6. One makes their on luck SS. By being in a postion to exploit situations. You really have to stop your complaining everytime I pound you. It makes you look bad man. I'm only thinking of your reputation.
  7. That little whinny bitch SS just took out one of my STUGs because he got got off two shots to my one shot. It was VERY VERY VERY cool. We both got off our 1st shots at the same time and BOTH bounced of the armor (beyond cool to watch, I wish I had saved it to post somewhere). Then his Sherman got off a 2nd shot before my STUG did and BOOM. Blowed it up real good. Next week on celebrity blow up I'm gonna have SS begging for his life and not grant him his wish.
  8. Just bustin your ovaries Von. As SS is VERY fond of saying "The easiest scenerio to win is the Allies in Reisberg"
  9. Scurrying for new playing partners boys? You are both getting spanked pretty good by me right. I can't say I can blame ya for looking for easier prey. Well you found it
  10. Same as Bobb. Found it through Avalon Hill when it was still CSL.Spent most of my time as a lurker because other people seemed to have much more to contribute (anyone who as seen any of my posts will agree I was right)
  11. Wretches like you two come along only once or twice in a lifetime. When the dope really hits the fans with the final release of the game and mealy mouthed degenerates like you are exposed as the frauds that you really are you will no longer be able to hide behind the "the demo doesn't score properly, you really didn't win as big as you think you did" and "You know exactly where my units are coming in and when I get my reinforcements". The truth will be out there for all to see. Shame. Shame on both of you. Swines.
  12. 69) Summers in Rangoon, luge lessons and in the spring making meat helmets. (if nobody gets this reference let me know so I can delete it)
  13. While the crazied Peng is correct that he beat me up pretty good in Chance Encounter it must be noted that I have been the bus driver (I take him to school often) in so many consecutive games that I felt it was time I threw him a bone. SS on the other hand is a whole different kind of animal. He claims his imminent defeat is because of a unbalanced scenerio. For this type of slander you shall pay.
  14. Stevo ...welcome..you set up you units..then click on the big "GO" button on the screen..you the plot your units movements/tagets ect..the click "GO" again..you will then watch the "Movie" (probably many times from many angles) and click "done" then do it all again..couldn't be easier.
  15. (and David Bowies). I think you should all wish Elvis a happy birthday......not me damnit..I stole my moniker off of Elvis Costello ..I'm talking about the King....Thank you..Thank you very much
  16. I just had the same thing happen to me. I have it saved. Moon, I'll send it to ya if you want....and Torque if you're reading this count yourself very lucky [This message has been edited by Elvis (edited 01-06-2000).]
  17. SOMEONE GIVE THIS POOR GUY A NEW SCENERIO!!!STAT!!It'll keep his hands busy (I could use one too while you're at it)
  18. This guy is putting out about one new post every thirty seconds. That must be some kind of record.
  19. Capt...you gotta calm down dude. Check out Matt and Fionns screenshots on flamethrowers at CMHQ.
  20. Sacrificing of vigins is always fun. The hard part is finding one.
  21. Fionn- That was my biggest fear. We are heading into dark times until the release. And that seems so much further away now than before Christmas (Steve, thanks for saving that update till today so that I was at least able to enjoy Christmas).
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