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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Mace

  1. 'ken oath! We have the Tasmanians shaking in their boots. Oh wait, that's part of Australia. Mace
  2. That's a somewhat distressing thought. However, I have yet to feel any compulsion to stand in the front garden wearing bright clothes and pointy hat. Mace [ October 14, 2003, 04:44 AM: Message edited by: Mace ]
  3. I think there's been a suggestion amongst AFV modellers to use the Luftwaffe Dunkelgrun as a good representative of the Soviet AFV green. Mace
  4. So..... when you going to start? Mace
  5. *Enters Grue, riding a camel* Grue knows this Hans. Grue knows this Hans was scenario designer for CMAK and beta tester, and is Kiwi. Grue will treat Hans with some respect! *rips off both of Han's arms at the shoulder, but only one leg at the hip* There. Grue leaves Hans with a leg to stand on. *opens exit* Now there, Grue open door for Hans, like a gentletroll. Hop-a-long What a sweet Hans. *sniff* *SNIIIIIIIIIFFFF* btw is it Grue that smells badly in sweltering desert heat, or is it Camels? Mace
  6. *Enters Grue, riding a camel* Grue knows this Hans. Grue knows this Hans was scenario designer for CMAK and beta tester, and is Kiwi. Grue will treat Hans with some respect! *rips off both of Han's arms at the shoulder, but only one leg at the hip* There. Grue leaves Hans with a leg to stand on. *opens exit* Now there, Grue open door for Hans, like a gentletroll. Hop-a-long What a sweet Hans. *sniff* *SNIIIIIIIIIFFFF* btw is it Grue that smells badly in sweltering desert heat, or is it Camels? Mace
  7. since we're having a sing along here... And the Desert Rats gnawed at his lines by night Creeping up on the Hun like ghosts Till he screamed and broke in panic flight And we took his hard-pressed posts. In the grey little country over the sea The Bulldog cocked his eye Well done, you Rats of Tobruk, he said We hang on, you and I. Mace
  8. since we're having a sing along here... And the Desert Rats gnawed at his lines by night Creeping up on the Hun like ghosts Till he screamed and broke in panic flight And we took his hard-pressed posts. In the grey little country over the sea The Bulldog cocked his eye Well done, you Rats of Tobruk, he said We hang on, you and I. Mace
  9. You know the best thing about this incarnation? it's just like being home...during summer. Mace
  10. You know the best thing about this incarnation? it's just like being home...during summer. Mace
  11. Ken oath. Got home for work, ready to face the nightly battle of wading through 100 plus emails telling me that I can add 4" and need viagra to remain 'vibrant', just to have Bigpond deprive me of this pleasure! ...bastages! You'll get it al'roight', right across the back of the head....now where's me 4x2 bit of wood? Mace
  12. You'll get Sweet FA out of us!!!! I *bobba* tried to send Kitty a couple of bottles of VB and guess what...your *bobba* *bobba* useless postal service doesn't deliver alcoholic beverages?!!! What *bobba* *bobba* useless sort of Postal service do you have over there? hey? HEY?!!! *bobba* well ships hazardous bacterial products without batting an eyelid..but not alcohol! In our enlightened country, alcohol is shipped with a flurry of efficiency by our AusPost, and arrives at it's destination with the top still on, and the bottle still full of liquid. <font size = 1>..umm... I can't however comment if the contents of the liquid are the same on arrival. For all I know the postal workers could have drank the stuff, then replaced it with some sort of bodily secretion. But hey, if it looks like BEER it must be BEER.</font> So once again, no apology for you until you get that postal service of yours fixed. And you call yourself a demi-god. *harumph* Nong. Mace [ October 10, 2003, 04:49 AM: Message edited by: Mace ]
  13. I do. The bugger keeps moving too quickly for me to get a bead on him. Mace
  14. I'm impressed. Seanachai has taken complete credit for ideas that may not necessarily have been his (from reading BeezleBerli's post). That talent is wasted unless he pursues a career as a civil servant. Mace
  15. We'll hold you to that. <font size = 1>Quick! Send someone with a blender to deal with Wildman. I think it's a self-sacrifice he'll be willing to make for the benefit of mankind, ......and us.</font> Mace [ October 06, 2003, 07:36 AM: Message edited by: Mace ]
  16. Actually, Seanachai's worth two or maybe even three juicy gobs by my reckoning. Mace [ October 04, 2003, 06:23 AM: Message edited by: Mace ]
  17. We bought his loyalty. We have incriminating photos of Michael and his manequin (posed seductively I must say in the M1943 service uniform), and we're not afraid to use them. Mace [ October 04, 2003, 06:03 AM: Message edited by: Mace ]
  18. Actor, buy me an airfare and count me in. Mace
  19. I can think of one feline I'd be quite happy to hug...of course I'd have to put up with fang and claw marks afterwards though. Mace
  20. Bugger the discriptions, just post the bloody photos, will ya! Mace
  21. *Grue wanders in, carrying a soda pop can containing Axe2121* Grue found Axe2121 peeing in pool again! *drops can* Grue was told by boss 'let Grogs in, but no one else' But Axe2121 not on list, so Grue bring him back to his home. Grue hope you have can opener. *wanders back to the MBT*
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