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Posts posted by MarkEzra

  1. Originally posted by Paper Tiger:

    Okay, I playtested the scenario a few times again this morning, this time starting at around 5.30am. There's plenty of light available then and it played just fine. However, it definitely didn't get any brighter. By 6am, the sun is very bright but I didn't see this.

    Unfortunately, because I was playtesting and it was pretty intense, I forgot to get a save game before I quit but I should get one tomorrow morning for you Mark. (If my dental appointment permits) The scenario is 1hr 30mins long so I'm rarely playing it through to a conclusion. I'm still trying to find that 'sweet spot' for balancing the Blue-Red forces.

    Please do...I've got a few things cooking right now or I'd do a test scen myself. I do take this seriosly, however and once I get yours I WILL try to duplicate the result.
  2. When a setup zone is set exclusively for Buildings and those building contain the zone without "bleeding" around them you get this result:


    All inf units are located in buildings. But When the AI is given a choice of buildings and surrounding terrain Paper Tigers Pic is the result. It seems about 2/3rds stay outside in a generally random way. The question has risen is this new or was this activity always there but gone unnoticed. I don't know and I don't think anyone can actually be certain. My only observation is: Multiple plans were not used a great deal in the first scens. As designers grew more competent multiple plans exploded. But whatever the actual history is doesn't much matter to me. Designers need a mechanism to insure that when they want troops in specific buildings they can do so without concern for setup and pathing placement issues (like bleeding buildings). If in plan 3 group 2 is required to be placed in building a simple pathing directive should allow that, OR drawing the pathing should always allow a single building to be painted without affecting the surrounding terrain. Either way will work. Whichever is easiest to code without creating a bug somewhere else always gets my vote.

  3. Originally posted by carlR:

    So there is a problem with the AI setup in the first 2 campaign scenarios at least and also with any scenario where AI forces should be placed in buildings that do not occupy a single tile? Is this the same 'bug'? Can BFC correct it and what are their plans to do so?


    Campaign is a Bug involving 2 early CM:SF versions Campaigns. NOT found in later Campaigns.

    Scen do NOT have this bug.

    Scen play and set up as designed. That I would like to see the editor draw building only setups no matter what location or angle is a request for MODIFICATION of the editor NOT a BUG. And is completely irrelevant to the Campaign bug question.

    A designer can EASILY draw buildings to include AI set ups for building only if desired. But it does require setting the building tiles in a manner that matches the 8x8 grid. Just like CMx2 matched 20x20 grid, by the way. So NOT a bug but to my mind an inconvenience.

    I believe BFC is aware of the Campaign bug. And I seem to recall that BFC has said they will review the editor at some point but not urgently.

  4. Originally posted by bodkin:

    This is what I noticed in 'Big City Blues' scenario, units hanging around outside perfectly good buildings, but when I checked in the editor the setup groups were not exactly painted to the building boundaries so I thought that the designer had made it that way.

    Re: Big City Blues was designed to NOT always have troops in given locations including buildings. I did that for reasons that PaperTiger discusses.

    When laying out buildings in the editor and applying the yellow AI setup locations you will often see the yellow "bleed" out of a building. This is entirely due to the exact location on the grid and the size/shape of a particular building. One building of a given size set up at a specific location and angle will except only the yellow inside the building. That same building and angle moved slightly allows the yellow to bleed. It is an editor specific problem that I hope will be addressed down the road. When making The big City Blues City Map I was able to keep many locations as building only setups. However these set up zones when designed NEED to be large enough to accommodate all the units being placed there. (another BIG reason to give more than 8 "groups" PLEASE!!) So the designer MUST make some trade offs when dealing with larger group formations. As a consequence I used a larger swath of yellow in some areas (with setup command for buildings set to both low and high Floor levels) which allows the AI to choose to actually go inside a building or not.

    I Expect BFC will address these and other editor issues at a later date

    By the way: The problems of inflexibility was FAR MORE PRONOUNCED in CMx1 and I will NEVER go back to that editor I once found so great...Very much spoiled by CMx2....

  5. Originally posted by Barleyman:

    Steve refers to AI setup zone problem above. It'd seem to me that it can be a problem with any scenario, not just the Campaign.

    In any case, if the latter scenarios in the campaign play fine, maybe I'll just finish the silly thing. Definitely would like to move on to something a bit more challenging.

    While it may "seem" that way, it isn't. Notice that Campaigns are NOT btt files...That is for scen only. The bug is found only in a campaign and an old one at that. PLEASE stop lumping Scen and Campaigns. ;)
  6. Originally posted by Martyr:

    Is it your sense that we should avoid the campaign (until fixed) but may play battles with confidence that things are working as intended?

    The scen seem fine and I would play with confidence.( Caveat: Please keep in mind that player made scen can vary in quality.) Late user made campaigns are most likely just fine. Apparently an early Campaign is the problem. I cannot speak with much authority on Campaigns as I don't build them and rarely play them. Others can speak with more clarity to that aspect.
  7. Hi Big Duke: That you gave a general order will be influenced by amount of ammo, perceived threat, and a dice roll or two, I expect. Had you given the AT 4 crew a specific target command you most likely would have gotten a faster result. As it was you gave a general command and they blew the target to hell more slowly then you would have preferred.

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