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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Sixxkiller

  1. Hello guys. I hope you are having fun with Flying Tigers. But the next campaign to come out will be North Atlantic 1941: Bomber Command. You can go to my site below to view the logo, map, and a brief description. I think it will be released sometime next week. -Ray
  2. LOL, only 12 orphans? I think there are more than that per sq foot in Iraq. -Ray
  3. You can go to my site and get a look at the briefing and map. Should be released pretty soon. -Ray
  4. Or how about the experience the new wingmen get, is available exp as well as accumulated. -Ray
  5. Stalin if you dont stop all the mushiness, we are gonna have to get together for a group cuddle. Hey hey, no swaping spit over there!!! Damn sheepies always wanna kiss. I knew I should have been a sheepy hearder! :cool: -Ray
  6. Well ya know, in the Army, no one fears the helicopter pilot when he isnt in his bird. I am pretty sure Marines feel the same way. And what does being able to land have to do with a knock down drag out? Hell he should have just landed on the guy if thats the case. :eek: -Ray
  7. They should have let those two go a few rounds, that way it would teach the Brits to stay in thier cozy little helocopters and let the men do the ground pounding. But if it was a Marine, its not like he can hit a moving target anyway. -Ray
  8. Joe, Hi well I have designed 4 of these campaigns in the full game. Leyte Gulf, Greece, Crete, and Malta. I have a few more coming this week and a lot more in the works. The reason there are pilots that seem really awesome is I am hoping that in giving a range of skills options that each game may play a little different. Also playing "stock" pilots results in less kills which becomes boring and believe it or not, with the fatigue rules, makes human skill less of an option. Plus with say Leyte Gulf, having Kuroi Neko or Ron Alderdice die, it changes the campaign dramaticly. But coming with the expansion pack, I will be toning it down a bit. And if you hate the fatigue rules now, should have been here a few months ago lol. -Ray
  9. OMG this was a typo. I meant only his MOTHER could love him but then gave him away to be raised by sheepies in the down under and over island. -Ray
  10. Yes Mistura, Zonso, Tornado, and KevinV are great help. There is this other guy but he isnt that memorable. I think its because he doesnt shoot anyone down in tournaments. Who remembers the guy in 4th place? -Ray
  11. Hi Joe, Well I was wrong, Stalin has taken offense to your post hehe. We love him but he can be pretty point blank, and in this respect he is right, just not in his tone. And I know there is no way you would know this but he is WAY worse about the historical aspects than any 10 players here. He is pretty invaluable to me when testing and trying to have some historical value and he just plain is an expert at WWII air combat. Unfortunately he is also the main critic of this game, but in hind sight he has made this game much more enjoyable. You see I think you have this game all wrong. While this is a game about aerial combat, it isnt really a simulation. Seeing as this is a card game, luck plays a major part, maybe 30% of the game infact. In real dog fighting its 99% skill and 1% luck. The only way to take out the luck factor would be if you could pick the cards yourself. As far as penalties go, the card game is I am guessing quite a bit less sophisticated and way less evolved. When the first demo came out this game was probably closer to the card game, but they have changed it according to player imput. When they sent me the file to test the new damage model, I told them I loved it but that some people would hate it. So Joe I would just like to say one thing more to you. You may never like this game until you let go of the original card game and realize this is a new animal. And if you really dont like this game, thats sad for the community as every single player can add something to the pot and it makes it more rewarding for the guys here that devote large portions of thier time to make this game better. The more people playing the more rewarding it is for us. Hope to see you around, -Ray
  12. Richenbacher, Well I am not trying to rile you up or anything but dial up is fine to "play" the game as the info going accross isnt that big, but yes the downloads are rather huge. I have a college ethernet so I do not dial up, nor would I ever even search the internet again on dial up. And I think no matter what game you play that you need to update will most certainly be bigger than 4-10mb. You mentioned BF2 which I have never played but I am sure its rather large to update. And campaigns have a wide variety of scoring. Even the best are having a harder time lately winning, especially the newer campaigns. They must have been designed by a genius! But hang in there. -Ray
  13. LOL, well I have the best Japanese pilot ever who lost his ed so he may retire the hard way. -Ray
  14. Mike there are way more holes in 98 than XP. Kiwis I swear! -Ray
  15. Richenbacher, As Brian kind of stated, there is A LOT they want to put in this game. I do know that the offline campaign is one of them. I am not sure you know that this game is a work in progress and these guys have real jobs and families. With that said, they work very hard and there is a lot more coming. And you are right the campaigns are the best part by far. I also would like for there to be an editor for you guys to make campaigns. Its actually really easy to make them but hard as hell to balance them, especially when there are changes to the system and game mechanics. There are 2 more coming soon with another on the horizon that will be like a game in its own right with hopefully a few new things. Then the expansion pack will have maybe 8-10 more campaigns and new stuff. Having dial up is ok to play online. The best way to play them is vs a human anyway. I hope you will maybe change your mind a bit, it still is a great $43 game. -Ray
