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Everything posted by BFCElvis

  1. Meeks you worthless cretin!!!! How do you have time to play all these games with people but no time to send my a file from our game. Or are you picking and chosing which games you continue and which you don't. ------------------ What do we do with a terrible liar? Well, Great liars we send into the clergy. Good liars we groom for politics. Moderate liars we supply with sherrif's badges and guns, and the bad liars, well, we make them heroin whores. So what the hell do we do with the Terrible Liars? Well, it seems we turn them into physicists called "chrisl." Peng
  2. Has any consideration been given to allowing Fionn a reprieve? It seems as though he has done his time. I haven't had any communication with him in a couple months so for all I know he may not even want to come back. But Fionn has a wealth of knowledge that he has always been eager to share. And with serious development having started (or about to be started) on CM2 his input and historical insight would be nice to have around. All of this assuming of course that the folks that would goad him into flame wars would behave themselves and he would try to not them get to him too much. Just a thought. I learned a great deal through him. Not just the things he said but the interest they gave me to go out and research and read further on my own. I will understand if this gets locked up right away but I hope some consideration will be given. PS Even if he isn't given a stay..will he be a beta guy again? ------------------ What do we do with a terrible liar? Well, Great liars we send into the clergy. Good liars we groom for politics. Moderate liars we supply with sherrif's badges and guns, and the bad liars, well, we make them heroin whores. So what the hell do we do with the Terrible Liars? Well, it seems we turn them into physicists called "chrisl." Peng
  3. Stuka, congradulations on your impending nuptials. Getting married was the best thing I ever did..that's why I've done it twice..I like it that much. And the age gap is perfect. I just turned 40 and my wife turned 27 last month. ------------------ What do we do with a terrible liar? Well, Great liars we send into the clergy. Good liars we groom for politics. Moderate liars we supply with sherrif's badges and guns, and the bad liars, well, we make them heroin whores. So what the hell do we do with the Terrible Liars? Well, it seems we turn them into physicists called "chrisl." Peng
  4. Wankers ------------------ What do we do with a terrible liar? Well, Great liars we send into the clergy. Good liars we groom for politics. Moderate liars we supply with sherrif's badges and guns, and the bad liars, well, we make them heroin whores. So what the hell do we do with the Terrible Liars? Well, it seems we turn them into physicists called "chrisl." Peng
  5. No. They are a waste of points unless you are able to see the map first. ------------------ What do we do with a terrible liar? Well, Great liars we send into the clergy. Good liars we groom for politics. Moderate liars we supply with sherrif's badges and guns, and the bad liars, well, we make them heroin whores. So what the hell do we do with the Terrible Liars? Well, it seems we turn them into physicists called "chrisl." Peng
  6. Heathen, I also posted to your other thread. If you think something is wrong send the files to Matt. He will check it out. But he will need to see specific examples because remember these guys did a ton of testing before releasing this so chances are pretty good that if there was a glaring flaw they would have seen it. If there is a flaw the only way for them to really see it is by sending them a file. Also remember, a GREAT deal of thought has gone into reaction time of units. Things like experience level of units, command, exposure to fire and threats, human error ect.. The list is very long. 12 seconds is not too much time for a unit to sight, decide and act upon a situation. I may seem like a long time in the game (esp. with rewind/fast forward/pause ect.) but real world under in battle siuations under stress it doesn't seem like too long. CM is more like a simulator than a justa game. ------------------ What do we do with a terrible liar? Well, Great liars we send into the clergy. Good liars we groom for politics. Moderate liars we supply with sherrif's badges and guns, and the bad liars, well, we make them heroin whores. So what the hell do we do with the Terrible Liars? Well, it seems we turn them into physicists called "chrisl." Peng
