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Everything posted by Mace

  1. Sez Sandy Bob, "Old devil be damned, we boys is kinda tight, but you aint' gatherin' no cowboy souls without some kind of fight."
  2. As they was a-riding back to camp, a-packin' a pretty good load, who should they meet but the devil himself, a-prancin' down the road.
  3. They starts in at the Kaintucky bar, at the head of whiskey row, and they winds up down by the depot house, some forty drines below.
  4. Now one fine day ole Sandy Bob, he throwed his seago down, "I'm sick of the smell of burnin' hair, and I lows I'm goin' to town
  5. *takes a singing stance, one leg up on some log, or dead sheep carcass, or other object* Oh, they taken their hosses and runnin' irons and maybe a dog or two, an' they lowed they'd brand all the long-eared calves that come within their view
  6. 'hmmm, let's see your tits* *rips off shirt top* *poke poke poke* They don't write lines like that any more! Mace
  7. 'hmmm, let's see your tits* *rips off shirt top* *poke poke poke* They don't write lines like that any more! Mace
  8. GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGRRRRRRRRRRRR GGFGHGHGHGHGHGHFGG GGGGG GARG! :mad: :mad: :mad: DO YOU REALISE HOW MUCH A BOTTLE OF VODKA COSTS?!!! :mad: In my vast experience, it's better to drink the whole bottle of vodka, pass out, and as a result no longer care about the ants. Mace
  9. GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGRRRRRRRRRRRR GGFGHGHGHGHGHGHFGG GGGGG GARG! :mad: :mad: :mad: DO YOU REALISE HOW MUCH A BOTTLE OF VODKA COSTS?!!! :mad: In my vast experience, it's better to drink the whole bottle of vodka, pass out, and as a result no longer care about the ants. Mace
  10. Ever seen Kitty mad? I mean, more angry than usual? The whole world trembles in fear at the might of a Kitty bezerk. So we mock Axe1234, belittle him, poke fun at his Canuck-like ways, because it's safer. :mad: :mad: :mad: Mace
  11. Ever seen Kitty mad? I mean, more angry than usual? The whole world trembles in fear at the might of a Kitty bezerk. So we mock Axe1234, belittle him, poke fun at his Canuck-like ways, because it's safer. :mad: :mad: :mad: Mace
  12. Let's see. Saturday morning here means Friday night there. She'll be at school. Mace
  13. Ewuuuuu The one on the left, or the one on the right? Snarker, dear mate *kiss kiss*. Email sent. Mace
  14. Whahooooo, $31 US?!! Maybe you can afford to buy yourself a legible accent. Daft Scawtish git. Mace
  15. Sorry? Wasn't paying attention. *continues to 'review' pictures* Mace
  17. As a kultured person, or somefink, I would like to introduce you lot to a fine Aussie family game with a very apt name: Getting Maggoted: a popular Australian drinking game where the object is to drink beer until you fall over and spew. I didn't know what I do normally do on a daily basis is considered a game? *shrugs* Mace
  18. I like short shorts. Of course it depends on the shiela wearing them. </font>
  19. Oooooh! Got a URL? I still owe Kitty a couple of bottles of VB. GHGHGAHGAH GAAARG! :mad: :mad: :mad: *Holds up cross* Away, spawn of Satan. Back to that hell that you came from!!! Errrr Ohio wasn't it? Mace
  20. Beer caps laced together in a nice necklace? Mace
  21. Ummm, that wasn't me. This is not the anthrax that you are looking for. This is not the anthrax we are looking for. Move along Move along
  22. GAGHGHGHAGHAGHG GAHGHAGHAGHAGH GHGAHGAHGGHAG What bloody useless postal service do you yanks have? :mad: :mad: :mad: Do you know this 'service' refuses to ship alcoholic beverages, while ours is quite happy to (wouldn't be surprised if the Aussie postal works swill the contents and replace it with urine, break fluid or anti-freeze). I found this out when trying to ship Kitty two bottles of Vic Bitter to the lass last year. If this continues, I will have no choice to revoke your superpower status and give it to Tasmania, Fiji, Albania or somefink. Yah! She is knowledgable in all things alcoholic, food, wargaming, military history and 'hatred' music. As I am am knowledgable in all things brown nosing and sucking up. Mace
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