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Everything posted by Huntarr

  1. Don't even get me started about Dallas. We had 80 degrees monday and then was hit by snow and 30's Tuesday in March. Crazy as hell.
  2. Well I'll point out that MG's have not gotten that much better when it comes to the Maw Deuce. Browning made nearly the perfect weapon system. 1921 that's 87 years of service and little to no change in it's design. That's amazing. [ March 05, 2008, 11:24 AM: Message edited by: Huntarr ]
  3. currently you can deploy 3-4 salvos of smoke from a single stryker every turn. Here is a simple test everyone can do: 1. lay out a string of 6 waypoints 2. select each waypoint and pop smoke at each. 3. if you wish to observe each salvo tab camera #1 to the vehicle. 4. repeat step 1 next turn You well see that you have unlimited smoke salvos
  4. The reloading of TOW's only takes place between scenarios. The reserve supply (grey ammo) of TOW's takes place during the campaign. The thought was that having to stop and basically disable your BFV was not worth the effort. If you were to need that many TOW's you would have other Anti Armor assets to assist. ie. M1's, Air, TOW Stryker I championed several campaigns to get reloads and the mount animation added but no go.
  5. Who here thinks that unlimited smoke and instant reloads for vehicles is unrealistic and/or gamey? Do you think that there should be a fixed limit to the reloads? A time delay for the reloads? Or some other option. Would like to hear some feedback on this issue. Thanks
  6. [ December 21, 2007, 10:38 AM: Message edited by: Huntarr ]
  7. By keeping the tracers the same you won't get a gamey effect of knowing you are being engaged by friend or foe. Higher FOW settings, fratricide can be an issue. Also, what I think he is trying to convey is that the tracers are there for more than aesthetics they are part of the UI so that the game can provide a level of output for the player, without breaking the FOW effect. That being said, sure it would be nice to have the varies forms of tracers in game as a toggled option, if it does not cost too much coding time.
  8. Sgt, look closely at the rail system. On the bottom where the barrel begins to be exposed.
  9. http://www.battlefront.com/discuss/ultimatebb.php?ubb=get_topic;f=52;t=001970#000005 helpful thread for your buddy aid questions
  10. LOL, That was "wicked-sick AWESOME"! And yes we have alot of supporters pushing for "More Helicopers".
  11. http://www.battlefront.com/discuss/ultimatebb.php?ubb=get_topic;f=52;t=002677;p=6 This might give you some idea what may or may not make it. Currently BFC has not prepared a public list of what will and will not be in the Marine Module. I hope this will wet your appetite. Feel free to make your own suggestions there, you never know who may be listening. Semper Fi
  12. I was under the impression that only Chesty got MREs and the rest of us nasty Devil Dog's got "chow". (as in dog chow) MMM, delicious MRE fruit cake.
  13. LOL, Thanks Phillip I spewed Coffee out my nose on that one. Too funny. I had hoped the toons would keep the tone right where it was meant. Light hearted. Some get'em some don't. I just hope everyone remembers we are all trying to make this game fun for all of us.
  14. If you need to reduce the distance between assault bounds you can add a waypoint to the distance you want them to bound at.
  15. Dalem you made me think of this one. I had to laugh.
  16. I'm sorry if no one acknowleged your posts about that particular bug. I know that several testers have tried to post within a thread if it was spotted and added to Projects. I know several cases I posted that it was noted. That was one that I noted myself. Engage or not to Engage- Strykers not firing on spotted troops That is the title of the bug, I can not post the issue #, nor the date or comments, due the NDA w/BF I hope that can help you know that BF is/was aware of it.
  17. thewood, great level headed response, sir. Try to remember how many developers and staff BF has. The amount of work they are putting into patches is obviously better served doing it not talking about it. What you see are some players (yes testers are players too) who do have some of the information that is being asked for, stopping the very testing that would make it better and coming in here to try and put out crazy inflammatory threads. They don't want the hard work they are putting in (for free) to go to waste. Try to remember that some of the testers are acutally tring to get bugs from the forum. Steve has already said he was going to do a post for LOS/LOF several times. But why not get LOS/LOF fixed before he wastes time writing something that would/could be negated in one patch. BF can't change the past. They did learn they don't want to ever make the mistake of this type of release, again. Steve's already said that, so it's really a dead issue. I'm serious when I say these guys are busting ass to get a better game out, here. They show no signs of "taking the money and running" They want to play as much as we do. Just somebody has to the work first.
  18. I have said repeatedly that I understand the frustration in the game not being “perfect”. That’s why we (players and production) are all here trying to get the game to be a better experience. :cool: I was just trying to give those who continually call for BF to answer them about 1.05 the information that they seem to not comprehend. BF clearly does not want to comment on the patch before it is out. I suggested some reasons why. I am sorry, I know that it not what anyone wants’ to hear but it is what is happening. :confused: So the constant hateful color commentary about how BF is the bane of existence for not commenting on something that isn’t even out yet is pointless and counterproductive. It’s just far more productive to post a bug and move on to the next one. Think of it as being involved in making the game the way you like it. That’s more than can be said for most of the games out there. Abbott, I don’t quite understand this attack. :confused: All I’ve ever said to you were direct answers to your questions… http://www.battlefront.com/discuss/ultimatebb.php?ubb=get_topic;f=52;t=003066;p=5#000101 http://www.battlefront.com/discuss/ultimatebb.php?ubb=get_topic;f=52;t=002706#000010 http://www.battlefront.com/discuss/ultimatebb.php?ubb=get_topic;f=52;t=003153#000004 http://www.battlefront.com/discuss/ultimatebb.php?ubb=get_topic;f=52;t=003339#000007 I’m not offended but it seemed to come out of left field. .....but just because we're holding hands, doesn't mean we're gonna be takin long warm showers together till the wee hours of the morning. Thank you for the back handed compliment, but there are a number of amazing testers on this and BF's future projects. Marines may not be the best testers but we are the sexiest. And yes you can thank your Military service personnel for their service to their country. That never hurts. That’s a pretty wild accusation. I’d like to see the list also. I hope my name is on it. Relax Happy Holidays! [ November 30, 2007, 06:14 PM: Message edited by: Huntarr ]
  19. Shadow spotting? That would be a neat trick but no it is not modeled. Edit: Oh and welcome aboard! Great objective review of the current 1.04 build. [ November 28, 2007, 09:32 AM: Message edited by: Huntarr ]
  20. It did unfortunately break the fix at the last minute. The Jav is being given to the #2 man each time. It is on the Projects list to be addressed. http://www.battlefront.com/discuss/ultimatebb.php?ubb=get_topic;f=52;t=003143#000002
  21. It is a bug and it is on the Projects list, FYI Happened to me also.
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