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Everything posted by Huntarr

  1. Unfortunately BF’s current policy prohibits that sort of info from being shared before the release. Can you imagine how someone is going to go ape ****e if they find a “fixed bug”? Posting that a particular bug has been fixed and then the subsequent possibility of it showing up again, the back lash is too great. Also, what if they don’t include a particular bug in the list? A simple omission or typo, the number of Sea Lawyer posts can be distracting. I understand the frustration of the “mushroom effect” (kept in the dark and fed ****e). BF is diligently working on CMSF patches and that they will continue to improve game play. My suggestion is try to refrain from the over the top rhetoric posts that will only drive away new customers and ole loyal CMer’s. They won’t force BF to respond. Here’s one for the Canadian’s “We’re all in this together” –Red Green
  2. Hang in there Steiner. Work is still being done on 1.05. The holiday weekend has not stopped work on it. Trust me.
  3. Since the debate has reappeared a bump wouldn't be out of line. "Cone of Death" should simply get a faster descent speed and optimally some dust kick up. Please feel free to way in your opinions.
  4. http://www.battlefront.com/cgi-bin/bbs/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=52;t=002805 Original thread Push this and we might get it back. [ November 21, 2007, 09:29 PM: Message edited by: Huntarr ]
  5. Did I smell my name? Everyone is working hard in the pit to get 1.05 squared away. Lot's of outstanding stuff for CMSF. Enjoy your holidays [ November 19, 2007, 10:16 AM: Message edited by: Huntarr ]
  6. A stryker evading armor would not be bad, but I don't want them to deploy for me. That starts getting into the realm of what is the player for. IMHO
  7. Why not? They can inform those who need the information. You really don't have any idea how much work Tom is putting in to help out this game. (for free I might add) ..........I'll now go back to watching my favorite show "As the Skunkworks Turns" (already in progress)....... [ November 13, 2007, 03:59 AM: Message edited by: Huntarr ]
  8. This was rectified in 1.04. Units stop when given the cancel
  9. Thanks Rollstory, You can use your Overwatch units if you have major concerns about RPG's. This all takes place in 60secs. The effects don't seem to fade that quickly. I have found that Mk-19's suppression is near immediate and it takes only 2-3 rnds.
  10. Anyone could do this since 1.04 You never tried it, therefore how do you state that it's not usable. How would you know since you never tried it. There are plenty that had the common sense to use the tactic. All you’re doing is entering a thread designed to help out players and spitting out poison because you don't like the game. Your confusion in the title has nothing to do with the topic of the post. I could call it "How to breech a wall with space lobsters" and that would not change the content of the original thread. So instead of just apologizing for being a troll and moving on, you continue to comment on something you clearly have no knowledge of. BTW your welcome for providing a why to breech a wall.
  11. You never even tried and yet you feel you can comment that it doesn't work....
  12. What order are you trying to execute? The following threads may help your problem.... http://www.battlefront.com/discuss/ultimatebb.php?ubb=get_topic;f=71;t=000147 http://www.battlefront.com/discuss/ultimatebb.php?ubb=get_topic;f=71;t=000141
  13. What order are you trying to execute? The following threads may help your problem.... http://www.battlefront.com/discuss/ultimatebb.php?ubb=get_topic;f=71;t=000147 http://www.battlefront.com/discuss/ultimatebb.php?ubb=get_topic;f=71;t=000141
  14. Correct, they indicate that you have received a seriously WIA. (red circle) On light wounds (yellow) No, your not going to get some sort of magic healing on the battlefield. I've yet to hear of any medical treatment that can cure bullet grazes, broken bones, minor shrapenel, etc. in the time frame of the scenarios played. They just have to "cowboy up" until after the battle. Tip: Split off the AT team (2 men) from any squad and they can act as your "medics" or use an HQ unit. Buddy Aid can be provided by any of your forces. It simply takes a little time (not just secs) YMMV with difficulty level. [ November 01, 2007, 06:04 AM: Message edited by: Huntarr ]
  15. NDA forbids me from commenting, Gunz.....but just because we're holding hands doesn't mean we're gonna be takin long warm showers together till the wee hours of the morning.
  16. wood are you really being this dense or what? Did you even try what was posted before you typed that tirade? The above technique has been in place since stackable commands were implemented. This is a current build solution. Not a future build solution. You typed all that crap without ever trying the technique out. That clearly shows you are just trying to be difficult. You should play the game and stop trolling for things you obviously have no idea what you’re talking about. Again, I challenge you to show me that the above guide can not be done in the current 1.04 version. Maybe you should try it out before you start crying that it does not work. It makes you look crazy because it works right now and you have not even tried it out.
  17. Hammertime is located here You rock George Mc! Honorary Devilpup Sixxkiller has also received this prestigious award (posthumously) in a private ceremony in Skunkworks [ October 30, 2007, 06:37 PM: Message edited by: Huntarr ]
  18. There are a number of amazingly interesting aspects to the game. Yes the smoke is rather majestic. I do miss….. Airburst (prior 1.03) Please add your thoughts Arty deployable smoke would be nice also.
  19. Single player is the predominate choice of the game. Focusing on WeGo and TacAI, IMHO (and BFC’s) are the main priorities. That does not mean they are going to forgo Multiplayer by any means.
  20. It's enjoyable. If you do find something wrong post it. You may just contribute to making the game even better. My suggestion is play it before my coffee is done...
  21. What can't you use? That example works perfectly. Just because you are obsessed with some kind of grid (action points), you are blind to the fact the ground texture which is simply pavement, has been in the game since 1.00. That is from the map "Street Sweep". The final scenario in the campaign. What the hell does a grid have to do with breeching that wall? I challenge you to show me how that does not work on any wall, short or tall.
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