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Posts posted by MarkEzra

  1. Two small things that would be very helpful:

    2. Allow setting a reinforcement time at or beyond the maximum battle length (this is the simplest way to remove parts of the OOB from the battle).

    already available (3 hr max Reinforcement length) Just don't make your scen 3 hrs and you can hide those pesky units you don't need...

  2. What Alex said is correct. The top of dam is an elevation 20 tile. The very next single tile is elevation 1... The physics can't be managed.


    This pic shows that a tile elevation change between Elevation 20 and 1 would have allowed the game to read the height change normally and no movement would be allowed.

  3. ...But having played the CMSF demos I just love the engine and believe a WWII iteration will be awesome.

    I will buy it immediately that is for sure.

    I don't believe I'm breaking NDA when I say:

    BFC is working hard to deliver for you, and it's a very exciting time for CM Beta testers.

    Now back to work


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