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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by SgtMuhammed

  1. While playing the Training campaign I noticed one of the OPFOR soldiers moving supposedly with his weapon in his hand. His arms and hands were in position to hold the weapon but the weapon was on the ground in his original position. I have also seen a couple instances of the Scarecrow glitch.
  2. I can't believe this has continued this long.
  3. Steve, I know all that. My point is that most fire is unaimed. Even a major firefight isn't going to produce the casualty levels at the ranges that you can in the game. I'm not casting dispersions, just observations. I have experimented with all kinds of tactics from the ultra-slow approaches of some of my old CO's to the tank rush tactics of C & C and actual tactics work as I knew they would. I understand that it is a lot harder to program 9 virtual grunts to get the f**k down than it is to simply say that the squad is doing so.
  4. I think it will, the engine seems to track everything flying through the air. I lost a squad because the tank next to them took a hit from a missile. I think friendly fire is a definite possibility.
  5. I am with Jason on this one. Moral effects should be much more important than actual casualties caused. They are averaging over 200,000 rounds per casualty in Iraq right now. Just look at the casualty numbers from the major operations casualties just don't happen as easily as they do in the game.
  6. I was going to suggest smoke but... Like Dude said. Lots of supporting fire. Make the badguys keep their head down and then run your ICVs up as close as you can and force a foothold with your grunts. If you time an HE barrage you can use it as both suppression and as a make shift smoke screen. 81mm are good for this using combo fire missions.
  7. Except by Battlefront themselves, which somehow seems relevant. So try not to present speculation as fact. It's misleading and untruthful. </font>
  8. The launcher is the first thing on the list. By the way it's called the CLU. That makes the gunner the only man in the squad with one.
  9. Cams all work fine for me. Make pathfinding better or at least show you where your guys are actually going to move. The actual bugs I have noticed are the scarecrow bug and possibly ATGMs not firing. Being able to force your guys to use a specific system would be nice.
  10. Damn, is it too late to send my copy back? I don't know how I can hope to continue enjoying the f**k out of this game with out... what was his name again?
  11. I think he means that he wants his units to fire for a few seconds and then stop. I don't believe there is a command to do this. You can pause and then fire during the last part of the turn I think but not fire and then pause for the rest of the turn.
  12. I seem to recall the TacAI being the number one complaint about CMx1. That and the curvature of the turret armor on the T34.
  13. MD, I just bought it. You need to contact Steve about your cut. (Seeing if you remember this joke from another thread.)
  14. There, there, it's going to be all right. See compassion is not lacking on this board. Personally I like it. Faults, yes, but worth my $80 (price plus S&H). But I can only speak for me.
  15. I don't think there is. You can give your guys a short firing arc and they won't fire outside it. By the way, the MK19 HEDP rounds will work as HE but with a smaller burst radius. So even if you run out of HE you can still engage things with the 40mm.
  16. I kind of like the new system. I have gotten to where I usually skip the playback.
  17. This is really needed now that people are actually starting to play the game more and argue less. Well relatively.
  18. Better yet engagement lines that you can set where you want. One for arty, one for mainguns and missiles, one for heavy mgs, and one for small arms. My LMG guys seem to think they can take on armored vehicles.
  19. Hmmm. Maybe the Demo is different but those guys in the trees are awful easy to spot even on elite. I just got the full version today and will play around with it when I get home from work.
  20. I know that every mission we ever planed for at Hohenfels had at least one smoke mission in it. BLUFOR tried to smoke us all the time to take advantage of their thermals. I agree that not much smoke is being used in Iraq or A-stan at the moment but it is a standard part of a Hi intensity battle plan.
  21. Neat. By the way I finally see what you meant about not being able to dig in. Strange that they would leave that out.
  22. Yeah, if you're the T72. I tried that one at NTC, it doesn't even work with MILES.
  23. Here is some data I found on Russian ATGM minimum ranges: AT-2, 3, and 6: 500m AT-4: 70m AT-5: 100m AT-7: 40m Some Links: Global Security: Russian Equipment AT-7 Stuff Minimum range for the TOW is 70 meters. I have been having trouble with getting BMPs to fire their missiles as well. That and trying to get Strykers to quit annoying T72s with their .50 cal.
  24. Cool. I have had tanks hiding behind dead tanks and using them as cover. This is a nice change. They don't seem to affect LOS though.
  25. Whether it was supposed to be in there or not it would be nice. I am having a hell of a time judging terrain, much more so than in CMx1. It seems even harder than in CMAK desert maps. I wish there was a false color overlay that you could bring up that would exagerate the contours, or something like that. Although I will say that it really is hard to tell contours in the desert a lot of the time.
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