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Everything posted by Sixxkiller

  1. Those Randys are a bad muther watch your mouth. Would have been lots more dead pilots if they had actually been around. Yes in 2 games they have shot me down both times. I hate them!!! -Ray
  2. Hi spad. I have played the game and took the screenshots (42 of them hehe). i still need to cut the size of them down as they average 2.25MB per and when I convert them to Jpeg files they are still quite big at 75kb but better than 2.25mb hehe. Its more of a during action report haha. I have invented a new term. Anyway the girlfriend needs the computer for her computer science class today so she will have it all day, but I will go to the library a bit later and write it up for you. Wont be a visually appealing experience for you but it was a decent game to show you some stuff and why NOT to do some stuff hehe. Anyway I will do it as fast as I can but it will take some time. I will link it here when I am done. -Ray
  3. Yep thats right, Jack Hillard is now the 2nd pilot that I can find that has won such a distinction. Zonzo has a pilot that won one too. Anyone else win their nations highest award? -Ray
  4. No problem Spadman. I will do the AAR tomorrow and let you see it. You just need to play a bit and this all wont be Greek to you my friend. And in case you havent played many Battlefront games, people are always willing to help here. Its a rather big community now but there are still great people that will always take time to explain even the smallest question. Remember an online game is only as good as the people that play it. DIF is lucky in that it has more than its fair share of great people who play. And you may not know it yet, but the developers of this game are always reading these boards and are even online to play the customers occasionally. No other game companies do that with such regularity. And if it sounds like I am a walking advertisement, well I am. If this wasnt such a solid game I wouldnt waste my time here. After you get the hang of it you should try the Campaign included in the demo. Thats the meat of this game. And soon there will be many more campaigns to come. Ok well I will post the AAR for you sometime in the afternoon 10 november. -Ray
  5. Hi Spadman, First off let me explain that I had never even heard of DIF the card game before I saw it on the Battlefront site. So it would be awesome for you to go pick up the card game after you buy this game, but its not important to playing the computer version. I do not have time at present to play and do an AAR for you, but I will if you give me a few hours with the girlfriend i will. But just for the time being, I will run through the deck of cards and the "plays" to help you to become more familiar with the game mechanics. Maneuvering= a card to get your enemy into an advantaged or tailed position. Can be countered with Ace Pilot or Tight Turn. Tight Turn. Can be used to fight a manuver card or to counter an IMS (In my sight) offensive card. Can be trumped by a siccsors card. IMS1:1 IMS1:2 IMS2:2 IMS2:2 IMS2:3 and IMS3:4 and IMS: Destroyed Cards are offensive and the first number in say IMS(1) states the position the enemy needs to be in order for you to play this card. The position 1 is Neutral (where you are facing head on to enemy). Position 2 is Advantaged (or when you are facing and the enemy has his side to you). Position 3 is Tailing (or where you are facing the enemys tail) IMS cards can be played according to the planes BURST rating. So some planes can play a IMS2:2 card while not being in the advantaged position. IMS cards can be countered by tight turn, barrel roll, vertical roll, or ace pilot. sicssors cards are used for turning a disadvantaged position into an advantaged one. So lets say you have the enemy facing your side, then on your offensive turn, you can play this card and you will end up being the advantaged one. Sicssors cards can be used also to trump an enemy playing a tight turn card. So lets say you use a manuver card and the enemy plays a tight turn to counter you, you can use sicssors to trump his tight turn card. Barrel roll is a card that can be played to counter an enemy shooting at you with an IMS card. Can be trumped by an ace card. vertical roll is used to change altitude 1 level in either up or down direction. This is the coolest card in the game in my opinion. You can for example at medium height dive 1 level at the start of your turn. Then if you play the vertical roll card you can dive one more level down, or go back up to the height you were (medium in this case). This is done to pick up cards through the dive for you and can in certain situations take cards away from the enemy. This card can also avoid being hit by an IMS or an OTS (Out of the Sun). I will explain OTS next but the Vertical Roll and Ace Pilot cards are the only cards that can be used to counter the OTS. Barrel rolls do not. OTS1:2 OTS2:3 OTS3:4 are pretty much the best offensive cards seeing as they cant be countered by regular tught turn and barrel roll cards. Plus they are the best graphic in the game when they are played. Half Loop are like super sicssors cards except you can play them in neutral or any situation where you are disadvantaged or tailed. Can only be countered by Ace Pilot cards. Ace pilot are the best cards in the game. They can counter any card played in either offensive or defensive situations. Hope this helps. I will try to do a tutorial for you if you have any other questions. Welcome to the game Spadman -Ray
  6. Stalin, Me thinketh you wanteth problemeth. You are now bringing back old problems hehe. You are a sick puppy my friend, a sick puppy! Hope you get off work soon so you can enjoy the game even if the problems are vanishing. -Ray
  7. You are right Mistura. If those problems had to happen to someone, the game sure picked the right guy to do it to! Maybe Brian can institute some new "codes" to make things right again for the sake of getting things back to normal. -Ray
  8. You are correct. Odd they use st, th, and rd for thier armored and infantry units though. -Ray
  9. The .50 Cal bullets that were hitting you in the foot have been reduced to 9mm. No Purple Heart for you anymore!!!! Gladto hear that things are better bro. -Ray
  10. Also this board is not ruled by the democratic process. Battlefront is totalitarian and thank god for that! Only one gaming company is even in the same universe as BFC and thats Blizzard. Go there and post something negative, see how fast it disappears. I actually think they give way too much latitude for inane drivel, hence Peng threads, which were funny in 2000 but now are just sad. Its like a bad joke that is immortal. Plus most here are adults. If you havent learned contructive negativism by now..... 30 posts on the same subject wont teach ya anyway. -Ray
