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Everything posted by Sixxkiller

  1. Everyone is always picking on me and you wonder why I need therapy???? And I will remember these comments when we fly!!!
  2. I would advise never playing offline as we cant tease you for getting killed after 3 missions. Only I am sexy so I dont think that will help you and it isnt modesty as a skill that shall help you, getting a cute puppy might though!
  3. Hi Silent, welcome aboard. Popular opinion would be to buy skills in order of expense. This will help later on as they get rather pricey. I usually go with... Leader Quick Reflexes, Redline, Marksmanship Wingman Spoil Aim,Sweep Tail, and Anticipation. For you I would suggest starting out by buying Natural pilot before the other skills though as it will help you survive in the first few planes. As for pilot pix, you can add your own from the manage pilot screen for both leader and wingman. You just upload them to the server with the "upload image link" and send me a check for $29.95. The photo size has to be under 20kb. Btw, I was joking about $29.95, you can just send me $19.95 if you tell me how sexy I am.
  4. Lets see the numbers shall we? Total Fighter Aircraft PRODUCED during war Soviet Union = 63,087 Germany = 55,727 That would seem to be more than the Germans, but when I was in college maybe I missed something. But you recall I am a retard. That said, simple quantisation of the energies involved to formulate this opinion would also have to take into account that the Germans after Kursk had also lost a big portion of thier oil refining capability as some of the Allies got it into thier head to bomb the hell out of thier facilities, hence leading to you guessed it, less oil for stuff like planes and good stuff like that. Whats that, you dont know what quantisation means? Well gee sunshine you must not be Einstien. Now you know what, less oil doesnt lead to less production of aircraft and the funny thing is you are right, the silly Germans actually did increase production of airplanes in 1943!!! I am such a Nazi propagandist. Oh wait I forgot, the Soviets also increased production to a scale Germany couldnt even dream of matching as the Soviet production wasnt getting bombed to oblivion and they had a country just a wee bit more rich with raw materials. Now dont forget an evil empire called America sending them party favors and apple pie. Oh also sunshine, are you telling me you dont know the exact figures but yet you come here and tell me I have no clue what I am saying? Now who again is commiting historical fraud? Or do you just make it up as you go? And just so you know, I DO NOT WORK FOR BATTLEFRONT NOR DO I WORK FOR DVG. I am sexy though. And thankfully I just wrote the description for Leningrad 4x campaigns, a kiwi super computer of flight information and WWII knowledge actually designed the campaign, and believe me when I say EVERYTHING I DO HE FINDS FAULT WITH, so since he didnt say, "Sexy Sixx you write a pile of ****" I will just continue to hold my ground on this. And just so you know, I call my female puppy Sunshine from time to time, so you can maybe try to draw a popular description of a female dog from the nickname "Sunshine". Maybe not so complmentary as you thought, but what do I know I am a retard right?
  5. Hi guys, hope you are loving the expansion. I have started to formulate a campaign type rpg tourney. You will be required to fly 2 missions per week, 1 offensive mission and 1 defensive mission against another human. Thats 2 planes. There will be 7 Squadrons (people) per team. The Allies will have 3 Russian Squadrons, 2 Brit Squadrons, and 2 US Squadrons. The Axis has 7 German Squadrons of course. Each side will have a Commander that will assign what player will attack each target. Each person will have 1 region of responsibility where he will be limited to a certain type of plane. We will be using the Custom Mission generator so you can fly planes you already have up to a 0-20,000 point max limit so you will not need to create new pilots. This means you can still fly your planes for fun as long as it doesnt exceed the limit. You can use your 2 other planes in your nation to keep your tourney planes fatigue free. You will have from late Monday till Sunday night at 9pm PST to workout a time and play your opponent. Tourney will begin either OCT 9TH OR 16TH. So if you are interested you can post here OR EMAIL ME and I will work out the details.
  6. So you talk to Steve, Charles, Moon, and Matt do ya? Well then maybe since you are aquainted with them you should learn to respect the forum rules and guidelines......especially when you are dealing with someone who is in charge of such stuff.
  7. But what you arent understanding is that no matter what you find, not one word will change. Whereas if you had been a gentlemen and simply said well I think you are wrong can you please look into it, then you would have maybe had me write a different description. Not one other person has had a problem with it so until someone else thinks it should change, it wont. Got that sunshine?
  8. Flying Tigers should be fine but I will look into it for you. I have had some troubles with the expan camps Not sure what you mean about information???
  9. 1.Campaigns: A.I assume you can only set up and play campaigns online, even if you just want to play solo? Yes campaigns are only online B. Is anyone having trouble with the Camapign Display? Evidently my browser or something else is effecting the display to the left of the campaign map, during play...I assume that there should be some information on how to set up and execute battles generated from the campiagn map, but there is no way for me to set up/execute these... Which campaign? 2. Discards: A. Im not exactly sure what effect discards have on card draw....do you get an extra draw for each card you discard? It depends on Performance, Horsepower, and what altitude you are at. Performace is your max cards, Horsepower is max cards you can draw at the end of your turn. Altitude can effect these. B. I am sometimes prompted to discard when diving...I thought you only discarded for climbing? What am I missing? Could be the enemy has the Shake Him Off Skill 3. Bursts: A. I do not understand the concept of the burst rating and how that effects gunnery....is this based on theortical firepower of the aircraft or ammo or both? You should look at the manual as it will explain bursts B. So you have to have a certain number of bursts available to use a gunnery card? Yes 4. Is it common to get the &*%$ beat out of you for the first dozen/score/hundreds/thousands or so games? I am getting whacked every game by the AI! I am afraid to even get online to play...I would be humiliated! Yes you are supposed to be humiliated. It teaches you that I am just too sexy to shoot down! 5. Fatigue: A. Does getting shot down or damaged add even more to your fatigue level? Yep B. Is there anyway to rest your Pilots other than to fly missions? All of my Pilots are heavily fatigued and have heavy minuses - no fresh ones left! Create 4 pilots for your country. Play on a rotation basis. It will usually give you a fresh pilot to play. -Ray
  10. He's a troll. Even an amatuer historian such as myself can read and figure out the fact that a combination of things doomed the Germans in WWII or we would have just done Leningrad 41-42 as there would have been no need for 43 or 44 as the Germans would have been victorious. Best to just keep this civil.
