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Everything posted by Mace

  1. *spits out shards of broken teeth* But, Kitty, I was trying to procure this Dukedom so I can make you a gift of the best cat litter in the world for you to play with...the outback! Mace [ November 06, 2003, 03:30 AM: Message edited by: Mace ]
  2. IIRC, Seanachai hasn't trampled any Aussie under foot. I think he's won a few, just, but not the drumming he likes to wish to achieve. Anyway, let's see how well you fair and their might even be a Squirehood out of it (which will tick off Seanachai even more). btw, that reminds me...how the fudge is this new cesspool web site of MrSpkr going? It's been awfuly quiet on that front. Mace
  3. *looks at watch* We'll you're slipping a bit behind schedule. If you had your devine act together, Australia would have been decimated and the population reduced to a mere memory. Bloody deities, you just can't get any decent ones any more. *shakes head in dispair* Mace
  4. I think it's great that I'm actually getting a decent product for my income tax payments for once. Thanks for the excellent service, mate. Mace
  5. It's free so enjoy it. You normally have to pay for that kind of entertainment, don't you? Mace
  6. Bloody oath! He's a feisty little critter. Reminds me of a tasmanian devil. Cute buggers but got a bit of a temper, and sharp, pointy teeth. Still, here's hoping that Runey makes a fine upstanding cesspooler out of him....and equally that Runey loses a few fingers in the process! Mace [ November 03, 2003, 10:40 PM: Message edited by: Mace ]
  7. Naaah, mate. You're much more fun, and you don't jump around as much. Mace
  8. Crikey, I've never seen a jarhead so aggressive before. *backs away* Ok. Then licking batteries must be a hobby then? Mace
  9. I think we put the fear of Berli in him. PS Got that game yet? Mace
  10. Hey Aces and 8s, a query if I may? Is licking batteries a prerequisite for being a Marine Corps Officer? </font>
  11. On behalf of my sheep, Grue and I. Oh and that Queensland place I'm supposed to rule, I pledge alegiance to her most royal highness, Emma that Scot shiela. Long may she rule. I look forward to her proclamations...and her most royal braces. and the Royal wine partaking. Oh and if she doesn't mind...a Dukedom would be nice. Perhaps Australia? Duke Mace. It does have a nice sound to it. Your Majesty *bows and grovels* Mace
  12. Yeh, well who said the MBT wasn't educational? Mace [ November 01, 2003, 07:57 PM: Message edited by: Mace ]
  13. The only decent thing about the Bay City Rollers (BCR) were the attractive lasses that massed to worship then. The other good thing was that the fan's screaming drowned the band's playing out. In fact wasn't BCR TV show 30 minutes of uninterupted screaming? And I always got a chuckle when a female horde (and I do mean that nicely) would grab the lead singer and wrestle him from the stage. Ahh memories. oh and for the lot of you wondering wtf we're talking about.....introducing the BAY CITY ROLLERS If you'll excuse me now...I think I'll go vomit. Mace
  14. So you're saying that your parents were kind to you? Very, very, very, very, VERY kind? An overwhelming type of kindness? Mace
  15. Well, let us know if you get authorisation. We have the FBI's phone number and those of various other law enforcement agencies at hand, for easy contact if your flight goes ahead. Mace
  16. Oh bugger...sounds like another Seanachai sing-a-long coming up. Mace
  17. He does. But he keeps wandering off, requiring the staff to call for the police to help locate him and bring him back. Hopefully they catch him before he starts rocking the roofs, or smashing the windows, of any aussies living in town. However, people are willing to put up with him because he does look so cute standing in their front lawn, what with this little pointy red hat and fishing rod. MAce [ October 31, 2003, 04:45 AM: Message edited by: Mace ]
  18. Oh? Errr. Do you think I may have picked up a nasty disease playing with his.....scenarios? Mace [ October 31, 2003, 04:17 AM: Message edited by: Mace ]
  19. He is new to us. Let me give him a lesson on cesspool etiquette. OI! OZ, MATE!!! We apologise ABOUT Seanachai, not TO him! Have I made myself clear? Now go play in slops, or whatever you serfs do. Mace [ October 30, 2003, 06:02 AM: Message edited by: Mace ]
  20. Oz-digger! Has anyone mentioned how brilliant you are? How much safer Australia is for you being part of it? Well I'll do this and more if you put me on the mailing list for any of your content. I'll even shout you a beer if you're ever down here Melbourne way. Mace
  21. but.. but.. we have a whole country full of cute Australian ladies down here! :eek: Mace
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