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Everything posted by Webwing

  1. It's good for testing in 1.05. If you are still interested. Need your email. You can send me a message(check my email by clicking on my nick) and I'll reply with the file. --
  2. I'm fine with the display size I use. Menus, everything. Only the briefings seem out of proportion. Too damn small. I can zoom in on the tiny soldiers and see the color of their eyes if I choose to. Like I said, nothing major and again it might just be me. Would never know if I didn't post it... --
  3. Valgua, I can't seem to get enough of this game I love it. I only play single player. BUT. BUT. Another big BUT... Before you buy it read ALL the criticism you can on the game. All the bad things people have to say about the game. Wait for the 1.05 demo. Play it. The game maybe great but not your cup of tea. Nothing substantially different between the demo and the game as far as bugs and gameplay goes. If after that you feel you like it. Buy it. Last thing we need is another complainer that feels betrayed by ( allegedly ) false promisses. -- [ December 16, 2007, 09:22 AM: Message edited by: Webwing ]
  4. From a gameplay point of view: You change something like this and you have the danger of unbalancing the whole game. If they (small arms) became less lethal that means you need more time to kill the same amount of enemy troops and a lot more bullets!!!! You can run out of ammo quite fast the way it is now. Imagine if that gets changed! An 100% realistic simulation would be extremely boring to play IMO. --
  5. Maybe it's just my old eyes. The info in the briefings is not only important to read but add a lot to the realism of the missions. But with the current typeface size they are a pain to read. Increasing the size 2 or 3 points would make reading a lot more comfortable. One of those cosmetic improvements that make the whole experience more enjoyable. Like the less intrusive text when the game is paused. --
  6. Cpl Steiner, This is great. Thanks a lot!!! I'll do this as an upgrade for the maps I already have and keep it in mind as I build new ones. Great tip! --
  7. - I have a feeling we traded the high wall bug for the low wall bug!!!! I don't mind waiting months for the other fixes and improvements that sure will come with 1.06. It would be nice to see a quick fix for this issue though. Maybe 1.051? --
  8. Thanks Fighting Seabee, It's a shame you haven't got the time to test it. Finally coming together! After 8 hours of work this weekend I got to play the whole campaign from start to finish in its latest form. For the first time I see the light at the end of the tunnel! It's getting closer to what I had in mind in terms of quality if not in form. --
  9. It is probably the most important thing to use in the campaign and what made me want to do a campaign as opposed to just a string of missions. You get this soldiers (a battalion in my case) and you have to take them through these missions. If you don't take good care of them you will start with a battalion but get to the last mission with what amounts to a company or less! And thus won't be able so succeed. So conserving the troops becomes paramount. You can't just throw them into battle. That makes the whole campaign a lot more realistic and involving. Another nice feature is to have each company and platoon with it's own characteristics. Able is where the elite troops are and Charlie where the recruit are. So they will play differently and get perform differently. Choosing the right troops for the job also makes a difference in the results. Branching is a feature provided by BF. But to implement it means many more missions to design. It would take another couple of months to do. Maybe for an upgrade to the campaign in the future. --- [ December 16, 2007, 06:53 AM: Message edited by: Webwing ]
  10. Thanks zmoney, I've had a project like this in mind for a long time. Finally found the game platform to make it materialize. -- [ December 16, 2007, 06:48 AM: Message edited by: Webwing ]
  11. Sent! Only one thing. This save game is part of a campaign I'm working on that is still being tested. So you will have to agree to the NDA I'm sending along with the save file. Please sign and send it back. Now seriously, thanks for looking into this and good luck. ---
  12. Apparently the icon is not just there empty. What is happening is that 3 soldier simply refuse to move!!!! The whole platoon was given a Quick order(picture 1). They all move but 3 soldiers from these 2 squads wont move. no matter what(picture 2). Image 3 shows the platoon. The icons of the squads with the stuck teams in the middle. And the stubborn teams in the background. It happens in all missions I play now in 1.05. ---- -- -- [ December 15, 2007, 01:50 PM: Message edited by: Webwing ]
  13. The irony of this: I was avoiding the high wall bugs and putting just low walls in my scenarios!!!! Now 1.05 comes and it's the other way around. :eek: :mad: --
  14. Not sure if this is the same thing but it looks related. The icons behind... It is happening all the time now in 1.05. And 2 images of collision detections failure. This is old stuff. --
  15. - I have been testing the same missions a thousand times so I know by heart how the AI works in each situation in those missions. 1.05 shows great improvements. The use of AT weapons is way better. Grenade launchers, and hand grenades. Pathfinding is certainly better. High walls bug seems gone too as far as I could see. Not to mention the sound when the reinforcements arrive! Seems like a silly little detail but it makes a lot of a difference when playing. Doesn't seem to be a big deal to most but it really bothers me the way vehicles tend to drive inside one another slowly. Sometimes when close to each other they maneuver and stop in a cross shape formation like a hybrid odd looking beast!!!! :eek: I friend once told me that collision detection was one of the most difficult things to code. -- [ December 15, 2007, 11:44 AM: Message edited by: Webwing ]
  16. From the 1.05 Patch read me: * Intro video plays on certain video cards where it was previously not visible. Apparently for me it worked the other way. Before it was fine. Now... --
  17. Thanks WarRaVeN, If all goes well after this I'll convert it to TOW with the new map editor! A rogue German general that refuses to accept the end of the war. Sort of Colonel Kurtz from Apocalypse Now!!! This way you can get away with mixing all sorts of units and equipments! I'd really like to do that. But we'll see. I'm more into CM:SF ATM. --
  18. Thanks, There will be graphics for the briefing screens as well. The pages here will be part of a PDF file. It will be sort of a report the commander should read prior to the campaign. I wanted to have a story linking the missions. Not just a lose string of missions that you play one after the other. -- [ December 15, 2007, 11:16 AM: Message edited by: Webwing ]
  19. If you make it a branching campaign than it looks pretty dynamic. A lot more work though. Losses, supplies, rest factor, all carry on from mission to mission, if the designer so wishes. Not damage to buildings though. I'm using this and hope to upgrade it in the future to a branching campaign also. --
  20. How do I send you the link for the files? I'll probably have something tomorrow. --
  21. Hm... tempting. I'll send you an email. Thanks. --
  22. Sneak peak! Here are some pages from a PDF file that will accompany this campaign. It will help immerse yourself in the context of the campaign, with text, "photos" of the areas, maps, etc. It has bit of a WWII feel to it I know. I just can't help it. This will be 95% infantry. 4 new maps. 6 missions. I'll start converting it to 1.05. It's being tested and tweaked. Still quite a bit of balancing and so on. So bear with me. Hope to have it out anytime before Christmas. Thanks --
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