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Everything posted by Sixxkiller

  1. The politicians fought the Vietnam War.... remember that result? -Ray
  2. LOL you are a riot! Did one of those bombs explode too close to your head? -Ray
  3. Only one problem with this model. Down in Flames appeals to a niche market. Google has a market cap of less than 100 million in mean terms. They also have a HUGE lead in the market they compete in at the moment. I suspect this will not always be the case. If the advertising market shifts or dies down, Google will have a huge problem, especially with the pay per click model. Wargamers also tend to be a little more mature in age and are less trusting of doing "business" on a continual basis over the net. I would be willing to bet most of these guys buy very few games per year. Also you have to remember that these guys do not live in mansions in Beverly Hills, and probley dont have venture capitalists on speed dial. This would translate into a huge risk on the front end for them. The back end might be ok but they would need far more players for far longer periods willing to buy into this. And lets face it, gamers are kind of fickle. They may tire of this after a few months. And I can show you lots of companies that have tried and lost tons of money. Hell, Korea has a new online game come out every month. They also have one fold every month. -Ray
  4. I think half of you guys are gonna get all teary eyed when the demo comes out. Talking to Madmatt earlier today about just general stuff, I realized that envy for a human can be quite shocking. To hell with being Tiger Woods, I wanna be Madmatt! -Ray
  5. Not only is Mistura a champion, but now he is a pimp too!!! You are my hero! -Ray
  6. BVB, I play at a net cafe my friend owns in Los Angeles. True they have all sorts of games, but the CD isnt required for any of them I can assure you. I actually know of a few places where even Windows XP is not a legitimate copy. And in Korea its even worse for piracy, thats why most Korean online games are free but they make thier money by selling items and stuff like that. -Ray
  7. Its too late for you to do anything to the retail pirates. i think the expansion will be much easier just for the simple fact that you can assign a "key" to play. I think you should tie it to the original address and tie the address to the login account . If more than one try to download using that address you will know about it. Another way to look at it though is if the pirate does figure out he cant play the game unless he buys the expansion, maybe you will get his 15-20 bucks. Its better than nothing I guess. -Ray
  8. Um I was talking about the REAL MARINE, not the Lord of the Rings 4th place finishing guy who takes out half his platoon on training mines!!! Well if they had a mine sweeping tourney, atleast you would get a KILL! :confused: :eek: -Ray
  9. Oh isnt that the Stalin Block? You know when you enter a tourney and get 4th place without getting a kill? Oh well, moving on to go make some pirates walk the plank! -Ray
  10. Hi BvB, Well I personally have a problem with anyone getting on the server with an illegitimate copy. Lets face it, if he was going to buy a legitimate copy he could have downloaded the demo. Instead he downloaded a full version and then came online to get help in how to play. Now lets just forget that Dam and Brian lost money on a product they worked on for 4 years and work on most every night. They know the chances of them getting a well deserved sale are about as good as me getting to marry Jessica Simpson. Lets look at it another way BvB. You and I paid $35 right? So we have invested in something that we get a return on our investment everytime we log on. So lets say Dan and Brian say, "Well guys, we tried to make a game that you enjoy but we cant afford to keep making updates and will have to shut down the server in 2 months as our business plan didnt call for us to use the money we use to take care of our family to remain in business." Now who loses BvB. Dan and Brian for sure, but also YOU and I do. The guy who downloaded doesnt lose diddly! He will just go DL a different game and not care that DIF didnt survive. And BvB, I am into public relations. I try to make this game as fun as can be for you guys. This game is just as much about having fun and meeting great people as it is shooting down planes. I could type a page of how many people I have had a blast with in the short span of this games run. You are included in that page. As I have said before, I dont get paid for the small amount of work I do here, but I will be damned if Brian and Dan are gonna do this for free! So if I have to shame someone into getting off the server, then I feel no remorse! All they have to do is do the right thing, I dont think thats asking too much. You and everyone who bought this game should demand the same thing!!! -Ray
