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Everything posted by Sixxkiller

  1. Hello guys. I am compiling a list to see when most of you are online and can play tournaments on weekends and some special weekdays. What I would like from all of you is just your general time you play, your country or time zone, how much time you spend usually per day playing dif, preference of day you would like the tourneys (Sat or Sun), favorite plane, would you join a squadron (yes or no), and who you would prefer to play against Brian, Dan, or Moon if you had the chance! Please be serious as this information will help us serve you better. Copy and paste the below and add answers. Thank You -Sixxkiller Time usually playing: Time Zone: Usual Time Spent playing: Best Day to Play, Sat or Sun: Favorite plane in DIF: Would join squadron: DIF Employee You Wish to Play Most:
  2. Dan and Brian are about to announce a new tournament, so I will take the time to now ask you guys what you want to have in future tournaments. Just keep this on topic if you will please. The more ideas the better we can make these events.
  3. See Tom you arent the only Ace in the squad. Actually the SQUADRON CO got 3 kills earlier too. Someday maybe lake will be carrying us both! -Ray
  4. Nope I was only here changing the subject matter so DIF can be like the big boys of BFC. But I guess I can try. P-51D: Cutems p-47: hugems a6m8: kissems j2m: kissey kissey little missey Were those ok? -Ray
  5. I like Buffalo Wings and I like Spitfire V wings!!! Since one tastes good and the other may taste better than some English dishes I have partaken (well I can imagine it would if I could chew metal)I still keep my vote even with your dissention! And using words like aristocratic will confuse some of the Marines we have on this board. You trying to start another war?????? :mad: -Ray
  6. And what would you name a Spitfire Stalin????? Damn Spitaphiles. Sadly I must admit I am rather taken with the Spit 5. Love the wings. -Ray
  7. Haha Tom, wasnt really an update but there were a few emails on the subject and when everyone gets back to normal after the holidays I will be submitting plans for all this, INCLUDING, some squad based tournaments. Hey I have 4 of them so far, I figured I would have 4 when I started and when the other countries come out, you can expect them to be added to the consortium. And Lakespeed, I would be proud to have you in one of my squadrons, or all 4 if you decide. As far as being the best, well I do have Tornado so how good could it be???? j/k -Ray
  8. Hi guys, While I really do not know what Dan, Brian, and BFC have planned for the squadron portion of this game, I can tell you that I actually do have a plan for immersing the fans in this game beyond its current implementation. I will not get into specifics at this time but it is in my head. What I can tell you is that (this is all subject to change mind you as Dan, Brian, and BFC have all the control over functions as I am just a fan like you guys or a better description is they do not provide me a salary ) is there are plans in the works (VERY EARLY STAGES) to host tournaments where some of them will actually be squadron based, or in general terms, squadron vs squadron. If you guys are as smart as I think you are, you will come up with some ideas so Dan, Brian, and Martin (thats Moon for all you late comers to BFC) can sort through them and forulate plans. Some of these tournaments may or may not have bragging rites attached or even prizes to some extent. I can tell one of my ideas is for a winner to get to face off against one of DIF or BFC's employees for uber bragging rites! Thats a pretty huge prize in itself, but I am sure more can be done. You guys should remember that this game has really very few limits as an online game. Brian and Dan really are into supporting this title over the long haul with updates and new items. So the sky is the limit and the bigger the community becomes the more they will be able to do. So get your buddies involved who dont have the game. Let the ideas begin! -Ray
  9. LOL Tom, at the moment you ARE VMF-6 hehe. I will start playing ladder again soon though. And yes the P-47 has 8 browning .50 cal guns (thats 4 on each wing or 8 for you non math mofos) so having a cannon and extra dmg would be just a tad unrealistic. Then Stalin0 would be mad so i am sure its better not to go there! -Ray PS. Welcome back Stalin0
  10. Hi Tom, As punishment for your previous attempt at mutiny, the P-47 doesnt have cannons (in the new test). So the P-47 will not have any additional damage modeled. That is all... -Ray
  11. Lakespeed, Um Jerry Springer is the big time, its GORMET POPCORN. Sheesh the show isnt filmed in Kentucky, just the guests come from there. -Ray Will there be popcorn? Because I like popcorn. </font>
  12. You know, a man goes out and makes a nice website, goes long hours into getting his leaders a certain rank, updates the website once or twice a year, recruits top notch pilots, goes on extended reserve duty, then comes home and sees the mutiny that this board has come to? Well well Mistura and Tornado, I guess I have taught you both to well. One good thing is that you are shooting for the top I guess. And even though you are my squadron mates and I love you like brothers, now I must shoot you down like the unfaithful dogs (one is a devil dog to boot!) you are! You will rue the day you banded together to gang up on my poor suspecting self! After I finish I will take you to the Jerry Springer show and let the world know that you cant mess with Sixxkiller. Anyone for a midget wedding between 3 first cousins from Kentucky? -Ray
  13. Hi just to clarify, I meant for only the He-111 and Bf-110C to be able to reach Lastithiou. Was originally 3 and I needed to change it to 2 for something and forgot to change it back. -Ray
  14. Congratulations to 4 pilots who today were honored with induction into the SIXXKILLER Hall of Fame. You 4 owe us all a round, and well I would have any of you as my wingman as long as the rounds continue! You can look at the selections if you go to my page and go to the Hall of Fame! -Ray