  16. Hi Fred, Yes its very hard to win as allies, and thats how its designed Its hard because yes Gladiators and Hurricanes did suck vs the Germans onslaught. It was over pretty quickly. As far as the swordfish being there, the 815 Squadron had 6 there and they did make a few runs before being withdrawn to Crete. There actually is an Axis ground target but maybe I should remove it. Thanks for the imput. -Ray
  17. Wow Mike, you use Win98? Thats too bad. If I win the lottery I swear I am sending you XP so you will be up to date with the rest of civilization. -Ray
  18. Hi Joe, First I want to say something for your original sentence about being reamed for posting your dislikes of this game. Now while I am most certain the great majority here dont agree with the things you dislike, I can empathise with some of the stuff you comment on. But no one here would go off on you for your opinions. This is a community much like going to a gaming shop in your community where you can say pretty much anything constuctive you wish. There is one major difference here though. We (Thats anyone who didnt create this game) are all kind of in a team. Its like a continuing beta process to make the game better. What I mean is this is like a living breathing organism where most of the changes to the structure and direction of the organism are directly affected by us and our wants, desires, and suggestions. Dan and Brian created the game but I can tell you that MUCH of the stuff after is due to what WE as customers, fans and non creators have asked for. Thats actually what sets Battlefront products apart from the others....they listen. Now as for bombers having natural pilots in the campaigns and ladder portions of the game, I can understand you not liking it but it really is easy to shoot them down and an extra hit point does help to balance it. In the campaigns it is especially important for the simple fact of fatigue taking away the hit points to differing degrees. That extra hit point can make a HUGE difference in later rounds. But I do also understand you liking the original card game and not liking all the extra options in the computer version. I hate remakes of original movies and so I can see your points. Side note. I went into a gaming store in Berkeley California this past week to find Dans games (since I have never played any of them hehe) and all I could find was 1 game, Modern Battles, and they had never even heard of DIF the card game. I must say also that they had never even heard of Dan which I was kind of surprised. I was going to buy the game but decided to just get it from Dans site so these heathens didnt profit from not knowing . But if I could have bought this one $250 game on Leyte Gulf I think I would have, but $250 was a bit steep. Oh well so far off topic now. I do hope you change your mind and give DIF more of a look. -Ray
  19. Hi Kindred, The warbirds is one of the absolute best sites on warfare. I love it!!!! -Ray
  20. I will be leaving for about 3 weeks on a business trip (Well 2 weeks and 1 week that my gf wants to spend on her spring break in SF). I hope you all will not miss me too much. I am leaving as the top weekly killer because well I could always be the top weekly killer if I wished no matter what some of the ego maniacs here will say. Also there will be no tournaments (for Mistura to win) done obviously by me until I return but we will resume them when I get back along with lots more campaigns that will be coming out soon. For all the new people that will be coming to the game, welcome them with open arms and be sure to let them know that they should be afraid for thier pilots when I return. I know I know its hard to be a killer when you look this damn good. But thats why the SIXXKILLERS are the best! -Ray
  21. Spytos, Hi you havent played for too long so I will comment on some of these things from a strategic standpoint. You mentioned in #3 that the AI will dive or climb in situations where it is disadvantaged or tailed. I actually think that with the many skills the AI pilots possess' this is a rather good thing to do as you cannot see what the AI has and many times the Human player has enough defensive cards to thwart an attack from the AI's position. I think you will find that by diving the AI tries to pick up cards just as a human and climbing has advantages especially if it forces you to gain the advantage again when you dont follow. Also I am not in the opinion that the sequence should be lowest firing card first as it would depend on the circumstance. I dont always fire the lowest offensive card first as that will make me predictable. The AI used to discard the maximum every round, even when it was overstocked. Sometimes I think this works out and sometimes it doesnt. And as for attacking the wingman, I suggest you play a human player as this is almost standard opperation procedure. I know my wingam gets shot down sometimes and at higher levels try fighting without the wingman against 2 AI pilots. Not a pretty sight. -Ray
  22. Nuetrino, Well that sounds good the spending that the ROK spends on its national defense, but even with even double what they spend now I would absolutely state that among "civilized" nstions they have to be the worst man for man standing army in the world. Also thier whole defensive structure is based on a joint defensive system with the US, they are already outmanned 2-1 by DPRK and about 3-1 in reserves. So techological advantages will not make much of a difference especially with the DPRK having by far the largest special operations force thought to be over 100 thousand or more. Thats more than double the US' capability in peace time, not to mention the levels being under deployment at any given time. What i think the largest disadvantage for the ROK is that the heart and soul of Korea has and always will be Seoul. That being said, the DPKR has the first strike option of using artillery strikes that could number a few hundred thousand shells per hour and could be sustained for a few hours. While the ROK has excellent evacuation options, the fleeing populace on the roadways would severely limit reinforcement for the first 2-3 days. Its actually pretty sobering to think about this. Hope we never have to see if this comes about. -Ray
  23. Just play Stalin, I am sure your pilots will get there quickly Mist!
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