  11. Anyone who wants to go into a perfectly good minefield and mess it up MUST BE A MARINE. -Ray
  12. Hi Stalin, you need to find your OWN partner. But I will pass on your proposal. I think if you give him a ring he may blush, faint, and you guys can be together Till Death Due You Part. Oh wait that was last tournament. And Tom, I almost pissed my shorts with that one. Thank god I am old and have Depends on.... -Ray
  13. Man someone needs to beat Mistura, this guy is just gonna float away!!!! -Ray
  14. OH I forgot. We are working on being able to make sure ED regens and that I can wipe out fatigue between sets. So the 3 games you play you will get fatigued but next set you will be at zero. So you will not need to get Iron Nerves as a skill. -Ray
  15. LISTEN UP LADIES!!!!! ANNOUNCING THE NEXT TOURNAMENT FOR THE DOWN IN FLAMES COMMUNITY! DATE: January 28th, 11AM PST (-8 GMT) HOW TO ENTER: GET TEAM TOGETHER AND EMAIL: sixxkillersquadron@hotmail.com ENTRY DEADLINE: Friday January 27, 2006 at 6PM PST. WHERE: At your computer PRIZE: Medals, +100 XP for entering, +100 XP for each win, +200 XP for making playoffs (Final 4), +250 XP for 2nd Place, +400 for WINNER. Bonus XP of 150 for player with most KILLS. This is all in Addition to the xp you accumulate playing, so can be quite a good day. WHAT YOU NEED: You Need The Full RETAIL Version of DIF with any patches. You need a partner who has same 500-600 points. YOUR PILOT: Must have no more than 600 combined points and not less than 500 combined points. So ladies thats 500-600. The TOURNAMENT: REGULAR SEASON: You didnt think you would get to the WORLD BOWL without deserving it did you? Ok Regular season begins with you playing a season of 3 games against 3 different random teams. Your team (You and your partner) will be split up and play another team for 3 games. The winner is determined by total score from all 3 games for each player. ( So if you score 52 points in 3 games and your partner scores 44, you have scored 96 points. Losing does not mean you are out of the tournament. Winning a 3 game set will also get you 25 extra points. (So if you won the 3 game set 96-77, you get 96 points PLUS 25 for a grand total of 121 POINTS.) You will play 3 different teams remember. TOTAL SCORES WILL BE ADDED UP and the TOP 4 TEAMS IN TOTAL SCORE WILL ADVANCE TO THE PLAYOFFS. The Playoffs: The Top scoring team will then play the 4th best scoring team. The second best team will play the 3rd best team. The winner in total score of 1/4 and 2/3 will play for the WORLD BOWL of DIF CHAMPIONSHIP. RULES: 1. MUST HAVE LEGITIMATE COPY OF GAME! 2. Must HAVE A PARTNER 3. MUST HAVE A 500-600 point pilot for each. 4. Teams will decide who is ALPHA Pilot and who is BRAVO Pilot. Matches will be Alpha vs Alpha and Bravo vs Bravo. 5. MUST SUBMIT YOUR LEADER/WINGMAN name, your PARTNERS LEADER/WINGMAN name, you and your partners FULL NAME and EMAIL ADDRESS. 6. YOU MUST ACT LIKE A GENTLEMAN WIN or LOSE! 7. Any problem will be handled in the fairest manner possible by tournament official(s). 8. More rules may be added at a future time. 9. HAVE FUN! Any questions can be directed to sixxkillersquadron@hotmail.com -Ray [ January 19, 2006, 08:33 PM: Message edited by: Sixxkiller ]
  16. I also toyed with tournaments where you would get skills for winning. I went Down In Flames along with most of my ideas hehe. Expect to see the tournament posted in the next hour or so. -Ray
  17. See Dan I told you Brian was good for something. Guess he can keep his job for another week!!! -Ray
  18. Women like men with Sixxkiller on thier uniform! -Ray
  19. Oh no, you didnt call the Mustang girlie did ya? Thats it, no more Mr nice Mustang!
  20. Wow Russians in an expansion???? I am shocked. No one tells me anything around here! When I was sneaking around Area 51DIF I saw more than just Soviets. There were F-14's, F-22's, sU-27'S, mIG 31'S.... TOO MANY TO LIST! Hehe j/k -Ray
  21. I am just waiting for Dan and Brian to sign off on the latest plan. I believe you got those nuts blown off last Saturday. Dont make me sick the little Verssen on you again! This time it wont be random. -Ray
  22. And just think I told Dan a few days ago I was gonna look into changing the HurI's to Buffalos. :0 Guess I wont have to now hehe. -Ray
  23. I will read it when I get up. Looks interesting. Thx -Ray
  24. No I believe my foot was crushing your skull! We will start after I get a bit of sleep. -Ray
  25. Oh BTW, you do know there are none of those Spitoons you love so much in this Campaign right???? -Ray
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