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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by MarkEzra

  1. C3K: A great deal of discussion revolved around the ability of a unit to immediately LOCATE the source of AT/ATGM fire. In earlier builds a Syrian RPG team would fire at the rear of an M1 only to be spotted, identified and killed seconds later. Not realistic and not fun. Now RPG/ATGM teams smoke trails are harder to see and disappear more quickly. I urge you to play the game for a while and let the many changes (often linked) settle in before drawing a conclusion.
  2. Sting Ray: As stated before: I am unable to duplicate this WITHOUT reducing force %. Blue Armor for Tiny or Small always gets one tank plt. Each and every time I try. If you've got a save file please send it, although it may not do much good. I think there will be no way of verifying the exact setup you chose. I may not look at it for awhile due to the Holidays.
  3. Works for me. Gives you a tank plt...the smallest number of "armor" First check your QB setup. If you use Tiny and Also Reduce the % you will not get any "armor". Just like you describe. The Maps will play no role in unit selection. Hope this helps...let me know if you continue to have problems.
  4. My test results: AT 3 sagger did not fire it's missile at targets under 500 meters. I used targets at 421 meters. I see That BFC has given you the most likely reason...so Merry Christmas and happy New Wargaming!
  5. I'll see if I can duplicate with my trusty Red ATGM tester...
  6. No time control and no cherry picking...BFC's sez they'll re-vamp QB's engine with Normandy.
  7. I believe the actual Official QB Maps file CMSF count is 79. I expect you had some QBG Mods in your file. If that's the case then some but not all of those will be revised...often to the point you wont recognize them from the originals. They do retain the same name so will over-write not only the original 79 but many of the QBG maps. Also There are many brand new maps as well You'll see them listed usually as QB A *** for attack or QB M *** for Meeting Engagements. The final total for V 1.11 Official QB Maps is 163. So we doubled the size.
  8. Same here except for the Philippines, tanks and live rounds. and Merry Christmas to you!
  9. Cognative: Actually the V 1.11 revisions was not a QBG project... just myself. Re: Your maps. Once you have installed V1.11 put the scen you have in the editor. 1. Is set up area for the attacker (and in he case of meeting engagement...both sides) totally out of view of the enemy? 2. Is the set up area large enough to handle any kind of troops the AI selects? 3. Are the pathways to the objectives reasonable for all types of troops? 4. Does the map have lots of small objectives? Better to make a large one or just a few. Keep in mind the AI, with what ever forces it is given, will have difficulty getting to or defending a lot of small objectives. The human player won't appreciate it much either. 5. The AI pathing should have at least two different attack/defend positions (Revised map have minimum 3... many use 5). And they should be large enough to accommodate any type of troops. But it should not be so large that unit cohesion is abrogated...! 6. Defense AI setup should use some common sense...Forward slope, reverse slope, flanks, kill sacks...all need to be set for whatever the AI gets to use...It does no good to have a city map set up for roof tops only..when the AI gives you a company of T90's...But painting the entire map isn't such a good idea either... The pure beauty of a CMx2 QB is the helping hand the map designer can give to the AI. 7. Movement to objectives pathing need to be not too complicated. give the AI a series of well spaced orders that take advantage of terrain generally. Do not design these like you would a scen... no micromanagement of placement and time....Given good general orders you will see he AI perform nicely.
  10. I'll certainly let you be the judge of that. I can tell you that's all I've been playing.
  11. From Recent QB1.11 : A two man AT team is tank hunting. They're hit and the AT specialist is severely wounded (red) and the team member slightly wounded (yellow). The team member recovers his senses, administers buddy aide, takes the Javelin launcher, and fires the last round on the tank that hit them. Out-****ing-standing!
  12. The entire CMSF/Quick Battle Maps file has been revised and enlarged for V1.11. Many...BUT NOT ALL... QBG maps have been revised and added to the "Official" game file. They will overwrite your exisiting QBG maps downloaded from CMMODS. But, Again...NOT ALL... Keeping the older maps will not create any problem but MAY reduce your Quick Battle gaming enjoyment compared to the new maps. Here's a suggestion: Rename your current "CMSF/Games/Quick Battle Maps" file to something else. Make a new (empty) file named Quick Battle Maps ...don't forget the "s" in maps When you install V 1.11 the Quick Battle Maps file will have ONLY the new work. If you decide later to use all the old QBG maps or any others you may have added from other sources Be certain to first copy and past the V1.11 file to your older Quick Battle Maps file. I will also be placing a V 1.11 Quick Battle Maps Rev.zip on the Repository...just in case The old QBG Quick Battle Maps have already been removed from CMMODS. I'd like to thank all the members of the QBG whose efforts helped many players to enjoy Quick Battles early on...Especially my friend and partner in QBG, Mishga... Merry Christmas and Happy Wargaming in the New Year!
  13. Thanks...Yes that does make sense. It sounds like an entire re-write of the AI to achieve...but it does make sense. Perhaps as an interim solution...while we feed Charles a case or two of Red Bull...scenario designers could simply make two scen. One Blue AI and another for Red AI.
  14. Thanks paper...two feet of Snow and just 50 miles from downtown LA!
  15. My test indicated otherwise. It's easy to check out. Take any scen Add bonus for both blue and red in the editor...play the scen for a bit, cease fire and you will see both blue and Red (that would be AI and Human) each receive a bonus.
  16. I just did a little test. Both blue and Red got a 1000 pt bonus. I took Red played my heart out, cease fired and Blue got a bonus...and so did I... Parameter does not distinguish between AI and Human player... just player Blue or player Red...It has to. So all parameters settings are available to both AI and Human.
  17. Confirm what you noticed. Posted to Beta forum with due credit and my thanks.
  18. C3K: I have got a blding tester done up for BFC so no need to put one together... I'll post to the beta tester today...many thanks
  19. Graphic glitch due to early USMC builds...fixed for 1.11
  20. I believe the corrected scen file was included in the first Marine module patch. You definitely need 4 crew members for the LAV-ATGM.
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