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Posts posted by MarkEzra

  1. ...If they ever get around to adding a rewind function to Real Time, I'll probably switch over to playing mostly Real Time...

    I generally say yes to this. Pauseable and rewind sounds great. But to even make it worse for BFC, I want to have a fast forward as well. And that is really having my cake and eating it too...:)

    It must be well over a year since I test/played in RT (outside of testing something specifically in RT) I enjoy to revisit the cool moments and explore the WTF's. But RT is the preferred mode for many gamers so I'm glad the RT is available.

  2. I liked a mod I used in CMx1 that allowed the player to designate a certain color tracer for each side. Perhaps a mod will come out for CMx2 that allows this. I use the red tracer mod, but would like to give the Syrians green tracers.

    I'm for that.

  3. Yes and No. Your QB map with setup/pathing orders for both sides! just goes with the rest of them. With in the QB setup there is no way to choose the exact map you want (no way to access a separate file folder like CMx1) You can rename the games QB Maps File, create a new QB Maps file and drop it there. You will want to remember what type of map you made (city town village open forest hill) and you're guaranteed to get that map (it's how I tested them)

    Opps I think I didn't address your actual question. I just mentioned this in another QB thread. Here's what you need to do to convert a scen map for QB play:

    First take a look at a couple of the games QB Maps. Note how the setup look...check the orders...note the movement start times and where the dismount orders are placed. You will also see there are always multiple orders. look at the objectives. These methods work

    Now Place your map in the editor

    check to make sure the setup areas are large and clear enough to handle any kind of force selection

    ALL QB Pathing orders are Group #1 only. It's best to clear out all group orders and just give Group #1 large enough (but not too large!) and with dismount orders that make sense for the map.

    If the scen has no "Objectives" you will need to place one. I wouldn't go past 3 because QB Games may not give you enough force to take and hold a large number of objectives.

    Test the map by making a separate file as described earlier. If you have any trouble just drop me an email...I'd be glad to help.

  4. I wish I could use some detailed maps from scenarios, strip them from units and insert them in a QB.

    But you can. Any Scen map can be placed in the QB file and you don't need to strip out the units. But you will want to review the setup and pathing orders for Group #1 to insure it is large enough for map/unit size anticipated.

    A word on Highly detailed QB Maps:

    The only problem of highly detailed maps generally is the AI may make odd movement decisions to get through the narrow, twisting, obstructive wall filled little beauty of a village you've created. While no real problem in a scen map...it's precise Units and multi-group/setup/pathing give the AI all the info it needs....QB Maps are, by nature, Generic. It is necessary to keep setup and pathing orders clear and simple so the AI can move any unit combination that comes along. I do not foresee this basic fact changing with Normandy.

    By the way: I take no offense about the QB Maps being plain... even though I worked my fingers to the bone adding flavor and color everywhere I could for V1.20...Sob.... :D

  5. ;1148460']I´ve played Brit vs Syrian H2H mech infantry (don´t have the exact title at my fingertips) via TCPIP with Elvis. Essentially both sides have light vehicles, lots of infantry and access to one set of off- map Mortars. The game ended in a bloody draw (I was playing the brits). I recommend this one highly. I think there are many tactical posibbilities to this scenario.

    I´m currently playing the H2H armour clash (Challenger2s vs. T72s) as PBEM. I´ll report when all my T72s have been destroyed ;O)

    Glad you enjoyed it.

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