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Everything posted by Mace

  1. *wanders in from the MBT* GAAAAAARGHHHHHHHHHH!!! GGGGGGGGGGAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRGHGAKGAGK GAAAAAAAAARGH~!!! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: ummm, just trying to get a dialog going with you daggy lot. btw, where's that grumpy one lately, Mr Goodale? You know, the one with perpetual Pre-Menstrual Syndrome? I like him, he's funny (reminds me of Joe Shaw, and has a similar way with words. Sorry I mean grunts). Mace
  2. How much does it cost NOT to have a picture with Seanachai? Mace
  3. Ahhhhhhh, University life! Vegemite smeared on black toilet seats was another standard. The piece de resistance however was staying up til 3 am in the morning, then going through Menzies college (La Trobe University) removing every toilet paper roll from every toilet and stacking the whole lot as a pyramid in the quadrangle (We did however have enough forebodance to keep a reserve supply for our own use). The collective scream of some 500 students realising that there was no toilet paper in easy reach is something that will live with me for the rest of my life. Mace
  4. We'll not only do that for you but also arrange to have your backside poking out from the sod to be used as a commemorative bike stand. No need to thank us. We're a cultured and considerate lot down here. Mace
  5. Grandad? Barrel? Hid? Hayloft? I sure the local constabulary would want to have words with you, Mr Emrys. *backs away* Mace
  6. Beatles or Elton John version? Mace [ August 22, 2003, 04:15 AM: Message edited by: Mace ]
  7. I did have a beer after he left (I needed it, believe me, as one does when one meets another cesspooler) By the way, It's not Aussie etiquette to drink in front of another person who is not partaking (I think that's because if one is drunk, the other may remember what the drunk one got up to) Be rest assured, dear chum, that somewhere in Australia there is a drunk. Mace
  8. Numerically, or content wise? PS I did offer Noba a beer after our sojourn, but he refused since did have to drive. Which reminds me of an anti drink-driving slogan down here. If you drink and drive, you're a bloody idiot! What happens if you're a bloody idiot in the first place? Does this mean you can drink and drive to your heart's content? This is something to ponder. Mace
  9. Doggie and Reinald1, you both present yourselves as intolerant, hateful and spiteful as the Nazis. Mace
  10. I think it's time for your medication again. Mace
  11. Sorry, Noba, but I think you're confusing the match as a WestCoast victory. Mace
  12. Let me know when you beat us in a real sport, Aussie Rules, before you start with the strutting and chest beating. What terms would you like in our next battle, my Kiwi nemesis? Mace
  13. That's BAUHAUS!! BAUHAUS!!!. Remind me to have words with my marketing consultant, the wrong image is getting out there. Mace
  14. I can't recall seeing sheep in Deliverance. Perhaps you're confusing me with Bauhaus? Mace
  15. Crikey! Compared to the 'mormon wife'* standard of picture Joe normally bombards us with, this is very much an improvement. Mace
  16. Get a furry dog up ya, Lars! Hoooopy boithday!! Mace
  17. I think you've given Joe too much credit...by at least one synapse. Mace
  18. A word of advice from a seniour Kiiiinigit *places a friendly arm around NG cavscout shoulders* ....just be careful who you give your email addy to. If it falls into the wrong hands you could very well be dealing with a veritable flood of email from extremely *cough cesspoolers cough* strange *cough cesspoolers cough* people. *takes hands away from shoulder* PS This conversation never happened. I was never here. Mace
  19. Now Joe, you realise that some of us (by us I mean Lars) aren't technically competent enough to use a camera and end up looking through the lens and taking photos of nostrils....and none of us really want to see photos of that. *shudder* But seeing an actual flyable IL16? YOU LUCKY, LUCKY BASTAGE, LARS. Mace [ August 06, 2003, 05:05 AM: Message edited by: Mace ]
  20. I didn't see any mention of the Customs agent's ultimate weapon, the 'full body cavity search using cold utensils'. Mace
  21. *from down in the very bowels of the cesspool wine cellar* <font size = 1> yesh, the wine was very *hic* chilled. Just hafing a wee celebratory nip, that's all. Oh, And toasting fine Emma's message! *URP* Scusey!</font> Mace
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