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Posts posted by MarkEzra

  1. BlackMoria:

    Thanks! I really glad you posted the major Vic. It is possible to deny the Syrians their obj pts but as you note it takes some damned good tactics and some luck with the AI pathing plans. I, too, noted Javelins occasionally having a tough time hitting targets. It usually occurred when arty fire was hitting the Syrians at the same time.


    I have that book as well... Great storyline and I keep thinking about doing it... the problem that holds me back is the river crossing/bridge layer use which is so critical to the story. Perhaps when Modern temperate comes along I'll give it a shot... As a Campaign.

  2. I take it the campaign cant be made before the game is ready and then it seems to take weeks if not months to sort out the flaws and bugs in it.

    From my experience as a beta tester/scen designer for three game titles:

    Any changes in TOE will impact scen design...stand alone or campaign makes no difference. Typically scen/campaign designers are busy from the moment the game is handed to them. Through out the testing process bug fixes can greatly effect their work. But generally the major issue for designers will be TOE and changes to the map editor. In the end the designers are responsible for keeping abreast of the changes. I see no flaw in the CMx2 editor but rather a simple reality of producing a game.

  3. Thanks Jon... staying faithful to the book and making it playable in the game was not even close to possible until CMSF and then only in the last couple of patches. It is indeed a very instructive book and I view the scen to be but a small slice of what the Col Antal's work offers. If the player can damage the Syrian attack, keep the majority of his troops and himself alive, and effectively withdraw his troops while under fire, then that minor Vic is the gold standard.

    Opps almost forgot: The map is indeed a bit hokey. I had two goals in mind there:

    1. close approximation of the book's map

    2. reduce Map size and terrain height locks usage where ever possible.

    So yeah...like tac-ops nothing fancy just functional

  4. Air Weapons Teams (Apaches, Cobra's, etc)

    Why are they so damn weak in game?

    I was playing Streets of Hama. Had some dismounts on a rooftop overlooking a stationary T90. No problemo! I have air! I call it in, and much to my surprise a few minutes later the Cobra gunship executes a strafing run...merely scratching the tank...hello? How about a damn HELLFIRE? or a strafe run with rockets?


    In real life these things are very capable tank killers.

    When Loaded for anti tank they certainly are...in the game as well as life. But you see the SOB Scen designer purposefully chose Helos w/ ground attack package to simulate their over-stretched tactical use during the USMC Mad rush inland. So let me pose the question to you: your JAC describes the targets...Enemy Armor. Air arm responds with "I can do one of two things: Send Helos without AT in 10 minutes or Helos with AT in 50 minutes" and you decide what? I try to design scen that force the player to make tough decisions under pressure of time and asset limitations

  5. Two questions. Why do the animations of the M1's rock around so much, they resemble BMP's not MBT's. Check this clips to see what I mean


    Why were the M1's rounds mainly impacting on the ridge in front of the ATGW? Is there the CM1 bug or were they just very lucky, as I thought HEAT rounds had arcing trajectories, the MG fire scored several hits on one of the missile firing posts.

    First question: I don't know. I only know the graphic was reduced again for V1.21... Perhaps your question and Vid link is better addressed to/by BFC.

    2nd question: It made me feel like a tactical genius! The ATGM Hill is higher than M1 location and the ATGM is placed 10 or so meters from the lip of the hill. The only actual LOS the M1 has is the ATGM tube...more than just a little tough to hit. So no...nothing wrong at all. The Other ATGM was at lower elevation, forward and damned lucky.

  6. Nice. Damn tough fight eh?

    I know you've probably said it before but what video capture software are you using? Is it a pay version of Fraps?


    Fraps paid version...it allows unlimited capture time...and besides the programers deserve the $20 or whatever it was... cheap......and edited with MS Movie maker. Really fun to mess with

  7. I wasn't exactly sure how to use the arty... the armor is moving so fast and there are so many sharp turns that you can't really track them with a point fire mission. I tried doing that in the beginning.. and by the end I just relied on big area fire missions in the vain hope that I would hit something. Neither were really effective. I also tried a linear fire mission down the entire length of one of the trails, but that wasn't effective either.

