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Everything posted by Sixxkiller

  1. I actually would rather them not be in the game at all to be honest. Ask anyone, I discard them when i get them. -Ray
  2. Its cause Dan has a gun to his temple, but you didnt hear that from me!!! -Ray
  3. Stalin did his homework. Finland did have about 20 of them and really did have success with it. -Ray
  4. Strider, there are lots more coming also. The current plans are for 4 more before THE BIG ONE (Dan and Brian dont just know how big that is yet hehe) and then gonna do a lot more. -Ray
  5. Hello greywolf, welcome to the community. You make some excellent points but I just have a few comments to make. Lets start with Japan. The design decision to make the Japanese planes weaker is a sound decision based on the facts that have been brought up here already. I do however disagree that the J2M4 as it is modeled in the game is the worst of the elite planes. But you also have to remember it is up against some pretty still competition with possibly the best 3 planes to ever fly in any era to be the P-51, Spitfire, and Fw-190. My rankings for planes in the game would surprise you. Infact the best plane in my opinion is the P-51 followed by the Fw-190, then a shocker, the P-47. Japans early edge wasnt just due to the planes being superior, but they also had the best pilots in the world in the early stages of WWII. As far as campaigns go, you are not getting 1 more campaign, you are getting 4. And wait till you try to win as the Brits in the Crete Campaign. I challenge ANYONE to top Misturas score as he is the only person to have beaten the Germans. That must give you some idea of how good he is at this game. He is a former Marine too, but we wont hold that against him. As far as your English... You did just fine. Infact I think countries that dont use it as a first language actually teach better application of it than the US does. Oh ya and the new campaigns are just the icing on the cake. Wait till you see the cake. There will be one coming in a few months that will be so large, its gonna take you 20 minutes a turn to figure out what planes to place BEFORE you even play your turns. -Ray
  6. Martin, its Crete: Operation Merkur and if there is another one named Merkus, I WANNA PLAY IT. You guys holding out on me???? Just kidding. -Ray
  7. Ok new game terminology. Fredding (Also Fredded if god forbid it happens to me), where by if you get shot down by turn two and have to watch others play! -Ray PS and I couldnt log in either. I want a refund!!!
  8. KILL MADMATT!!!! Just in case he isnt the sysadmin, I still stand by my statement so there! -Ray
  9. Hi Mikey, Well we are the bullys on the playground but that doesnt mean we can control all aspects of said playground. We dont control the access to the playground and that is essentially why we are having so much trouble in Iraq at the moment. If we do go to Syria I am thinking we plow right through but with much higher costs. And we are the last major superpower? Might want to let China and Russia in on that one, atleast in terms of what thier military capabilities are or will be. -Ray -Ray
  10. Ya this was back in '96. Was stationed in Korea at the time and I cant even remember why we even needed to know about it considering China and NKorea didnt use it at the time. Now I am betting this has changed though, especially since the Iraqis and Syrians have it. -Ray
  11. Earlier this morning, Tornado, Fred, Cethegus, and I had a great match even though Fred must have had the O-Ring Help Line on speed dial. Too bad theres no eject button at the start of the game Fred, you could have got more chatting practice in hehe. J/K Great Fun!!! I racked up 2 medals even with my kill stealing wingman Tornado making himself look like an Ace pilot off my hard hard work! I mean I just got the game today and all sheesh. Be nice to the new players who discard IMS 2: Destroyed Cards. -Ray
  12. Enough of the technical mumbo jumbo Martin, when are you gonna be on again to play the 2v2's? Looks like you guys had a great time. -Ray
  13. Hi Tom, I did this a few hours ago. Mentioned your name too! BTW Fun games we had. You are an excellent teammate and if we ever have squadron matches I would be happy you are on my team. -Ray
  14. Hmm not the BMP-3? Maybe I have it mixed up or something. Been a while since we have ran anything that is related to this. Maybe it is based on a BMP-3 model. I cant have this bad of a memory. -Ray
  15. Ok I am pre-ordering 11 Kornet-E and am now gonna put my stockpile of 18 BMP-3 on Ebay. Any takers? On a serious note, this weapon is no joke. It has a high capicity to defeat reactive armor and an added bonus it can IIRC can even take out fortified bunkers. But isnt it used as one of the weapons systems available to the BMP-3? -Ray
  16. Haha John, Waiting for my change.... May think differently if I lose hehe. -Ray
  17. It happens if you do it too fast usually. Slow your roll Stalin, Slow Your Roll! -Ray
  18. Actually your ideas arent off the wall. Infact they are rather good. I think I will take credit for them!!! Off the wall would be making a career out of designing wargames. :eek: -Ray
  19. I believe that the main programmer for the 2 games isnt the same person. Brian has enough to do with DIF I believe hehe. Dont think you guys really know how much they have put into these games and supporting them with the new additions is time consuming. Be cool if they can work it out to combine them though. Think I would jump on that . But for now DIF takes all my gaming time and when MNB comes out I can imagine that I will be spending the rest of my free time on that. -Ray
  20. I had a problem with Zonso. We fixed it by both making sure we were totally upgraded from MS Updates for XP. After that we didnt have a problem again. My guess is that the upgrade upgrades to Net Framework 2.x and the game installs 1.1, but I am not a programmer. -Ray
  21. Ya maybe I am not charming. Thanks for giving me a clearer picture of myself. Besides 2/3 aint bad! -Ray
  22. Thats kinda sick Stalin you perve! I guess that Spitfire Campaign will have to be delayed until you are severely punished for your perverse behavior! -Ray
  23. Ya it was a nice review but they missed something REALLY important! They didnt mention me as the most handsome, charming, and elite of all the DIF fans! I will no longer go to barnes and Noble and ead it until the fix this glaring oversight! -Ray
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