  11. I tend to agree with the VR point you made. I do see a lot of people unwilling to enter the area 1 spot away cause they dont want to be attacked first. I think either that maybe the VR card would make people a bit more willing to engage. I also think first turn the player shouldnt be able to engage the enemy wingman. That way these fights will be a bit more balanced and more interesting. I have also noticed that even at higher levels the wingman, no matter how many cards he has is still an easy kill. I think the improvements being worked on with the AI rotuines may couter this as I have noticed in the campaigns that the enemy AI will now engage your wingman more frequently. -Ray
  12. Chuck, you made a wise choice.....FINALLY!!!! Hehe j/k The wait wont be that long. It was for me but since I boldly went before you I have made it easier fo all of those behind me. Welcome to the skies. Watch You Sixx. -Ray
  13. LOL Stalin, anything that can or will happen happens to you. DIF is shooting you in the foot with .50 Cal bullets. -Ray
  14. Haha Mistura I was just kidding. They have the same fleas in Georgia. Sand mites make for additional nutritional intake. Thats what they told us anyway. -Ray
  15. I expect your vote in the upcoming election Ron. Well that is if you can tear yourself from the game. And Dan my paycheck didnt show up in the mail AGAIN!!! Starting to think my career in wargames has hit a "stall". Cant get elected w/o money and cant pass that law on mandatory purchase of DIF and Battlefront games..... -Ray
  16. From my experience you only have to be gentle with Marines that went to Basic at MCRD. Hurts to see them get all emotional and want to talk about feelings. Oh wait thats another thread. ;D I think its fine being 36 now. You cant buy an Ace pilot with it or the kill ratio with them would be 95% or so. -Ray
  17. Debate is fine for a politician. Just get the game its really a fine game thats gonna get even better soon. -Ray
  18. I was just kidding Ron. Looks like you created quite a stir over on the CM:SF board too. Damn subscribers... -Ray
  19. There is atleast 1 woman attached to a SBCT. Maybe not enough to model them in the game but by 2007 my guess is that since the Pentagon is pushing rather hard for women to be assingned to infantry units that it will change. Soon there will be no choice as its either let them in or draft all the men who dont want to go.... http://www.truthout.org/cgi-bin/artman/exec/view.cgi/35/11143/printer There ya go. -Ray [ November 04, 2005, 08:44 AM: Message edited by: MantaRay ]
  20. Remember when the news hit that CM:SF was gonna be modern battle based on a little known concept of a Stryker Brigade? Some of you were what can be described at pissed off..... said this was gonna suck and fail... Well put that feather in your cap and smoke it while grabbing your ankles and kissing your ass! You arent in Kansas anymore and Toto just pissed down his leg! Wheres the pre-order button at? -Ray
  21. 4.5 Stars, ITS AN OUTRAGE!!!! I say we boycott reading the magazine until they stop with the obvious lack of respect for this fine game. STOP THE HATE CGW, STOP THE HATE!!! -Ray
  22. Mistura, you dont want to fight my Germans or Brits then, cause I buy Target Pilot cause its the gift that keeps on giving. But you are in effect saying that the game will lose the element of death in a human vs human game. I mean I like the fact that I can kill someone and they suffer the same fate as I have. Works both ways too. I am serious when I say that I wish I could take one of my lvl 25 planes and go after a lvl 50 human player. Hell I already fight bots that have equal skills to them anyway so whats the difference in a person that plays a bit smarter than a computer anyway? I was just playing an escort mission where a A6M8 WINGMAN on consecutive turns iced both bombers with the leader who fired 1 time and missed. True enough he had so many extra card draws but I have seriously never seen a wingman dominate a Wellington like that before. So when I dove on him and shot him down I felt like maybe I avenged his dispicible deeds! Even better when his chute didnt deploy and he went to Kamakazi Hell. -Ray
  23. Women are part of combat units now. They cannot be assigned natively to a combat unit but incase you guys havent been in the Mid East all non medical personel are REQUIRED to be in full combat readiness when either being out of camp or to security perimeter duty. Youre even supposed to take your M-16/M4, helmet, and boots when you use the latrine. Do you think they issue the gear cause women like accessories? And women do go on operations where that are considered "hot". Have to take them to search so we dont "offend" the religious and moral customs of the occupied countries. And if there were opportunities for women in combat roles that would be fine by me. I dont give a **** if you piss standing up or sitting down, if you wanna be there, gender shouldnt be a DQ. Another note: Women police officers actually have a higher hit percentage in armed conflict with suspects than men do. Saw a study a few years back of expended rounds/confirmed hits. Was like 22% for women and 19% for men. Sad they have to fire 5 times to hit something at close range, especially with all the training they are supposed to be getting. Women are also on Swat teams. Had a team come to train with us at Benning one year that was lead by a woman. -Ray
  24. Still dont see them changing the game since it would be changing the code in a major way. Trust me when i say they arent in favor of major rewrites hehe. Kuroi and I have made quite a few suggestions that went "Down in Flames" much harder than this I do however think this would be awesome in matches against squadrons. (that is why I said it wasnt a bad idea) Be nice to have bragging rights and your enemy for 30 days . In ladder play I dont think it would be such a good idea. Kind of against the nature of the game to make it PG-13. But since I cannot speak for any changes as I know the same amount of details about this game as you. I just get an opinion as to how to make this game better, and I express it more often than I should hehe. -Ray
  25. I think the auto resolve would be nice in campaigns when you have to sit and watch the AI and bombers duke it out. I usually just leave and do something else when this happens. Not as sexy as Stalins reason but practical none the less. -Ray
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