    If I do a poor job placing my FO (and didn't take time to check LOS!!!)

    then I'll have real difficulty using arty effectively. The good news is US Arty doesn't require a lifetime to shift targets. Some of my favorite locations are:


    Here's a helpful hint: Use "linear" plotting for the two narrow exits (Reverse Slope Defense)

  8. Alas, no. The 2nd Lt found himself on the wrong end of one wandering T72's 125mm gun. The XO survived, surprisingly.

    Agree, the artillery is crucial and I was a bit surprised by the amount that is available. I didn't really coordinate my arty very well, probably wasted at least two "calls". Therefore I don't think that the amount of available artillery should be reduced, with the response times of 5 minutes +, it is difficult enough to employ it effectively.

    If you recall the book When 2nd LT Bruce (Madden in the scen....BFC give us name editing PLEASE) dies, you lose. I did try that out as an "unknown to both destroy unit" with Syrians getting big points. But using the Unit parameter seems to trigger the AI to pay a bit more attention to killing all inf before moving to their objective. I felt it would tend to frustrate the player. It was also not the described Syrian action or goal in the book.

    Your thinking on arty is what I came to as well. I do think that one thing this scen can teach (from a game standpoint) is improving the players use of arty commands.

  9. Was this a real battle? I can't imagine a decisive victory for the BLUFOR.

    I played it, and I forgot to save my stats, but it was something like 9 BMPs and 4-5 tanks, and that was with extremely good ambush positions. I also had no idea all the vehicles were going to come down 2 paths only, so I wasted about 1/3rd of my mines.

    It was really fun to setup my defense though... taking all the ammo out of the trucks and setting up the mines.

    Question: Why is there a dismounted squad in the center of the ammo pit?

    Based on John F. Antal's Book.

    The split squad with the ammo must not be used so that the actual number of troops stays close to the book.

    The Syrians have 5 Attack plans. So the attack direction and timing can get very different.

  10. Hi all,

    just finished this scenario with a US Army Minor victory.

    *** Details below ***

    Suffered 10 KIA and 7 WIA while inflicting 68 KIA, 31 WIA, 19 MIA, 5 Tanks and 7 BMPs destroyed.

    I decided to defend the exits in the rear. I couldn't deny the Syrians access to their objective (access to the wadi), but I think that would be unrealistic to expect, given the odds you are facing.

    Overall, a very interesting scenario, but a less frustrating experience than reading the book (which I read, but never finished "successfully" :D).

    congratulations. Were you able to keep 2nd Lt alive? And yes it is easier than the book. Most of my testing was done with "scarce" arty settings. It required really excellent location/timing for arty calls. In the end I decided to give the player more arty for reasons of scen playability

  11. Pvt Ryan has it right...at least as I envisioned it during design and testing. The initial minutes of the scen are a test of nerve. Getting eyes on the battlefield is critical... the use of reverse slope cuts both ways. But remember this is a meeting engagement... the AI will come into your cross hairs too.

  12. I've looked everywhere and could not find the answer, so I'll ask here. How do you take a screenshot? Thanks in advance.

    You can save a screen shot by hitting "prt Scr SysRq" on your keyboard, then open up MS "Paint", click on edit, choose paste and save. There is also Fraps which allows not only screen shot but movie clips as well... it's free

    Hope this helps


  13. Based on John F. Antal's book: "Infantry Combat-The Rifle Rifle Platoon", Wadi Al Sirree is a very challenging scen. Playable ONLY as Blue, your infantry platoon is tasked with defending against a battalion strength attack. I have attempted to follow the storyline of Col Antal's book as much as possible. While it is NOT necessary to read the book to play Wadi Al Sirree, I hope those that have will recall the complex command decision challenges the book so entertainingly describes.


    Note: It is Very Important to thoroughly read the Briefing prior to setup. You must have V1.21 with the British Module installed to play this scen. My best wishes to all the worlds veterans. Thanks for your service.

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