  7. Heathen it must be your ability to play the game well has gone down. Because, as all have stated, the turn is "crunched on one PC then transferred. Even if it wasn't I don't understand your point. Are you saying because your opponent might have a faster connection than you then his computer might get the turn information faster a decide that since you haven't crunched the turn yet that it will fire armor faster at your armor before you get a chance to crunch your turn? Doesn't make much sense does it Heathen? ------------------ What do we do with a terrible liar? Well, Great liars we send into the clergy. Good liars we groom for politics. Moderate liars we supply with sherrif's badges and guns, and the bad liars, well, we make them heroin whores. So what the hell do we do with the Terrible Liars? Well, it seems we turn them into physicists called "chrisl." Peng
  8. I know this sounds lame but...in the Tech support board different people lurk than lurk here. Maybe try to post your problem there. I have a system that is almost half as fast as yours and don't have your problems. ------------------ What do we do with a terrible liar? Well, Great liars we send into the clergy. Good liars we groom for politics. Moderate liars we supply with sherrif's badges and guns, and the bad liars, well, we make them heroin whores. So what the hell do we do with the Terrible Liars? Well, it seems we turn them into physicists called "chrisl." Peng
  9. I was around for virtually all of the board discussion for CM1. Throughout the entire developement of CM1 Steve, Charles and all the beta testers would post items on this board about what is new with the game. This usually led to long discussions about historical aspects of the items and playability of the items. Many ideas that BTS had for certain aspects of the game were (and still are) affected by discussions held on this board. No doubt the lions share of debate took place between Steve, Charles and the betas but if someone voiced a sound well reasoned debate it was heard. The point of this history lesson you ask?: "BTS, what do you want from us now?" When the time comes and information begins to come in from beta testers and BTS if we have an opinion, especially a conflicting idea, be prepared to defend your position in a clear and reasonable way. Also, be prepared to back up your ideas with historical evidense that the people being asked to make the changes have (or can have)access to. And making sure no discussion ever turns personal or into a flame war.
  10. SS_bootlicker.....I am always up for teaching someone how this game is played. Send me a set up...any type game any side..hell, you can even give me all conscript Polish infantry against vetern German armor and I can win...I've done it before. ------------------ What do we do with a terrible liar? Well, Great liars we send into the clergy. Good liars we groom for politics. Moderate liars we supply with sherrif's badges and guns, and the bad liars, well, we make them heroin whores. So what the hell do we do with the Terrible Liars? Well, it seems we turn them into physicists called "chrisl." Peng
  11. Lorak, I can't get onto your site. I don't know if it my connection or your site but.... Mark down a win for Peter who beat the almost unbeatable Elvis. I also don't know if you got my wins against Peng. If you haven't count the 2 wins as one because he is in a weaken condition. So if you count one count the 99-1 Elvis victory....Oh yeah I almost forgot Peng and I also played to a draw last night. ------------------ What do we do with a terrible liar? Well, Great liars we send into the clergy. Good liars we groom for politics. Moderate liars we supply with sherrif's badges and guns, and the bad liars, well, we make them heroin whores. So what the hell do we do with the Terrible Liars? Well, it seems we turn them into physicists called "chrisl." Peng
  12. Wankers. ------------------ What do we do with a terrible liar? Well, Great liars we send into the clergy. Good liars we groom for politics. Moderate liars we supply with sherrif's badges and guns, and the bad liars, well, we make them heroin whores. So what the hell do we do with the Terrible Liars? Well, it seems we turn them into physicists called "chrisl." Peng
  13. OK....Last night I was having thooughts of reinstalling Windows 98 the system was so screwed up. Error messages everywhere no idea what to do. The registry checker and System file checker didn't help. I somehow screwed up my graphics tinking around too much and am now nearly bald from the stress. This morning I rememebered a friend who told me how to restore your system to slightly older setup by typing scanreg /restore from the C prompt in DOS. In there I found several dates only one of which was not yesterday. So I chose that one. System acted great except for the graphics but I had the most recent RIVA patch on a zip disc and installed it and everything works perfectly again. Here is my new delema...It shows my version of CM as 1.1b24...I am now afraid to load the 1.1 version. Any ideas? ------------------ What do we do with a terrible liar? Well, Great liars we send into the clergy. Good liars we groom for politics. Moderate liars we supply with sherrif's badges and guns, and the bad liars, well, we make them heroin whores. So what the hell do we do with the Terrible Liars? Well, it seems we turn them into physicists called "chrisl." Peng