  11. Brian, he has purchased the expansion and he is now able to see the preview screen but not the plane while in mission
  12. My approach is all wrong? Call me a retard again. I dont care. Have you even played the campaign, or are you just being an asshole because you cant read properly? I said "ENLIGHTEN" me as to my "ERROR". Did I state something that wasnt true? Did winter have nothing to do with Germany retreating? Or can you not answer that? So call me a retard Nazi propagandist again....
  13. Considering the Germans never thought they would be retreating in Winter of 1944 I think maybe history pointed this out before my campaign description did. But if this wasnt true please enlighten me as to my error.
  14. Others are having this problem! That will teach you to live in Europe!!!!
  15. Well arent you tactful? The campaign is designed to be WINTER 44, so I think maybe the description is valid. Maybe you can take your foot out now eh?
  16. I disagree with the assessment that it wont have the same or close to the same life span as previous titles. Good games last far beyond the technology, like say Diablo 2, Counterstrike (which I hate), Starcraft, etc... And I for the life of me cant figure out why people arent interested in modern warfare. A wargamer should embrace any form of war game as the principals remain the same no matter what war is being fought. Tactics really dont change, the just get modified to fit the equipment and the environment. Advanced technology help with this but it still doesnt win the battle, you do I am looking forward to all of the incarnations of CMx2
  17. Oh one more thing, you wont be home much if you become an operator. I think in 20 years (12 active) I actually was in the US 3 times for Christmas.
  18. Schullencraft, For risk of upsetting the Jarheads here, Force Recon while a good unit, is a far cry from Army Special Forces or Seal Units. Ranger School accepts from all branches and when I went through my "buddy" or partner through it was a Marine. Infact the goal of the modern Rangers was to have a graduate of Ranger School in every company in every branch of the service. Needless to say the washout rate is too high for that. Seals I believe can accept from other service branches but I personally know of only one Army operator who has ever went to qualify for a Seal unit. Most guys who go into Special Forces come from the AB or Ranger batts. Getting Ranger School as a commitment can be part of your enlistment contract. No guarantee you will actually become one but you can enlist with that option. There is actually now a program to recruit into other than straight legger units before you even enlist, so saying that you cant go in with that intent may be only for the Marine Corps. That I have no idea. But I will tell you being an operator is far better than I would imagine a clerk would be "Regarding Special Forces, the Marine Corps does have Force Recon which is mildly similar to Navy SEALs, but tasked differently (in support of Marine Forces as deep penetration recon or other related missions). Getting selected for Force Recon isn't an MOS choice you get to make when you enlist. There's a lot of qualifying steps you have to go through before you're considered (some of which are beyond your control). This is basically true of the other Special Forces in other branches of the military. They're all very selective and it's pretty hard getting into the training programs (not to mention the 'wash out' rate within the training program). Don't join with the expectation that you'll be in a Special Forces unit. If you do, you may be in for a lot of disappointment when the opportunity never comes up or you never get selected for training or you wash-out of training. These are all possibilities and you could end up doing something else you find highly boring (which will probably be true for a large portion of your service, active duty or reserve)."
  19. Depending on your age and what you do for a living and if you have a college degree, married status, its maybe better to go in active for 4 years. You may see less time in Iraq on active. But you know I am very glad I did it but I wouldnt re-up again. Spending your best years in mud holes or in jerk water countries isnt fun. But at the same time there are awesome places and awesome times with unit members and lets not forget the ladies! Also you get to play with guns and dont go to prison for it and the Army gets better such weapons than the Marine Corps. But the Marines have sexier uniforms whereas the Army has Special Forces which I highly reccommend you consider. It can also be very lonely and obviously dangerous. And for god sakes dont listen to a recruiter before you make a decision on what job you'd like to do in service They tend to gloss over the bad spots.
  20. I am pretty sure buildings will be moddable.
  21. I think you guys should just quit working on CM:SF and get a real job at Walmart!
  22. LMAO Peter. You know something funny, I could have kept my record and been at 5000 by now if thats what I had wished. Not too hard to get to 2000 kills my friend. I bet if a lot of people here played 900 missions they would have 2000 kills. And look at buffy, he has the actual highest kills per mission record, not us as he didnt have access to the custom missions. And Sadaharas wingman would have the real xp per mission record too if he didnt have 10 missions that didnt count while I was testing the customs. And wasnt it you that was complaining about me getting 700 xp per mission and then you get added back to the test team and what do you do? You play custom missions to try to validate your record? Give me a break. And if you notice I can easily catch you and do it better. I even told you that Shuderian had every record at one point, back when it was actually harder to get kills than now. But I am not trying to take away from that "record" you have even if a few of the stats are exactly what you were pissed off about. But whatever
  23. Hi Bride, look at the xp/per mission stat now! And Skuderian had all records way before you bro Still a nice record. Now get your record back
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