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Everything posted by Sixxkiller

  1. Believe me I want this to come out BAD! I hate waiting but Dan is swamped with DIF at the moment. But as they say, ALL Great things are worth the wait. Look at CM:SF. They may take a while to make but damnit if they arent worth it. -Ray
  2. And you guys are so fixated on the planes when you havent even seen the new skills yet! A few will make your jaw drop. There is the one where you get.......... oops sworn to secrecy, have to buy the expansion to see all the new goodies! -Ray
  3. The Corsair was a beautiful plane. Maybe my pick for second prettiest behind the MC 2005 (shameless attempt to get it modeled soon) Also i may add the Ki-84 was BEAUTIFUL (another shameless attempt to get it modeled.) And there is no way the Corsair pilots could have flown P-38's anyway as the Marines didnt get them issued. -Ray
  4. Yes Mr Stalin. Those write ups were mine and i used quite a few sources to do it. I think you just got lost in the kiwi to yankees translation. But we will spare you being grounded as you help me work on the secret stuff! Dont tell kindred though. (He thinks I tease him too much cause we arent allowed to tell players in Portugal any secret information). Oh and kindred, the Bomber Command 41 campaign is going to be released soon. You can blame Dan for it not coming out sooner! If you can get him fired, Portugese players will have much more information than at present!!! Only bad thing is you will have to do the animations as Dan will tell you, even my curved lines i draw on a map are not meant for public consumption. -Ray
  5. I changed them after I entered those guys in the Hall. Otherwise I would have to include 20 or so more.... -Ray
  6. In case you didnt know, there were 12 NEW additions to the Sixxkiller Hall of Fame of January/Feb. You can go see if you were one of the deserving few! -Ray
  7. Well, I am not an expert but I would say that MNB will not be released anywhere near the same time frame as SC-2. You may just have to drink one less 12 pack of ale to pay for the additional shipping. By the time MNB comes, I would imagine they could have it for download.
  8. Man this board is getting to be like CM:SF. Too much learnin, not enough killin! But atleast there is no Peng thread!!! -Ray [ March 10, 2006, 09:38 AM: Message edited by: Sixxkiller ]
  9. The Hellcat was also a bit more armored. Both were good planes but since the Corsair is my favorite plane ever I will give it the nod. But the Hellcat would be a GREAT addition. -Ray
  10. Nice links. Will have a chance to read them later I think. Thx Mike -Ray
  11. Boy I cant wait till the expansion pack(s) come out! As my computer cord died I actually thought about this more. Its hot here in the summer but the bikini watching may suffer! -Ray
  12. Hi guys. Finally had a chance to play. I guess part of me likes the change, but I think its too easy to max out the wingman skills now. I mean I havent got a chance in hell of maxing my best pilot for his skills. But I am getting ever closer to getting the uber wingman. But one thing that I still love this game for is the changes grow on you after a while. I still absolutely HATE the IMS2: DESTROYED card, especially when they are grouped together. I know from playing mostly Japanese pilots that they really dont need them once you get into the J2M4. But overall I think that it really only affects the established pilots. And Stalin, 20K behind isnt that bad when you are that high. Now you just need to get that lead for Algy back up there. -Ray
  13. The 210 actually had most of its problems ironed out, it was just doomed by reputation by this time. The 410 was a decent plane in its roles, especially when its later versions cannon worked. -Ray
  14. Well I want a bigger paycheck, a company Ferrari, a company jet, a stripper girlfriend that my girlfriend doesnt know about, and to have you all name your first born after me. Other than that I will take a Ki-84 and ITALIANS!!! -Ray PS I was kidding about the company jet (as I will make do with the Ferrari!)
  15. And he forgot to tell you guys how handsome I am. This is like a 30th plane but better. -Ray
  16. BvB, Hi Crete was much better balanced before the new damage model, but historically, Greece and Crete were complete routs for the Germans. But I havent played either since they patched. I will look into it soon. Flying Tigers isnt that hard as Allies. I have played through a few turns and I have noticed nothing thats alarming. I think the 40-1 ratio (which is often disputed by historians) is just a watermark for you guys. I just wanted to design it a bit harder to play as Allies. I still for the life of me have no idea how a P-40 could beat a ki-43 in a dogfight, but the tactics the AVG employed arent simulated buy this combat system. They didnt dogfight but used hit and run tactics. Unfortunately you have to dogfight in this game We tried to simulate the differences in the planes by giving the P-40's power dive and the Ki-43 Zoom climb. This was Stalins suggestion. As far as taking out a Ki-43, Of the 299 AVG kills, IIRC like 80% of the fighters killed were Ki-43. Plus I like seeing people not winning every campaign. :cool: -Ray
  17. But you didnt pay for my copy so I expect you will pay for my expansion pack. Thanks in advance!!! -Ray
  18. Ok the name has been changed to Bomber Command 1941. -Ray
  19. And you can click the included option to transfer your life savings directly to my account. Those who do not trust giving me all thier money online may make thier checks payable to Sixxkillers Ferrari Fund.... My dating Jessica Simpson depends on it. Any donation of over $10,000 will ensure her sister Ashlee makes no more records. -Ray PS Thank you for your support. Any donation of over $2,600 will include a free expansion CD and access to the neighbors house. Key not provided. [ February 25, 2006, 07:25 PM: Message edited by: Sixxkiller ]
  20. Gar dem pirates gonna walk the plank matey. -Ray
  21. Hi fred I am not understanding. You had bad draws but you think the campaign is designed for only hardcore players? I guess I will start out by saying that I find FT to be hard as hell as the Japanese to win and easy for the Allies. But it seemes that most players dont win as allies for the reports on the home page. It may just be a matter of style. There really is no way to make a difficulty specific campaign with the editor. We do try to balance it as best we can and sometimes there have to be historical liberties taken into account to make it more balanced. But if I was to make this campaign totally historical, the Allies would mop the floor with the Japanese. Last thing I will say is sometimes any campaign can litterly be too easy. Shooting down and killing a few planes in any campaign can really throw off the AI. And the AI really doesnt have great targeting procedures. The testing team are some of the best players in the DIF community, and I will admit that when I see thier scores go from total blow outs to reasonable, I figure its not gonna be too bad. I guess try it again and if you are still having problems I will try to help you as best I can. -Ray
  22. Hi Pedro, The name may change on the North Atlantic, but I wanted you guys to know that we are working to provide you guys as much content as we can. Red Tide is just a small campaign about the bombing of Berlin by a small group of courageous Russians in retaliation for the German bombing of Moscow. Will only be flyable as Germans though. Stay tuned for more guys, -Ray
  23. Yes John, the DIF world is changing. Kindred has now given hope to all those tournament participants in training. Jolly good show for the empire Kindred. -Ray
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