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Elmar Bijlsma

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Everything posted by Elmar Bijlsma

  1. The 3d models are hardcoded and can't be changed.
  2. You need quite a supply of AA to have a reliable chance of downing an aircraft before it drops it's eggs. Better just buy another AFV with it an hope the other guy is going to hate his flyboys. For the Allies good concentration of .50 does better, less likely to score a kill but quite a good chance to force an abortive attack run.
  3. Getting this on topic again, I only have a few of your mods Aristoteles, mostly your later work, which is definitly improving a lot! Keep up the good work. But I'll always prefer a tank with exta markings and equipment (weathered or not) over a plain jane weathered one. MikeyD or Heinzbaby mods are the stuff I prefer. But that Grille you did was very good.
  4. one or both sides has low ammo? But I wish CM would ask before autosurrendering. I like wiping out the last defenders, or trying to put together a heroic defense myself. And sometimes it's downright stupid. Sometimes you save your ammo and take the losses in order to get closer in, then the other side runs out of ammo and before you can have a proper go at them it auto surrenders. Very annoying.
  5. It's not a throwing mine even if it's represented as such in CM. Since your squad animation is just a abstract representation of your troops it's assumed that one of the soldiers of the squad runs up to the tank and plants the mine, despite the unit animation staying where you last left it. And yes.... RTFM!
  6. Not really because the gunpit would still cause the breech to be as high as normal. Unless the Germans buried the undercarriage, and I see no sane reason why they should.
  7. Map edge hugging is meant here. For completeness I'll state the obvious: It's the advantage you gain by keeping your force near a map edge so your guaranteed that the flank on that side is secure. Gamey.
  8. BFc have said that the next game (the new CMX2 engine) will be nothing like we expect. Since our expectations are usually very high I would count on them throwing us a curveball. Think Napoleonic war or something. That was one of the areas of interests BFC had when they started their company so they might just give that war a spin.
  9. And it helps when the gun is pointed skyward. If the gun is aimed at ground targets it is clearly visible how high above the ground the breech is. I would not like to be the one shoving the rounds in at that tempo at that angle.
  10. That looks absolutly stunning. It looks so good I just can't imagine why it's a WIP. What on earth do you think should be improved? :eek: :eek: Will you be keeping tree bases as visible as in the screenies? I hope so, that's the one thing I hated about similar terrain mods, you couldn't tell where one type of terrain started and the other ended.
  11. Woohooo! Kingfish let me back in the tourney. Ok, so it's to make up the numbers for the Nabla score, but atleast the ROWIV thread no longer reminds me of by less then fun exit. Woohooo!
  12. Woohooo! Kingfish let me back in the tourney. Ok, so it's to make up the numbers for the Nabla score, but atleast the ROWIV thread no longer reminds me of by less then fun exit. Woohooo!
  13. Woohooo! Kingfish let me back in the tourney. Ok, so it's to make up the numbers for the Nabla score, but atleast the ROWIV thread no longer reminds me of by less then fun exit. Woohooo!
  14. The Short Magazine Lee Enfield Mk3 was the standard rifle of the Commonwealth untill it was replaced by the Mk4 from '41 onwards but it saw service throughout the war with various forces. It's easily distinguished from it's sucesor by it's stubby nose, as opposed to the barrel sticking out at the from the Mk4. It was the main rifle used in the North Africa campaign and is also remembered for it's enormous bajonet, as opposed to the triangular spike fitted onto the Mk4. Definitly worth including as an option IMO as it was very common. A pair of sites that a quick google turned up. http://www.britishairborne.org/enfield.html http://members.optushome.com.au/lee-enfield/SMLE.html Note also the scope on the third image down on the first page. (hint, hint)
  15. Thanks, great job as I've come to expect from you Juju. With the drum magazine Thompson included maybe you could include the SMLE Enfield aswell?
  16. Might have something to do with AI behavior when it would get it's hands on it. Remember that the AI doesn't have a clue as to what to do with trucks either. Better to have it's use disabled to avoid confusion?
  17. REVS comment about arty is very true and apart from the frail infantry the biggest difference. If you depended on arty in CMBO, you'll have to think of a new plan for CM:BB/AK. Arty takes a lot longer to arrive, and might not even be on target if LOS is in doubt for even a second during that delay. This means that sooner or later you WILL get hit by your own arty! And when it does arrive it won't rough you up quite as bad as before, especially if you try and target armoured vehicles. And direct fire arty/mortar now needs better planning. If a shell lands short in CMAK the resulting dust column (conditions for dust permitting) breaks LOS and the gunners start looking for other stuff to shoot unless you area fire. If you do use area fire the gunners just wait till the dust clears before firing again. That's the main reason I think dust/smoke was better out then in.
  18. I prefer 2.000 to 3.000 points in a battle. That generally gives you a good choice of tools to work with. The thing I also like is that the loss of a single AFV won't hamstring you while it's still a sufficiently bad thing to happen to you that you sit up and take notice. A medium map is best, giving you room to maneuvre but not so that you start loosing the overview and loose units without noticing.
  19. I just had a call about you guys from my ISP saying you guys are missing me. Awwww, how sweet! I'm touched. If only my ISP was as helpful all of the time! As I informed my opponents shortly before the start of ROW IV I had some trouble with my ISP and phone provider and have since been cut off from ADSL for a while. And as luck would have it both my sisters internet acces and/orPCs was out too. In a town without internet cafes that left me on a brown, smelly creek sans paddle. I may or may not be re-connected tomorrow, on past performance it could possibly take another month. So perhaps it is prudent that someone takes my place in the tournament. I'm sorry that my opponents had to wait this long. Sorry.
