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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by SgtMuhammed

  1. lenakonrad{bolded out of respec to Sir AJ} There is no apologizing on the MBT accept responsibility for your words and bear the return fire with wit and creativity, but NEVER apologize. Show weakness in here and these jackals will rip your throat out. In other news... In my battle with Sir AJ: he has graciously accepted the surrender of my conscript misfits. What nuttiness awaits in our new battle the gods only know. Lt. Hortlund's hoard of 20mm spewing cockroaches have overcome the noble resistance of my heroic Soviet ACs. Now he cowers in his trenches as my Germanic hoards decend like a boulder down a mountain (or like jello out of a bowl, I can't really tell yet).
  2. We used to say that privates are like puppies, always sticking their nose into things that will get them killed. Do any of you who were in the military remember the NCO aura of invulnerability? Why is it that when yelling at a private for handling duds the NCO most often feels he has to pick the stupid thing up? More historical faux paus: During the age of muzzle loading cannon many soldiers ended up with broken ankles from trying to stop cannon balls with their feet. They figured that if you could see it rolling along the ground it couldn't possibly be dangerous.
  3. All infantry platoons also have a medic attached. In a fit of originality all of them are called "Doc." BFC Thanks for the update. The partial read me at B&T is helping hold back the DTs but I don't know if I can make it much longer.
  4. Ok you ex-medic Infantry wanabe. Although it pains me to expend effort on a blathering sod such as yourself I just can't stand the whining. Whaaaaaa!!!! No one will play with me!!!!! Just tell your sorry excuse for ex-prison conscripted female toiletbowl lickers to bring their own barbeque sauce cause they are all gonna burn!!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad:
  5. Denise was looking that time and you didn't edit. Look there she goes storming off in disgust.
  6. The general rule is, "if they can see you they can kill you." What is hitting you now might not do it but who knows what might hit you next. Yes we have a ton more information than was ever availible in RL. Crews tend to overestimate the amount of damage that has been done to them and to underestimate their chances for survival. After the Battle of the Bulge the Army went back and looked at the German tanks that had been knocked out by arty and air. They found that the vast majority had recieved only minor damage. Things like busted roadwheels and sprockets or thrown track and jammed turrets. These things are simple matters back in the motor pool but it is easy to see why they become life threatening, or are percieved to be so, during a fight. *We set our scene inside a Panzer Kampf Wagen IV. It is late 1944 in the Ardennes.* The tank is rocked by a large explosion and the sound of fragments and small arms hitting the hull. The TC has already been hit by a machinegun burst and now the optics have been blinded by a cascade of dirt and smoke. The gunner orders the driver to pull back a little so they can sort things out. The driver slams the Panzer into reverse and proceeds to make a sharp turn to the left as the track on that side is not moving. Of course no one is going to get out an look at the track so the decision is made to wait for things to calm down and then try to get back to friendly lines. Becaus e of the smoke a lull happens and the crew makes a break for it, dragging their wounded TC behind them. Later investigation reveals that it was just a thrown track and a couple of roadwheels, an hour to fix at the most. It happens.
  7. Especially if the firer was leaning against a wall or something while firing. This is kind of like the experiences with the "Knee mortar" in the Pacific. More than a few GIs ended up with broken legs before they figured out how to really use them.
  8. I am just about finished with an operation covering the opening stages of the Battle of the Bulge. Specifically the battle for the village of Hosingen. It will be ready in a couple of days. Let me know if you would be interested in testing it. Thanks James
  9. Someone get the net aussiejeff is off his meds and running wild through the thread. Once you catch him make him send me a turn before you do anything permanent.
  10. Oops, should clarify more. Did it have one in CMBO? I know it didn't in real life because it was just a big springloade spigot mortar.
  11. I too have found Sir Aussie Jeff to be quite amusing. Especially when he sends you a battle in snow so deep you can't see your tanks while his traipse about like Legolas. I think it has something to do with him being upside down and all. His many words of wit and wisdom leave me with but one question. Doesn't anybody work down there?
  12. That brings up a point. Does anyone remember if the PIAT had a backblast. It shouldn't have.
  13. Well the old story haven fallen into nonsense. It was a long day, snowed in and alone I began to look for something to stimulate my failing brain. Luckily while I was rooting around in one of my closets I...
  14. Except for some automotive improvements most armies didn't do a lot to change the basic HT once they had a working model. One thing to remember is that the HT/APC armor is to protect the infantry from small arms and artillery fragments, the biggest killers of infantry on the battlefield. They were never intended to be proof against tanks. Basically the effectivness of the HT in its intended role stayed the same so there was no real need to divert resources from more important systems.
  15. This was passed on to me so I will share the wealth. Get the gridded terrain, it really helps you to analyze the map. You will also want the Soviet AT gun mods as the ones on the disk are actually German.
  16. People get hurt all the time by backblast, even in training. While they train you to look back, during a fight with people and vehicles running around it is easy to forget or to have someone run behind you right after you check. CM does somewhat simulate this by suppressing you if you fire one in a building or if you are behind someone who does but I can't recall any actual casualties.
  17. M.D. You know when the A10 first came out they wouldn't show some of the films of it attacking tanks because they feared it would ruin the tanker's morale. Climbing around any armored vehicle is an interesting experience. Even the light ones seem so solid with several inches of steel between you and the outside world. Then you remember exactly what people will be targeting you with and suddenly that armor seems paper thin. As a grunt I loved AFVs for their firepower but at least I could get out of sight when the big bullets started to fly.
  18. The first thing that went through my mind was whacking my driver up side the head to get his attention when the intercom went out. I guess that means he could answer better than I can.
  19. Wow, now all you need is Tevia singing "If I were a rich man," and it would be perfect.
  20. Good point. I personally feel that not being thanked for modding simply because I never have is a form of discrimination and I, for one, will not stand for it. I have already contacted the proper people, Cochrain, Jackson, etc, and you should all be hearing from them shortly.
  21. Of course that job would only last till the next comb out. Better have someone run over your foot with a tank or something.
  22. The I.W.M. has got to be one of the best museums in the world. I love that FW190 they have hanging up there, a really beautiful aircraft.
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