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Everything posted by BFCElvis

  1. The expression we use here is "gamey bastard"....As in "That gamey bastard Peng bought 6 Super Pershings and a battalion of Polish conscript infanty and 20 British piat teams." Buying the game will be the bet $45 you ever spent.
  2. Detroit Guy, all the units in the game ARE historical. The comments you may be seeing about things non historical are the combinations of units people use sometimes. Most people do purchase units that are historicaly correct but it is possible to get combinations that may not have occured in real life. The units themelves are historical though.
  3. I like my martinis exactly how MarkIV described except instead of gin I like to use Wild Turkey 101. And instead of vermouth I like to use nothing or show a bottle of sweet vermouth to the glass.
  4. I have a very small almost unwinable one. It is VERY difficult to win. Email me if you want it.
  5. Stuka, you are probably correct about the von Sham thing. My brain currently too fried from lack of sleep to think of a good game. If you return from work and there is nothing in you mailbox from me then set something up yourself.
  6. Stuka, I knocked you around with the beta demo and I'm happy to do it again. Morse, you too. Both of you send set up files. And my dance card is once again full and as aways it is full of male dancers.
  7. OK..the slate is now clear for two additional PBEM games. I would prefer to play jshandorf as I feel he is the only one left in th pool who han't been smacked around by me. And I would also like to try Y2K out. Time is precious for me right now so choosing a game is not a real option for me now. Hell set up phase will tax my time. But anyone who has wanted their ass handed to them by me can feel free to send a set up. Here is your chance to play a real pro folks...not some cut rate piker.
  8. I actually went on a Friday going from DC to an afternoon in Baltimore and stopping through Aberdeen at about 6:30pm....Still plenty of light but that's why it was closed.
  9. Yo Crow, I was recntly in DC (bordered by Va.) and on the way home stopped at Aberdeen Proving Grounds in Aberdeen, Maryland. Are you sure that isn't what you're thinking of? They have a field that is open 24/7 that has most of your major WW2 tanks. They also have a museum that was closed when I got there.
  10. Welcome back Lorak...Did you get my draw with DavidohmyAikinhead and my victory over chrisl?
  11. Good one Berli....I that post I just said I had to include Phan in there somewhere and almost continued by saying "because you were there at conception" but didn't pull the trigger on it.
  12. Thanks folks..eating and purging well thanks for asking. I love the Elvis has left the room one. Phan..I had to include you somehow.
  13. June 9, 2001 5:09pm EDT (or 1709hrs to us geeks). 6lbs 8ozs 19 1/2 inches long John Michael "lil Elvis" Costello was welcomed into this world by his lovely mother Bridget and his idiot father John. (Yo, Steve, Charles, Matt and Dan I know this is way off topic and maybe more fit for the general forum...but this is my home. At least I didn't post a picture with like I wanted to {just too tire to try to figure how to post a picture}.)
  14. Wow....Thanks Steve...Holy cow. My only comment for now is....You can charge my card today if you want and send me the game whenever it is done. That preorder problem is not an issue...whack my card man and send the game later.
  15. Let the record show that after of beer orgy Hiram and I played a hotseat game to a draw.
  16. Me and phhhhhhhhhaggan juusssttss gotttter baaacckk ffffffrfrrooommm thhhhhhhhhe e bar .eeeeeeeeeeeemmmmmmmmmmmmmmaaaafddfaa bopuightt uusssus dsosssomm e beerrss........ssoooooooooo dddiiiiiiioj apaawwbeeeaarer and leeeeeeeeeeeeoonn thhhhhhhhhhaankknss guuuuuyss frrrrrrrrrommmmm tyhhhhhhhhhhe ebeereres. The preceding was intended to express my thanks and PhillyPhans thanks for the beers that Y2K, PawBroon and Leeon purchased for us the afternoon. A good time was had by all and no one got hurt. Also, it should be mentioned that Phans girlfriend ponyed up a couple of beers for us herself and should be thanked as well.
  17. I will be heading over soon as well (although it is only a block from where I live). Just wanted to mention other cities that have bars that anyone can meet up with us on line at: Chicago, Edinburgh, Atlanta, San Francisco, Vancouver, Toronto, Brussels and Budapest. It would be cool if there were a lot of us at any of these places....If not you can get Hiram/Phillyboy and I loaded for 7 bucks pop..Which puts a thought in my little head...Steve, Matt, Charles, Dan..This wouldbe a great way to say "Thank you"...OK you already did that by making the game...you can't blame a guy for trying.
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