  15. Still under development as far as I know. I think Dan has been busy with DIF still. I too am looking forward to it.
  16. What locations did you DL from?
  17. Hi guys, I think this limits the game, especially strategicly. Even in a real life dogfight a pilot will pick the weaker postioned plane to attack. I believe that the wingman has his good points, and sometimes you pay for going after the wingman and not the leader. I do think they should have the same rules apply to them as does a leader, only less cards to play to simulate them being "lesser" pilots to the leader. But as far as not being able to hose the wingy first, you will have to have Dan or Brian tell us why that was a design decision. With the new stuff Dan and Brian are working on you will even think the wingman is even more powerful. But you guys have to remember one thing about air combat in WWII. There were very few pilots, no matter how talented ever hit some of the kill scores that are on the leaderboard. I mean Hartmann, Beurling, Boyington, Muchenburg, Saito, and whoever else I can think of had lots of their victory totals fabricated by either them or their governments. 350 planes shot down would be a hell of a feat when most pilots never even became aces with 5 kills. Hell if you look at Japanese claims of kills during the PTO, they claim MORE than the US even lost.... So I guess even though I have been pissed off at some of the things I have seen and had happen to me in this game with the uberness of the AI and so on, and believe me I miss some of my pilots, but hey you can always create another one. But the wingman is usually the least of my worries these days. -Ray
  18. I personally like it how it is as the enemy has to expose his ace card to beat it. Sometimes there has to be a way to win. Glad they didnt go with the regular card game rules on this one. -Ray
  19. Oh theres changes comming, just you wait and see! May not have anything to do with smarter play, but you had better become smarter my friends!!! -Ray
  20. LOL, Brian was fired Dan... remember your Christmas bonus plan? Next Christmas its your turn to get a bonus! -Ray
  21. I thought they just recolored it or something. BUT WOW! It may not be a Mustang but it looks WAY COOLER than one now! Santa may have Went Down in Flames, but he dropped his bag of goodies down the right chimneys before doing so! ************DIF SHAMELESS COMMERCIAL TIME******* You can fly both the F4F and the P-51D Mustang in the new campaign, Leyte Gulf: Operation Sho-Go. An empire depends on you! ***********END DIF SHAMELESS COMMERCIAL*********
  22. Wing Commander Mistura, I have failed in my mission to bring victory to the crown. I lost 4-8 to a master pilot by receiving a draw on task force "z". Thats what ya get for having a replacement player of my limited stature. -Ray
  23. I am mildly dyslexic and German isnt my forte hehe. Besides I copied the names straight from the source haha. And also special thanks to Martin "Moon" van Spelling B Champion for fixing my mistakes and gramatical errors. He has to be related to Mrs. Ussleman (my 1st grade teacher). And Fej, when the patches come out, all your planes get set back to NO fatigue. Its a great feature! Must ask Brian if its intended but I think I just did. Hope you all enjoy the new stuff. The Buffalo is really neat looking. Sad that I didnt even get to test it before you guys did. And there will be more to come shortly guys, including some things to get you more involved in the DIF community. Happy Holidays! -Ray
  24. Well I have Sidewinders.... SIXX THREE!!! -Ray
  25. Did you read my name? ITS SIXXKILLER, that means I am gonna be on your Sixx so buy to your hearts content. Hard to use it if you have 20 feet of silk over your head -Ray!
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