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George MC

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Everything posted by George MC

  1. Great stuff Kieme - just the thing to drink my morning coffee with
  2. Hi Augusto Glad ya liked it Good spot on two counts - it is one of mine and yup it is based on one of the missions in Forging Steel
  3. A SPW full of tense looking panzergrenadiers. SPW moving out of cover. The Soviet lines are about 1000m ahead. The plumes of smoke are from some KO'd Soviet trucks. The same unit of panzergrenadiers now in action supported by several Panthers. This is them clearing out a small farm - which dominates a key crossing point over a water feature. View from the left hand SPW in the above picture.
  4. Hi @Augusto @WOKI @Earl Grey Cheers for the support guys It's slowly coming together. The Soviet AI plan is taking a wee bit longer than planned - mainly due to the size of map. It's nearly done. just need to test it out a wee bit. I'm a wee bit behind, but reckon I'll have a beta version done by next week.
  5. Hope you enjoy it. Worth checking out the wee PDF (also attached to this thread) which outlines some of the historical background which is a bit at odds with Mr Carius' account of the fighting at Malinova.
  6. Hi WOKI Excellent work mate Thanks for doing this. I'll need to work out how to tag scenarios for mods!
  7. He! Brave man taking these IS-IIs on at close range with your Stugs. good skills though I like the sneaking up shooting that IS_II in it's arse! I take back my comment about Stugs and qualify it - unless you tackle the IS-IIs at point blank range and have truly Ninja tank commander skills!
  8. Cheers guys It's getting closer! The Soviet Ai plan is taking a wee while to finalise (once I have one workable Soviet AI plan it's easier to then cut and paste and adjust). I've got the briefings done and also working on the op and tac maps. I'll post some screenies over the next few days of some of the armoured firefights you can expect in this. Cheers for the interest
  9. Just popped back in to read this thread. It's been busy! For the record re BLSTK's initial comment - I took it as a joke - poor taste but hey nuances of forums etc it's hard to tell the exact intent or meaning behind words. So I gave him benefit of the doubt and took the comment as a joke. The subsequent comment by BLSTK I took less well but decided to ignore it. it could have been a joke but TBH it came across as something else altogether. I was going to bite but decided not to so chose to ignore the poster. Luke (quite rightly looking back) stepped in and called the chap out. Anyways...Back on topic. Re JonS comment I've also read accounts (IIRC it was by a British tanker in the Western desert) that mentions dull red glows caused by ricochets. I suspect that 17pdr coming part way into the crew compartment of that Tiger would have caused a wee bit more than a dull red glow!
  10. Hi Bradley Thanks for the feedback mate Glad you enjoyed it. The map is based on the RL location which helps get a handle on the actual action fought there. And why the two sides were doing what they did. The two Soviet units backgrounds are interesting. The T34s unit in town were very 'green' in RL. Many of the crews only had hours of training before they found themselves facing one of the more experienced panzer units on the front at that time. Although to be fair these inexperienced young lads in their T34s did successfully shoot up a German assault gun unit only half hour before (this is why I dialled right down the Stug unit morale and command bonuses. I thought these guys would be very cautious after being so badly mauled only half hour before). Good move on flanking the JS-IIs. This happened in the RL action - you can see the KOd JS_IIs in the wee map in the PDF which discusses the actual action. In RL the JS-IIs came over the hill seeking to help their mates being shot up in the village. their approach took them across the path of the Tigers in overwatch he got side shots on 4-5 Js_Iis knocking them out. the other then pulled back. Mind there are other AI Plans if you are considering another playthrough. One AI Plan recreates the Soviet reaction - that makes the action a bit easier. However the other two AI plans have the Soviets being a bit cannier... Thanks again for taking the time to play it and for your feedback. Pleased you enjoyed the scenario and the map. Cheery!
  11. It's worth considering going into the editor and 'switching off' the other AI Plans. That way you'll know which ones you've played. Just don't peek at the set-up's Also the other wee variable is the triggers I use. Depending on what the German player does you can provoke different responses from the AI. Aye Stugs Vs JS-IIs is a mismatch. best they can hope for is to irritate the hell out of the JS-IIs. If they get hit by that 122mm shell though... Good night Marie! Yeah luck is a big part. In playtests testers and myself found this whole action could easily go horribly wrong for the German player - especially if you get overconfident (which is a wee habit of mine - get carried away and forget to move cautiously only to find my Tigers are blazing hulks...). Cheery!
