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Everything posted by Mace

  1. And then the visit at 2am in the morning to cart them and the immediate family away to some 're-education' camp? Neat!! Mace
  2. heh, mate, I have two lovely (human) daughters so even I get sick of sheep sometime. Mace
  3. She came to her senses and is finally replacing you? Seriously tho, congrats. Mace
  5. I knew I was having trouble when I went to login to my medieval fiefdom using my PC, but discovered that electricity and the silicon chip had yet to be invented. Mace
  6. A message that is composed within a couple of hours, from a group that includes seanachai. You're dreaming. Mace
  7. Timing your typing speed on a Friday night? Ummm No, that's about as worse as it gets. Mace
  8. Did Seanachai actually read one of his own posts?!! *eep* Mace
  9. Well for your information, it's Saturday and I've been bad. Mace
  10. I thought Hiram was the worst CM player ever? *confused* Mace
  11. Are you daft, mate? And have the USA attack my backside for releasing WMDs?!!! I think not!!! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: Mace
  12. I come not to criticise, but to contribute as only an Aussie can. *FFFFFFFFAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaRT*! Mace
  13. *studies* I thought that was a mark from a dripping water tap. Mace
  14. *going through Hiram's wallet* ...5 dollars...50 dollars...100 doll.. *urk* errr What? Wait until he's dead? Where's the challenge in that? btw I have never played Hiram. I think on both occassions that I approached him for a game he said something about 'hearing mom calling' and then fled. Mace
  15. Try getting a track hit on a M1 while it's moving. The M1 and most modern tanks are equipped to track a target while on the move, WW2 AFVs aren't. And If you're lucky enough to get a mobility kill on a M1, try killing it before it kills you. Mace
  16. Only way to do that is on mass, but expect a lot of losses when taking on a modern AFV like an Abrams. Modern AFVs do have quite an advantage in that they can hit with a high probability while on the move, can fight at night, can engage at far longer ranges, and should be able to defeat the armour of even the heavier WW2 AFVs. Also, the reason why the 120mm is standard on modern AFVs is that lower calibres have a hard time achieving a frontal kill on a modern AFV. Hence an 88mm will be struggling to achieve a frontal kill on a modern AFV (side or rear shot would be a different story however). Mace [ January 09, 2004, 06:12 PM: Message edited by: Mace ]
  17. Besides a lack of parts for maintenance? I doubt it. You have much more to fear from the impeding move to the general forum! Hi mom! Mace
  18. MMmmmmmmmmm Vegemite. That makes me want to .......sing!! We're happly little Vegemites As bright as bright can be. We all enjoy our Vegemite For breakfast, lunch, and tea. Out mother says we're growing stronger every single week. Because we love our Vegemite. We all adore our Vegemite. It puts a rose in every cheek! - the vegemite song. Mace
  19. Yeh, but they work it off with 4 hours of pot scrubbing in the clean up afterwards. ...bloody messy stuff. Mace (porridge fanatic)
  20. Hello my dear collegues! Some statistics for your enjoyment and edification: **************************************** First to Reach Archduke and live in a Palace: Fey Honorable Mention Archduke in Castle: Angus Thorn Top 5 Fiefdom Scores: Marquis Warpig's Badlands, Marquis Boots's Badlands, Viscount Kronos's Woods, Count Zeebat's Tundra, Viscount Audixy's Delta. Top 3 Unallianced Fiefdoms: Viscountess Solitaire's Glen, Nightwolf's Forest, Baroness Minirva's Forest. Top 6 Alliances: Yorick - 46739, Crimson Brigade - 40727, Cheery Wafflers - 39645, Zions Fury - 24198, Black Letter Society - 23473, Corsairs - 11953 ***************************************** Our (ig)noble alliance got a mention, but it goes to show it's not what you know but who you sleep with (as Angus can probably attest to given his special mention as brown-noser of the year)! oh appropriate time to express some anger here I guess.... :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: *picks up a car and heaves it across the thread then punches some walls, causing major building destruction, then yells at some old lady. Also takes the TNT out of Kitty's mouth, loosing some fingers in the process* btw, when I called you dear collegues...I lied. Mace
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