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Posts posted by MarkEzra

  1. I’m also curious as to how some of the die-hard CMx1 players were able to make the transition. Maybe that could help me.

    I think I qualify to give my opinion. When first I saw CMSF infantry form a single line to "move" (something no war game I owned could do)...well I was sold. And this was the release version for pity's sake! Like you I had limited knowledge about "Modern" warfare....by "Limited" I mean Steel Panthers 2. :D

    I soon discovered the Syrian Army was like the US or USSR of 1942. I needed to pay strict attention to C&C, use over watch and base of fire when moving forward, avoid long range gun fights of ANY caliber, and to except large losses with a degree of equanimity found only in the most sociopathic of Kommissars. ;) By careful placement of my Syrians in defense and striking isolated Blue units en mass in the advance I've come to enjoy a good degree of success in this asymmetrical world of war.

    If you decide to give CMSF another shot...or if you plan to get Normandy(why wait to learn the games tactical do's and don'ts?) ... I'd be glad to PBEM with you. mark.ezra3591@gmail.com It was How I learned to play CMx1and CMx2 as well.

    And speaking of CMx1: I loaded CMAK up and played it again recently. About 30 minutes worth... Somethings are best left as fond memory. That's how CMAK is for me.

  2. Hcrof: I am assuming your Scimitar crew "acquired" the GMG during "buddy-aid"...yes?

    If that is the case then my expectation would be they should be able to use any weapon they are capable of acquiring. Please confirm.

    Otherwise a normal GMG crew is able to dismount (use Bail out!) move and deploy/ fire weapon. It will not setup and fire inside a building but can on a roof. I've checked to confirm this with a test scen and played as PBEM...just in case.

  3. News! Being released Oct 31st. A new CMSF module, Combat Mission Shock Force:The Zombie Wars. Syria unleashes an army of undead against the NATO invaders. Read here how this started World War Z.


    Though NDA limits I can confidently say: If you loved "White Zombie" , if you drooled with joy over "Dawn of the Dead", then you'll love CMSF:ZW...I promise it won't be like "Shawn of the Dead" we won't make that mistake twice!

  4. Short review of my PBEMs so far:

    Six of those were mine...I'm flattered! ...including the boring one...but hey...ya can't win 'em all. The Hill map you liked I considered the dumbest map of the bunch....I almost left it out...so I'm really pleased you liked it...It does have a lot of close up/reverse slope action in it. You never know what's gonna work until you play them a bit. Thanks for your feed back.

  5. The most important issue is whether the mast on the vehicle has any effect on LOS in game. I'd love to be able to park the vehicle just behind the crest of a hill and be able to call in fire missions.

    Interesting question.

    I want to make sure I get this right It sounds like testing this and the general LOS/Adjust Fire speed at distance will answer the question. Does that sound right?

  6. I bought my brits on-line and got my disc only today. I was a bit dissapointed to find that I have to try to read my computer to read the manual.

    I'd pay a few $s more for a book.

    Remember there is a printable version that you can put in a binder. As I'm Legally blind it's what I always have to do...

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