  12. Hi Heinrich Thanks for the playthrough and AAR. Great stuff - entertaining as always. I enjoyed your AARs with the CMBB stuff, so it's great to see you still about and playing CMRT. Tigers Vs JS-II is an interesting fight. Some of the JS-II crews are 'veteran' and there are even a few 'crack' in there. The JS-II does appear to be pretty poor at spotting, although it's slow ROF is an issue especially at short range fights. The Tiger get's the drop on them then. for every shot a JS-II get's off the Tiger can get of two to three shots (assuming it ain't KO'd with the first shot!). The JS-II 122mm gun though will make a mess of Tigers if it get's hit's on the right spot. Thanks again for the playthrough and the entertaining AAR
  13. Great wee interview with Steven Zaloga. Covers s range of topics from 'Fury', through tank fighting on the Western Front and armoured research and sources. There is also a plug for his new book coming out 'Armoured Champion'. Grab a coffee and fifteen minutes http://tankandafvnews.com/2015/01/27/zaloga_interview/
  14. Hi H Not sure where you'd see it. i just came across it whilst googling 'partial penetration' - always a risky business when at work! Same image but different angle - even more remarkable. although TBh I don't like I'd like to have been inside that Tiger tank when that came through! Partial or not...
  15. Only conjecture - it would I suspect depend on what is behind this in the vehicle model. So if a crewmember is behind that armor at that spot you can expect them to be killed. If it's a fuel tank then it could be the fuel goes up and the vehicle catches fire. So you'd have to know how the vehicles are modelled in game terms and how the game engine handles the data for differing type of hits. Assuming of course it does. This could account for why some players see a tank being hit - partial penetration and the tank continues to operate whilst other tanks (depending on where hit) showing a partial penetration may be KO'd or have the crew bail due to losing crew members/damage to systems. See where I'm going? i think there are a great many variables - from penetration/armour harness/angles; vehicle damage models; crew member 'soft' factors e.g. morale etc potentially at play that any of which may affect the outcome. So it may be difficult to provide a black and white answer?
  16. Here's an image of what a partial penetration may look,like! It's captioned as being a 17pdr AP shell that hit a Tiger's front glacis.
  17. Hi @Abdolmartin Thanks for the comments and feedback. Nae bother about posting on an old thread. It makes it easier for me to keep track of any feedback - so thanks for taking the time to search it out Many thanks for the comments and feedback. I'm really pleased you enjoyed this scenario and found it tactically challenging. Thanks very much again for the playthrough and feedback
  18. Hi Luke Thanks for the playthrough and posting your thoughts. It sounds like you'd a run of bad luck with the AI's targeting. The scoring is tight on the Germans (given the situation they just could not afford to lose AFVs) so the Germans do have to KO a lot of Soviet AFVs and keep their own casualties as low as. The lower they are the more likely you are to pull a major victory. Poor AI gunnery aside I'm glad you enjoyed the challenge and wish you every success on any subsequent playthrough There are multiple Soviet AI Plans so likelihood is you'll draw another plan. Anyroad thanks again for the playthrough and feedback - really appreciated ta. Good luck!
  19. Hi Rocketman Cheers for the AAR. He! I must admit I run the Stugs out of their location as soon as I can. I have em run down some dead ground and hook up with the Tigers in the southern part of the village. Then they get to join in the fight. In saying that it's also good to ensure most if not all your tanks and assault guns stay alive in this one. The lack of objectives is intentional. The Germans here were fighting purely to blunt the Soviet advance. Hence both side are pretty much fighting to stay alive (no infantry took part in this action in RL - so having one side or other with terrain objectives could mean players using unhorsed tank crews to hide in buildings, The other side would have no real counter). Not sure what you mean by the textures twitch? I've not noticed this, although I am running a pretty beefy graphics card - GYX 970 - which means I've encountered no graphics glitches e.g. tearing, shimmering etc since I installed it. Glad you like the map Yeah I have thought about a possible infantry based action on this. Might have to wait till the 5th Panzer scenario is done though. If anyone wants to convert it to a QB map - be my guest.
  20. Hi Augusto That works for me - far more poetic than my original concept! He! I'll pinch this interpretation to include in the designer notes if that's cool with you? You'll get a mention in despatches!
  21. It's primarily aimed at playing against the Soviet AI but (although it's early days) I suspect it will be playable H2H - not sure on balance until a/ I get the Soviet AI Plan done so can play it fully (give me an idea how tough it is) b/ it's then had some playtesting. I'm thinking July might be optimistic - although depends on RL stuff for me TBH. I'd like to aim for July but no promises...
  22. It is Augusto - does it make sense or am I off beam? It's based on the idea that 5th Panzer went through multiple cycles of combat during German attempts to stem Operation Bagration. Each cycle involved a specific operation involved in countering Soviet attacks. So it was linking that concept of multiple events with a similar series of events as in Wagner's opera.
  23. They're looking great Mord. I'm impressed at your dedication. Ton of work mate. Like the 5th Panzer icons
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