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Posts posted by MarkEzra

  1. Riesberg: A Company of Infantry with M1 Plt support goes up against a Red scratch force tasked with holding the small Village of Riesberg, Germany. "Just another day at the office" for the boys in Blue, right?

    Last Defense: A Red Counter-attack near Mortain, France threatens to over run the Battalion HQ. Your Company is all that stands between a Heavy Mech Red force and the Normandy coast!

    Chance Encounter: Your Stryker Company is on point and rolling fast through the crumbling Red lines. Nothing can stop your rush to the Elbe...but the Reds aren't dead yet! (Revised edition with Completely new graphics and improved Victory conditions.)

    Download file and open. Cut and paste the 3 scen to your CMSF/Games/Scenarios File

    Get Them here: www.CMMODS.com

    [ December 21, 2007, 01:08 PM: Message edited by: MarkEzra ]

  2. Three old CMBO favorites will soon arrive.

    Riesberg: A Company of Infantry with M1 Plt support goes up against a Red scratch force tasked with holding the small Village of Riesberg, Germany. "Just another day at the office" for the boys in Blue, right?

    Last Defense: A Red Counter-attack near Mortain, France threatens to over run the Battalion HQ. Your Company is all that stands between a Heavy Mech Red force and the Normandy coast!

    Chance Encounter: Your Stryker Company is on point and rolling fast through the crumbling Red lines. Nothing can stop your rush to the Elbe...but the Reds aren't dead yet! (Revised edition with Completely new graphics and improved Victory conditions.)

    All three will be packaged as one Dl...a big package of old fashioned whup-ass from QBG!

  3. Asymmetry of Modern war is a fact not in dispute. Whether one cares to play it or design scen to reflect it or prefers the more balanced action of last century is soley a matter of taste.

    They need not be mutually exclusive. I don't think Dorosh or Jason will take my de-coder ring and toss me out of the WW2 club because I like Modern War's unique challenges, would they?...On second thought...forget all that...WW2 ROCKS...Modern SUCKS!! ;)

  4. That it happens is for sure (Red ATGM, too). To make it happen the player must give a move order of some kind. That, I think, would be the most important info for a save file comment. What was the movement order. Was it multi path? Was it multi path/multi order. Was Face involved. Did the team carry the weapon to the way point end only to have it disappear and show up from their original setup position. Was it the original setup position or the last setup position used by the team prior to the bug strike. This one won't be easy. I may be able to demonstrate SOME of this by using WEGO and save each minute...assuming I get a lucky break and catch the bug...

    Oh...and by the way...The weapon CAN be be re-acquired and used!...Generally need to send the unit CO along to baby sit the re-acquire process

  5. 90% US only? No way to get balanced play? Allow me to point out that there are some 40 balanced scen (2P by QBG) at www.CMMODS.com that any Red players (like me!) would take heart in. As for scen: Chance Encounter (already up) Last Defense and Riesberg (coming just in time for Christmas!) All offer a TOUGH Red opponent.

    I really think you shouldn't be too hard on scen designers who naturally have been excited to work with the REALLY high tech equipment Blue force offers. As we all learn to use the new editor tools game balance will improve. The fact remains, However, Modern War is asymmetric and "Winning" or "losing" in game terms need serious re-evaluation by scenario designers and player alike. If you lose half a Stryker Company but Kill 70% of the Uncom force and destroy ALL their pick up trucks ;) are you actually a "Winner"? Is Holding a Victory point in a Modern setting actually as important as WW2? I think not. Casualties, morale, and civilian damage/casualties (my dream) should be a far more significant factor. And this is up to the scen designer to build and the players to embrace. It is the significant difference in WW2 Gaming and Modern.

    And for the record: WW2 is my favorite period and Modern next in line...Civil War/Napoleonic or Star Wars I choose not to play... Just less interest those periods.

  6. As Posted in main Forum:


    Three old CMBO Friends spruced up and ready to fight!

    "Last Defense": Can a lone Infantry Company hold out against a powerful Red armor force?

    "Riesberg": The wars winding down but these reds just won't give up!

    "Chance Encounter": Towards the end of the war, as the red front lines crumbled...! Special note Many small revisions made to improve this from our original effort.

    We've boxed them up all pretty and bright just for YOU this Christmas...Oh, Oh, Oh!

  7. COMING SOON from QBG:

    Three old CMBO Friends spruced up and ready to fight!

    "Last Defense": Can a lone Infantry Company hold out against a powerful Red armor force?

    "Riesberg": The wars winding down but these reds just won't give up!

    "Chance Encounter": Towards the end of the war, as the red front lines crumbled...! Special note Many small revisions made to improve this from our original effort.

    We've boxed them up all pretty and bright just for YOU this Christmas...Oh, Oh, Oh!

  8. When I purchased CM:SF it was not because of the Modern setting, but the new CMx2 engine. I loved it from day one, warts and all. I have enjoyed asymmetric play, the use of Uncoms and all the wiz bangs the US arsenal displays. But am I tired of WW2...no, not at all. What I am tired about are the old engines and methods of playing it. That doesn't mean I don't respect those games. Far from it. I just want to see what creative wargame companies, like BFC, can do. When CM:WW2 comes out I'll be among the first to pre-order just like CM:SF. One difference though, and a telling one: I'll definitely follow that forum whenever it opens. Unlike the CM:SF forum, which I rarely (ever?) looked at until the last pre-publishing month.

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