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Everything posted by Mace

  1. so how's the cutting edge 486 Mother board going so far? Mace
  2. yeh! Well.... So am I!!! Or I was, but the Vodka bottle's now empty!!! GHGHRGHGHRGHGRHGRH AHGHAGHAGHAGHG HRGHRGHRGHRGHRGHR :mad: :mad: :mad: Mace
  3. Quick response. Damned quick reponse. Are you stalking me, Snarker? *glares* :mad: :mad: Mace
  4. For this afternoon's drinking pleasure...half a bottle of Absolut vodka, and some OJ. Mmmmmmmmm Screwdrivers. This will be capped with a fine example of Vic Bitter beer*, in handy, 800ml glass bottles ( you can drink from them, you can smash 'em in someone's face, you can use them as paperweights afterwards) While I imbibe, I will give thought to Kitty, and may also put aside a brain cell for Axe. The latter who will no doubt be lying face down in a pool of his own vomit (or someone else's), or in an inebriated state be trying to force his new video card into the toaster. I will also delegate another braincell in thought (especially during the dry wretching) towards DaveH, who has just hoisted some mutant scenario upon me. Hate him afterwards, he says? I HATE HIM NOW!!!! GHGHRGHRGHGHGHR GHGRHGHRGHRGHRGH RGHGRHGRHGRHGRH :mad: :mad: :mad: cheers! Mace
  5. That's not right! It's every bloody night....DaveH ya wimp!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad: Mace
  6. Uh oh, why are the little hairs in the back of my neck standing on end? Why am I getting shivers up and down my spine? Why have I suddenly lost my appitite, involuntarily voided my bowels and bladder, lost the will to live......and yet, it's not a working day and I don't have to go to work! Do I actually sense that this little scenario about to be foisted upon me is not exactly 'historically accurate'? :mad: :mad: :mad: Mace
  7. JJR, in hell? In that case cancel my booking. I've changed my mind and plan to have everlasting rest in limbo (Heaven won't have me). Mace
  8. Someone (hint: Kiwi) doesn't know how to close off HTML tags...does one? btw, where's my free sample of that vodka you keep trying to hock? Mace
  9. <font color=green>You send me a setup, you headlouse of a maggot's maggot who doesn't realise there's an easier way to close off HTML tags <font size = -2> OOOh, love the green. Can cause severe eyestrain on this background! Muahahaahahahahahahaahahahaha</font></font> Mace
  10. I seriously don't think it's a tank at all. The 'wheel' on the left side is load bearing, and is not the correct size nor shape for the drive or rear return bogie of a PzKpfw IV. It is more typical of the late war wheel used on German AT and artillery pieces (as shown in the photo posted by Wicky above). And what looks like track on first glance (to the immediate right of the wheel) appears to be a mechanism of the wheel axle, or could be part of a frame to hold armored plate used to protect the axle from damage. Mace
  11. My guess is a Pak 43 on a 4 wheel carriage, with the photo taken directly from the front. Here's one example. Mace
  12. So how much beer did you have to drink before you worked up the courage to ask her home? I noticed that too. In fact I was getting ready to call her by her indearing feature, but I decided against it because bug eyes is way too offensive. Btw I can now understand why Watson & Crick fancies her. Mace
  13. So how many times did you fall off? He passed out. Sheesh it's a favorite pastime around here and nothing to be ashamed of. Well since prostitution's out...must be hiring himself out again to adorn people's front gardens. Mace
  14. Or this one. We need more Aussies or Kiwis here (of course Kitty is an honorary top aussie) to keep things tip top abuse wise. Mace
  15. Ooooh neat! Thanks for that, mate. Mace
  16. German survivor of Falaise Gap recuperates at infirmary <font size = 1>yeh so I'm a few hours late...I was working dont cha know</font> Mace
  17. LOL. Damn, I spritzed my screwdriver all over the monitor! :mad: :mad: :mad: Mace
  18. Like our beer, with movies we send the dross overseas, and keep the best for ourselves. Besides, don't you believe that Crocodile Dundee was 'well marketed' towards the 'concerning' American audience. Mace
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