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Posts posted by MarkEzra

  1. They are both 7.62 and since that is all the info that I have, I am not sure if it is the same ammo or not. I thought all NATO 7.62 was the same.

    Is there anything that I can do as commander to tell them "Take out the ammo you idiots and reload your MG"

    A Humvee with 240 MG mounted has 100 rounds of 7.62 belt ammo and 500 rounds of 5.56 ammo. I believe this to be the only configuration. If you can dig up the Humvee you saw that had two supplies of 7.62 ammo please post in what unit you found it. I'll want to test it and possibly bug report. Thanks

  2. Sivodsi, Blackcat, etal:

    OK...Found your wall crashers and I'll report it as a bug. Here's what I think is going on. The wall is bleeding directly into the building. It is a scen designer choice that can lead to confusion when using mount tactics and enter/exit. But we must also consider the building and wall are at an angle for the troops exiting through not only the bldging but the entire wall tile, too. So that makes them go through a portion of the wall that does not appear to be connected to the building. But we'll let BFC sort it out. Thank you for taking time to post. It's how things get fixed.


  3. Mark Ezra,

    Fair go, but I am only trying to help.

    I meant no offense, just laying out why I started my questions with "it's all your fault" Mods/mis-match version :D Just need to get that out of the way (the screen shot had Icon Mods) I've got the save files and will schedule some time to check them out. I will report back here. Your help is appreciated.

  4. Dear Blackcat:

    It is my understanding that Pathing errors like vehicles driving through buildings or troops walking through walls are now very specific bugs involving a set of placements, elevations, orders and timing (and lord knows what else) that can be addressed . Getting to that point requires:

    1. Ruling out other factors like Mods or version mis-match, ect.

    2. A save file that demonstrates the problem and recreating it before sending a bug report to BFC.

    You and I thinking it is one thing or another just doesn't get the job done. But following a progressive process to discover if the game code is at fault and presenting as much empirical evidence to BFC seems to get the best results. Not pretty. Not easy. Not always successful. But it is the way PC game Bug hunting is generally done. ;)

  5. I've been following the thread: Can you tell me the name of the scen and where I may find it. First I'd like to see if I can duplicate any of what you are obviously seeing with the clean install of the game that I test/play with. It will help to rule out any mismatch of versions, corrupted mods, or install errors that may be giving your PBEM such gross pathing problems.

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