  14. I do both. I have about half a dozen PBEMs going at the moment and play 2-5 TCP/IP games a week. My wife and I are with child so I imagine after the birthing that will have to be cut back to 4 PBEMs and 2-4 TCP/IP games a week. My only problem with PBEM games is that they can be painfully slow and you don't get the same "flow" with a PBEM game that TCP/IP or the AI gives you. ------------------ What do we do with a terrible liar? Well, Great liars we send into the clergy. Good liars we groom for politics. Moderate liars we supply with sherrif's badges and guns, and the bad liars, well, we make them heroin whores. So what the hell do we do with the Terrible Liars? Well, it seems we turn them into physicists called "chrisl." Peng
  15. Yes I am a windows guy. The most noticable graphics problem happens with CM. But after a phone conversation with my wife she is seeing the same thing still that I saw. After using ANY program for a few minutes it will lock up. My first advise to people I work with is always "have you tried rebooting" and "run a scan disc"..they have been done. I don't think we have updated our anti-virus thing in a long time. When I go to registry checker ect...what do I do with that information? I just tried to look at that stuff on my PC here at work and din't see "Registry Checker" or "System File Checker". Would it help if I blew CM off my system or if there is a conflict caused by CM, uninstalling it would be like closing the barn door after the horse is out? The only reason I suspect CM is that after installing the patch the next time the computer was used is when it started. If it means anything hen I installed the patch I just downloaded it and ran it then shut down my PC because I didn't have time to play with it at that time.
  16. Yesterday I downloaded the final version 1.1. I then went out for the day and did not use it or my computer. When my wife used the computer last night and I this morning strange things are happening. Progams are locking up. The graphics in the game and elsewhere in my computer appear distorted and then lockups occur. Before the patch was installed everything was fine. The last thing I installed before the patch was a new modem over a week ago. Nothing else has been installed. For me this is just an inconvience but for my wife who actually uses it for work it is a nightmare. Any ideas? ------------------ What do we do with a terrible liar? Well, Great liars we send into the clergy. Good liars we groom for politics. Moderate liars we supply with sherrif's badges and guns, and the bad liars, well, we make them heroin whores. So what the hell do we do with the Terrible Liars? Well, it seems we turn them into physicists called "chrisl." Peng
  17. Lorak, I played Peng in two TCP/IP games Monday night..the second one I won 56 to 36 in a tough minor victory for me.....The first...My best score ever 99 to 1 in a Peng turn 6 surrender. He is still crying to me about how he paniced when I wiped out an entire platoon in under 30 seconds. ------------------ What do we do with a terrible liar? Well, Great liars we send into the clergy. Good liars we groom for politics. Moderate liars we supply with sherrif's badges and guns, and the bad liars, well, we make them heroin whores. So what the hell do we do with the Terrible Liars? Well, it seems we turn them into physicists called "chrisl." Peng
  18. I played a game recently via TCP/IP and did just what you are asking. I was facing two German tanks (I forget which type but they were kickin my butt pretty good) who were nestled in a small clearing surrounded on three sides be trees. I had a Hellcat and Sherman 75 left. I hide my tanks out of sight of the German tanks and called in 105mm arty blindly on the location of the German tanks. I timed my tanks to come out from behind their positions and be in sight of the German tanks about 20 seconds after the arty was due to start falling. It worked perfectly. The arty started to fall and my tanks came out and knocked out both German tanks before they even targeted me. Was it that they were buttoned up and slow to target? Maybe. Was it that they had slow ROF? Maybe. But at the time I set it up so that I thought they would be suppressed by the arty and it seemed that they were. ------------------ What do we do with a terrible liar? Well, Great liars we send into the clergy. Good liars we groom for politics. Moderate liars we supply with sherrif's badges and guns, and the bad liars, well, we make them heroin whores. So what the hell do we do with the Terrible Liars? Well, it seems we turn them into physicists called "chrisl." Peng
