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Posts posted by MarkEzra

  1. Hmmm, I consider that I _have_ been paying for additional features. See, I got a cool game about 1944 West Front Combat. The graphics were pretty good, but the underlying engine was EXTREMELY good. Later, I paid for an expansion to the East Front. Next, I wanted a tweak to the coding and a few more goodies, so I paid BF.C to develop that. After a long wait, I paid for even MORE features: 1 to 1 modeling in modern warfare. Then, for more features, I paid more. Marines? Yep. Brits? Yep, paid there. NATO? Sure, take my money, please. :)

    I consider that I have been paying for additional features (happily) for many years.

    To answer the OP question: Yes, I would pay for additionaly features.



    That is my view as well.

  2. I've looked at your qb scen. I noted no setup zone showing so I guess both were after first turn or something. I also noted I couldn't see any objectives... no green/no stars (what I use to name a QB Obj.) I attempted to Alt J them on without success.

    I located the map (Largerural3-QB) and checked for errors. I played that map and found setups to work as they appeared in the editor.

    I will make a bug report and attach your scen plus the QB Map in question. I will keep close eye out for any other player setup area problem in hope of corroborating the bug. My personal opinion (and remember I'm just a player like you) Maybe you've got a scrambled DL or setup.

  3. Force selection nonsense aside, the new QB maps and missions seem much improved.

    All maps were revised.

    Attack/Defend Maps: AI Attacker has been given a series of orders to push the Human completely off the objectives. The AI Defender has a variable timed counter attack order which allows the AI to attempt to reinforce or retake lost objectives.

    Meeting Engagement AI pathing was redesigned to better approach and stage final attacks on objectives.

    AI Artillery preset orders are in use for all maps but with settings to allow for possible AI strikes later in the game.

  4. Is there any plans for QBs to reclaim the glory it enjoyed under CMx1? I could spend hours in purchasing before a PBEM game, and I'd have just as much fun doing that, then actually playing the battle.

    Short answer is Yes A lot of attention is going into providing a very good QB experience. For NATO you will find improved pathing and AI reaction, more maps but the same old unit selection. In CM-N you will find those cherries we've all longed to pick... That and I venture to say...and more. By the way you and I feel the same about time spent with unit selection. My Shirnk sez it basically harmless... ;)

  5. This makes me happy.. thanks for the extra work on the QB's. I remember a post from you to another fellow that he should delete all of his QB maps when Nato is released so he would have all the updated maps installed. I think you may have told him to do that bacause of the version of the game he was running but I don't remember for sure. Would that be required for those of us using all modules to date and 1.21? Or will the reworked Qb maps coming with Nato overwrite existing maps?



    The NATO QB Maps will overwrite all existing QB Maps of CMSF V1.21. Any user made Maps a player may have added will remain in the file in what ever state they are in. I guess the question would be why would you want them? But Lets say you do. Once in a while those maps will pop up and play however they play... Not a big deal. If memory serves the guy I was answering had described a bunch of long solved issues but said he was currently patched. Something didn't compute so I told him it might be best to start fresh. But it really doesn't matter a whole bunch. Oh, and for those who do not plan to get the NATO mod... all the QB Maps (as always) will be in the update patch. But man... get NATO! I just Hmmm ahhh "Tested" a QB US M1A1SA Vs German Leopard... yeah WW2 super-sized!

  6. I had been wondering about that sort of thing being the issue. The QB Map setup area are the easiest goof to spot. A quick run through with the AI Editor immediately lets the designer know if he's screwed up. I've made or re-worked over 300 QB maps so I'm more than just a little familiar with what to look for. What I'm not in the least bit familiar with is TCP/IP and it's working. So I'll ask other Beta testers to delve into this.

    I've done a cut paste of your comments to the Beta Test Board. Thank You for help.

  7. The Fifty New QB Maps are actually only the tip of the iceberg for QB Map Changes. All 275 QB Maps have been re-worked to improve AI Pathing:

    1. The AI Defender has a timed Counter-Attack ability

    2. The AI Attacker will attempt to push the Human completely of the Objective

    3. Improved AI Arty Use.

    The other scen designers always contribute to the QB Maps. So Some maps may be from the Campaign.

    I expect there is a forest map or two for this batch ... But I did contentrate more on them for USMC (hills/temperate climate in West Coast Syria)

  8. I forgot to mention we play TCP/IP exclusively. It's really apparent in CMA, happening nearly 90% of the time, much less so in CMSF, yet still occasionally coming up...It spoils a lot of the fun since we end up discussing our deployment zones before the battle as to make sure we don't start right on top of eachother, not to mention the frustration of having to start over battles all the time...I didn't see an option to save the game in TCP/IP, I could provide screenshots only but I guess there's nothing to see in them that can't be conveyed by words alone... :D

    Pictures are proof. If I can see the QB Maps I can rule them in or out of any problems. Settings, unit selections, Game type: Attack-Meeting-Both, all help to understand what you are seeing. Speaking of Proof: Are you and your partner both aware that colors have been reversed for CM-A


  9. Bad formulation, my fault (I'm not a native English speaker).

    I wanted to give an indication on how this problem could happen with CMSF, It may be the same conditions on CM:A.

    I played several QB in IP with CMSF (1.10 IIRC), and each Blue VS Blue or Red VS Red we played was canceled due to this problem. We were attacking the same village starting from the same hills, or starting from the same side of the map.

    I don't have any save (IP), but I made a "joke" to a friend once, surrounding his positions in my/his deployment (witch I anticipate as being the same). I still have the screens, the game last about 42 seconds.


    My French is an embarrassment. Thanks for posting. This bug does not show up in QB H2H, PBEM, or Vs AI. But it does look like something is happening during TCP/IP setup. I'm not a TCP player but other Beta Testers are. I've made a bug report of this and will keep an eye on it until resolution. Thanks, again for posting.

    EDIT Update: Bug Report Made

  10. From what I have understood maps in QBs are pre-made and nothing is generated on the fly to avoid strange and uneven maps. Is it however possible to use you own custom map for QBs?

    Where should I place such map and how do I make sure it is used by QB?

    Do I need to do anything for the AI when creating a QB map?


    Your map can work! But I urge you to look at the existing QB Maps in the editor. EVERYTHING I do from placement and size of the setup areas to the size and space of the AI pathing is based on solid game experience. Please be sure to note the new AI Defender counter-attack time set and the AI Attacker shortened Pathing when nearing the objective. It'll really help your QB Map Play Better. A Final Tip: Scen designers ALWAYS have a certain set of units in mind. QB Map Designers ALWAYS have EVERY KIND of Unit in mind

    Good Luck!

  11. Chances of this being a QB map problem is pretty low. So Lets start here First:

    Is this seen in TCP or PBEM games? If PBEM May I get a save file and Both Passwords sent to me : mark.ezra3591(AT)gmail.com (AT) means @ in antispam.

    Edit: I started and played a QB Attack Scen as PBEM with no trouble. I reviewed the QB Map Meeting Engagement And Blue sets up Blue and Red sets up Red

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