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Everything posted by Mace

  1. It would have to be the Tiger killing IS-2. btw Dan, where are those graphics from CM2 you keep promising!
  2. Thank you for your vote of support. I will remember it next time when I get the normal Mensch ICQ message: "Mace, Mace...help meeeeeee! My fallout 2 NPCs don't like me and keep running away, and all the towns I visit have signs prepared especially for me saying Don't even think of entering. What can I do?" Mensch, drop dead! Mace [This message has been edited by Mace (edited 03-29-2001).]
  3. (ab)normal posting can now be resumed. Thankyou. [This message has been edited by Mace (edited 03-29-2001).]
  4. ...slightly perturbed, wondering why we have returned to this subject of 'g'nads', when the thread was taking a direction that was much more family friendly, and less likely to receive a XXX rating. Croda was also pondering this over a nice Tuna based dished, when suddenly after taking a bite out of this delicacy, almost choked on a fisherman's boot that was firmly imbedded in the fish meat. At the same time, a group of salivating penguins were watching his every move, the way he raised the salmon to his mouth, the way he masticated (yes m.a.s.t.i.c.a.t.e.d, you sickos) every morsal, savoring the fine flavor as it washed over his taste buds, when suddenly an expelled boot came flying over in their direction to land with a thud at their webbed feet. "Right", cried the head penguin, "Let's"... [This message has been edited by Mace (edited 03-29-2001).]
  5. I can categorically state it wasn't me on the DC Metro! However, if you happen to be upon the Bacchus-Marsh/Melbourne V-Line service, you may be fortunate to catch me (sleeping). By the way, Mr Shaw, I am sitting down, however your concern about my well being is much appreciated! Mace
  6. Oh leave him alone, Stukes. It probably took Speedy all day to come up with that, and his efforts should at least be recognised (mainly as a complete waste of time). Mace
  7. ...a nice bit of Roast Lamb, with baked potatoes, pumpkin & peas all covered with a rich brown gravy! Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm! Mace started drooling all over his keyboard at work, knowing that the nearest he ever was going to get to a lamb roast today was perhaps in a few hours when he pops down to the nearest sandwich bar for lunch. He also hoped that this reflected attention away from all these insinuations that Mace was a sheep shagger, when all he really wanted out of life was...
  8. .- / .-. . ...- . .-.. .- - .. --- -. ---... / -.-- --- ..- .----. .-. . / .- .-.. .-.. / .. -.. .--- ..- - ... -- .- -.-. .
  9. ...Mace once again pointing out a serious error in a previous post. Sheep do not have hair! You may resume normal...
  10. What are the terms and conditions of employment? What are my entitlements? You can't expect me to fill a position without at least providing me with a duty statement. Mace (who is sitting down)
  11. Medical authorities warn that parking AFVs on the crest of a hill with their flanks exposed to a pair of veteran Stug IIIs is a health hazard! (gotta love those Stugs) Mace
  12. Oh a Kinnigit punch-up! You can argue all you like guys, but... Ziiiiipppppppppp....*PLONK* ...mines far bigger than yours! Mace (not to be confused with Ron)
  13. ...quote another set of erroneous statistics when Mace interjected. "At the time of the 1996 Australian Census there were 8,849,224 males and 9,043,199 females. This is a ratio of 1.02 females to every man! I want to know what happened to my .02 bit of woman!!!" However, Mace stopped blabbering because all attention was on 109 Gustav, who was working on a response to Phan and which was to be posted at any tick of the...
  14. I do recall reading somewhere that they participate in a victory parade in Germany immediately after war's end. This perhaps suggests that although they never took part in any fighting, some must have been available near the front lines. Perhaps the reason was for combat trials? Mace
  15. ... do something to rescue this post which is languishing on page 2. But Phan was in bed (as was all the good citizens of the USA), dreaming about his gal, and pawing at his pillow trying to find release from the type of tension he was experiencing! Because of the timezone difference, only Mace was on hand to rescue the thread so he quickly stepped in, but once he saw what Phan was up to he turned around and ran out, screaming. "How...
  16. I don't know what you're drinking, but if you send a crate or two my way I'd be much appreciated. btw, good luck with the career change/s! Mace
  17. ..."besides the sheep, no! But I did achieve the 100th post in this here faq thread. Isn't that"...
  18. That's a damned fine idea! ..grabs jacket and goes home..
  19. ...Mace suddenly denied strongly that he had any fetish for any sort of male genitalia - animal or otherwise (although he was very attached to his own, or was that it was very attached to him?), and was planning to take legal action if any of these false accusations were to continue without any evidence. Meanwhile, a 1000 miles away, JD the famed CM solicitor felt a stirring in his.... [This message has been edited by Mace (edited 03-25-2001).]
  20. Sorry, I don't do "service", but I will take tax-payers money!
  21. I wont to know when the album comes out, and will there be any tours or videos? Mace
  22. it was alright in it's time, until Panzer Elite came along, then Combat Mission (although the first two are sims rather than wargames). The only advantage Panzer Commander had was that it scenarios for the Western, Eastern and North Africa fronts. Pretty dated nowdays though. Mace
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