  19. Lah, are you saying the answer I gave to joeski is wrong. If I was I would like to be corrected. (joeski, you were right about the file...Sorry..I know New Years eve is amatuer night and I turned pro about 8 years ago but I put a pretty good load on anyway. Sorry for the delay. And also, I would not just bail on a game, I've had it done to me and it sucks.) ------------------ What do we do with a terrible liar? Well, Great liars we send into the clergy. Good liars we groom for politics. Moderate liars we supply with sherrif's badges and guns, and the bad liars, well, we make them heroin whores. So what the hell do we do with the Terrible Liars? Well, it seems we turn them into physicists called "chrisl." Peng
  20. joeski, I don't think I'm wrong about this... You're in the woods. You're seen and fired at. You give a "hide" order. Your unit for a brief time is still seen and then becomes a symbol (depending on nationality). After an even longer period of time and assuming the units stealthily (is that a word) moves out of its previous position it because completely hidden again. I hope this answered your question...now stop asking questions and send the damn turn file you owe me. ------------------ What do we do with a terrible liar? Well, Great liars we send into the clergy. Good liars we groom for politics. Moderate liars we supply with sherrif's badges and guns, and the bad liars, well, we make them heroin whores. So what the hell do we do with the Terrible Liars? Well, it seems we turn them into physicists called "chrisl." Peng
  21. I bought a new external modem. As soon as I get home I will need someone to try it out with me. ------------------ What do we do with a terrible liar? Well, Great liars we send into the clergy. Good liars we groom for politics. Moderate liars we supply with sherrif's badges and guns, and the bad liars, well, we make them heroin whores. So what the hell do we do with the Terrible Liars? Well, it seems we turn them into physicists called "chrisl." Peng
  22. the other post was the finished version....I don't know how I doublee posted...ignore this one.
  23. OK...back when the full version of the game was released I encountered a problem that did not occur in either the beta or gold demo. My piece of junk Motorola internal modem would bump me off line when a game is opened (not when CM is launched but when a "game" is opened). The only advice I got that I could use was to "get an external modem". Peng was kind enough to give me one and it did the trick but in the last week it has been crapping out on me and now appears to be dead. At work I had aa extra internal modem (Conexant) and installed it last night. It was doing the same thing as the Motorola. Hiram helped me through a couple of things (such as making sure that all traces of the older modems are gone) and it seemed to work..sorta. The file transfer was slower for TCP/IP than I am used to. This morning I figured that maybe it was just the connection we had or his modem (I was connected at 48k). This morning, with the help of Muzzlehead in the chat room, I open a game with him. Bumped off right away. It seems to bump me intermittently with just opening a game and always with TCP/IP now. My options are now this: 1)Buy a new external modem (I have purchased 4 copies of CM so far. One for myself, my father and two fiends. So if I have invested that much in the game what's another 70-80 bucks for a modem {I can rationalize anything}). 2)Try to make this one work. I cannot be the only one with a PCI modem playing CM. System: P3 500mhz 128 megs of ram RIVA TNT Windows 98 2nd ed All drivers are up to date. I figure if someone has a good idea for me in the next couple hours I will hold off buying the external. But I am a CM junky...and an even bigger CM TCP/IP junky so this is a high priority thing for me. ------------------ What do we do with a terrible liar? Well, Great liars we send into the clergy. Good liars we groom for politics. Moderate liars we supply with sherrif's badges and guns, and the bad liars, well, we make them heroin whores. So what the hell do we do with the Terrible Liars? Well, it seems we turn them into physicists called "chrisl." Peng
  24. OK...back when the full version of the game was released I encountered a problem that did not occur in either the beta or gold demo. My piece of junk Motorola internal modem would bump me off line when a game is opened (not when CM is launched but when a "game" is opened). The only advice I got that I could use was to "get an external modem". Peng was kind enough to give me one and it did the trick but in the last week it has been crapping out on me and now appears to be dead. At work I had aa extra internal modem (Conexant) and installed it last night. It was doing the same thing as the Motorola. Hiram helped me through a couple of things (such as making sure that all traces of the older modems are gone) and it seemed to work..sorta. The file transfer was slower for TCP/IP than I am used to. This morning I figured that maybe it was just the connection we had or his modem (I was connected at 48k).
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