  20. I just had a call about you guys from my ISP saying you guys are missing me. Awwww, how sweet! I'm touched. If only my ISP was as helpful all of the time! As I informed my opponents shortly before the start of ROW IV I had some trouble with my ISP and phone provider and have since been cut off from ADSL for a while. And as luck would have it both my sisters internet acces and/orPCs was out too. In a town without internet cafes that left me on a brown, smelly creek sans paddle. I may or may not be re-connected tomorrow, on past performance it could possibly take another month. So perhaps it is prudent that someone takes my place in the tournament. I'm sorry that my opponents had to wait this long. Sorry.
  21. I just had a call about you guys from my ISP saying you guys are missing me. Awwww, how sweet! I'm touched. If only my ISP was as helpful all of the time! As I informed my opponents shortly before the start of ROW IV I had some trouble with my ISP and phone provider and have since been cut off from ADSL for a while. And as luck would have it both my sisters internet acces and/orPCs was out too. In a town without internet cafes that left me on a brown, smelly creek sans paddle. I may or may not be re-connected tomorrow, on past performance it could possibly take another month. So perhaps it is prudent that someone takes my place in the tournament. I'm sorry that my opponents had to wait this long. Sorry.
  22. I don't mind loosing. Infact, I'm quite good at it. I practice. But I just had my most un-enjoyable CM game by far. It was a quickbattle in Italy with what turned out to be 4 Tiger and a Panther (crack) pitted to my 3 platoons of Sherman Vs (regular). May I en passant mention I noticed a preference for the AI to pick Tigers. It'll pick Panthers and Stugs (42s mostly) but hardly ever a MkIV. My Shermans see a Tiger and wee themselves in fear, most then reverse. The Tiger shoots and hits. A kill, but the Tiger doesn't mind, pumping two or three rounds into the luckless Sherman. It gets bored and shoots another Sherman as it forgets it's orders to fast move towards cover in an effort to flank the beast. It hits and kills. But hey, let's fire another shell into it for kicks. While doing so it get's rudely interrupted by two other Shermans saying "Shoot me! Shoot me!" after they add moisture to their already stained trousers as they glimpse the Tiger whilst moving from cover to cover. They die. The Tiger doesn't pump extra rounds into their hulks, why should it? They burned nicely at the first go. My other Sherman platoons sandwich the Tiger but can't get a proper aim in between weeing themselves and backing up and end up missing about 75% of shots with the rest bouncing. Finally a Sherman forgets himself and parks his Sherman to the rear wher it takes carefull aim and.... explodes, as a shot from 1200m or so from another Tiger hit's it in the turret side. I think, bugger tactics, let's mob the sucker. And yes, the Tiger takes down another Sherm at the approach, naturally. My Sherms park at 50m or less and continually fire at rear or flank. And about half the shots miss. Three shots out of a dozen hits penetrate, the turret stops swinging over towards it's intended victim. Hah, got you, mein Herr! NOT! Turret swings the other way and blasts another Sherman before it finally falls to the relentless fire of the clutter of Shermans. My gaggle of Shermans race across town trying to find the other Tigr. Bumping into each other as the little blighters are prone to do when navigating anything other then a straight line I find the Tiger. After kindly drawing attention by pinging a few rounds against it's rear hull it blast another Sherman who should have been 150m away, not rubbing hull with his platoon mate. Not wanting to get embarrased again I race my Sherms past large buildings and end up with all my tanks rounding the corner and all getting flank or rear shots at 50m or under. All fire a shot with the last round to be fired actually hitting it, setting the Tiger on fire. I then try and rush another Tiger but get sandwiched between it and a Panther. The Panther falls to the Shermans but another Tiger chips in and in a confused mess all but my last Sherman die as they fail to score any hits in between panicking from one end of a block of buildings to the other and back again. The last surviving Sherman heroically got stuck out of harms way, where it get's auto surrender upon. In this story you'll find that I relate a lot about my Shermans missing, but not about at all about the Germans missing. They didn't. Not at 50m, not at 500m, not at 1000m. In the thirty odd rounds needed to take down my Sherman Vs they did not miss. Not once. That's impressive, even for crack troops. Was Salkin helping them with their aim or somefink? Meanwhile my troops seem to have been ON crack! At ranges of 10-50m they still missed about two thirds of the time! At that distance I could do better with chewed paper balls and a straw! I know, I know, I was on the far side of a probability curve. Well I don't bloody well care! I had to step away from my desk to avoid battering my monitor to pieces with my keyboard. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I feel a bit better now. [ January 02, 2005, 12:08 PM: Message edited by: Elmar Bijlsma ]
  23. The V from versus. Fact is that unless you have Tungsten the popgun of the MkIII isn't going to impress a Sherman from the front. Your trading blows against a 75mm weapon with a 50mm weapon, numbers just aren't on your side. Just check the armour and penetration data from each vehicle. Your best bet is to close with the enemy and/or get flank shots. The mission is a toughie but do-able. Once you get the feel for how this mission is done you might even take on the Allies with them at 200%.
  24. You could meanwhile just rename the CMBO flagmod. Not all the CMAK nations are catered for in this way but it's a start.
  25. So, what was that churchill skin doing in the patch? Didn't catch anything wrong with the originals. And the gun barrels are still incomprehencible with the 40mm, 57mm, 75mm and 95mm sharing various model seemingly at random. I just don't see the pattern. I thought maybe late and early models but I don't think so. Can anyone enlighten me? And I just noticed that on one type of gun barrel the holes in the muzzle break where on top and bottom. Shouldn't this be on the sides? But that's easily fixable. And IIRC I think on one Churchill the gun shape and the skin it has differ? And don't think I haven't noticed that the 3 inch howitzer is still represented as a puny MG!
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