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Posts posted by MarkEzra

  1. This is my personal view on Steam.  I'll preface my comment: If BFC uses steam-fine. If they don't-fine. If they say never and then change their minds (this one's for all you hopeful steamers out there)-fine!  It's BFC business... their actual livelihood, not mine.


    So here's what I think about steam:  I'd never heard of it prior to forum comments when CMBN or one of the modules was released.  I read a few post and got a general idea of what steam was about.  I also came away with a sense of "Wow...some of these guys really believe in steam...like religiously."  But not my business... nor when BFC came out with a "Neyt" to steam was my business. But some folks just can't take "Neyt" for an answer.


    So the subject just kept coming up, and up, and up.  As a result of this thread  I find myself NOT EVER wanting to take a look at what Steam can offer me.  Advertising is a funny thing, I guess...But hey, it's not my business. 

  2. I'm ready for something new. I hope CMBS comes out by Friday because I go back to college next week and I would like to try out a couple of QBs.

    While you'll be back at school when it's released the wait will be worth it... Lots of thought and work has gone into CMBS/QB's... but that's always the case. But I gotta say I'm personally very pleased with the results.

  3. Why does the RT AI ALWAYS seem to do turn 1 Artillery bombardments. I remember if you had a unit in obvious view in BN and FI this was likely, but this seems to happen EVERY game against the AI with me.

    Why does the RT AI ALWAYS seem to do turn 1 Artillery bombardments. I remember if you had a unit in obvious view in BN and FI this was likely, but this seems to happen EVERY game against the AI with me.

    all qb maps I have made since cmsf have first turn arty (when AI has arty). My thinking is that Human players cheat. They "know" about setup areas, they "know" time limits, they "know" its a game board. The AI doesn't. The first turn arty mitigates the Human from rushing ahead. I set the arty to suppress. I place the strike zones along possible attack paths but not too close to the Human setup zone. My plan is to delay, not demolish, the human player and allow the AI sufficient store of arty for use later in the game.

  4. To create a good QB Map the designer must master the use of time variable triggers.

    CM's QB AI always have groups that move within the default 0-1 min. They also have group movement orders and follow up movement orders that are of variable times based on map size and tactical need. Movement triggers requires some thought and patience.

    Re-working an existing Scen or QB Map is actually very complicated and fraught with troubles. From a self teaching perspective itis better to start with a fresh canvas. I learned by my own mistakes...and I made plenty of them.

  5. Nothing crazy about it at all. First let me remove all doubts you may have about the map: It's a correctly made Allied attack style map. The attacker setup is East. The Axis Defender is West. In the QB Game setup screen the player Gets to choose who attacks and who defends. You picked the Germans to attack and they did... from the East. Just like the QB Map was made.

  6. Dear Hellas: Welcome to the forum and hope you are enjoying the game.

    "Sensing strange attitudes" reminds me I must never fall into the trap of "Contempt Prior to Investigation"

    From my years of playing CM and following it's forums I can personally assure you of two things:

    1. BFC is entirely focused on constantly adding to and improving it's Wargame. Not

    just producing the same old game in a new time or theater over and over. That keeps them more than just a little busy.

    2. BFC reads and responds to forum posters. In fact it counts on forum members to help improve the game.

    So your feed back is helpful if a tad redundant.

  7. I made up a Tunisian style map and am in one of the most historically accurate feeling PBEM's I've played. I'm green US setup in ground similar to the early days of Kasserine pass. My Partner an great assortment of DAK vehicles and troops and has been moving head with great skill. I've yet to see a Bad call from the AI Combat resolution. It's a desperate struggle that gives me pause, that once, many years and wars ago, this happened... this way.

  8. If you bought CMBO you got the CMx1 engine and it's patches. With CMBB you got CMx1 engine revised and no way to get the revisions into CMBO. CMAK brought even more CMx1 engine revisions but still no way to retrofit the game improvements to earlier titles. Enter CMx2 Engine

    CMSF presented the new CMx2 engine along with it's module system to expand the game and improve the game play at the same time. Perhaps BFC should have titled this the "Crying Game" for all the wailing and gnashing of teeth that went on.

    With it's teething problems behind it the CMx2 Engine was re-introduced as CMBN, the premier WW2 tactical simulator. The awards speak for themselves. It's 3 Modules provided new equipment and continued game and visual performance changes.

    CMFI/GL continued the roll with more gaming and performance enhancements in Italy's stand alone cameo appearance.

    Enter Red Thunder. The East Front (much like the history of CMx1 engine) offered significant Gaming and Graphic Performance changes. Faster loading time, higher degree of graphic resolution for lower end PC's, The miracle of "triggers", increased AI group and orders. An improved Scen editor that can handle the creation of larger maps with greater ease. AND.... unlike the CMx1 CMBB Title... the ability to retro fit these improvements to the West Front Titles! Fantastic. Dedicated West Front Players were finally allowed the goodies the hard working BFC coders have added to there otherwise rapidly aging games.

    So instead of me having to trash my favorite theatre of war like I did with CMBO, and wait YEARS to return to the WW2 West Front with a New FULL PRICE TITLE, BFC offers to bring my aging games up to date for $10.00 a pop. Or I can just keep playing them the way they are. My choice.

    So I did.

    If you didn't, fine. But seriously, the ten bucks? Restaurant cost in West LA vs the Mid West? 'I otta get this for free cause I bought a game a few years ago'?


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