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Posts posted by MarkEzra

  1. Attack Assault Probe Maps are all designed with setup areas that make sense for attacking/defending missions. The are NOT useable for Meeting Engagements. I urge you to put any QB Map that shipped with the game in the editor and carefully look at the setup areas and AI Movement orders. Just because an attack/defend scen CAN be played as an attack/defend QB mission does NOT mean it'll fun/interesting to play. The scen original movement orders, time delays and arty setup that were brilliant often becomes just plain weird (that sniper creeping in with movement orders to the church steeple is now a platoon of Wespes!)

  2. Welcome! You Played CMAK and CMBB and this is your very first post. I played the CMx1 engine loved it. That didn't mean I wanted more depth and better graphics. BFC moved to the next generation with CMx2 and so did I. Glad you're giving CMBN a go and suggest you stick with it. It's much more demanding but richly rewards the player. Oh perhaps I should mention: When I DL'd the original pre release demo of CMBO I immediately deleted it... Three guys with rotating heads! So I didn't give it a chance. But reading the forum's assurances that CMBO was breaking new ground in wargaming I did give it another go...And very glad I did But even more so with CMx2.

  3. I'm the person responsible for all the QB Maps for CMSF and CMBN. The CMSF QB troop selection program does not allow the player to select the precise units he wishes as does CMBN and is therefore not what any of us would have wished. I have no doubt the new CM Modern game will exceed CMBN/QB in many, many respects. Of course the proof of the pudding is in the eating and I'm only the prep Chef.

  4. Hmmm, I thought that had been fixed a good while ago. I haven't had it bombard my setup zone in ages, though it is not shy about dropping a load just in front of a setup zone. No doubt hoping to catch me as I advance, which is fair. But I always wait a turn or two to see where it is going to hit and then steer my units away from the targeted area.


    The problem was the rockets not the AI arty plans.

  5. ...I offered to help investigate since I had a reproducible scenario. No one took me up on that offer. I am sure I no longer have that saved game....

    If You cannot recall ever sending me a file then your offer MUST have been an oversight on my part. I have looked at many "reproducible" setups which were only that way for the original two PBEM players. When Testing the same PBEM setup/map with my PC and another Mac user they proved NOT reproducible.

    BFC is always concerned for it's game. You know that and I know that.

    So here's what I suggest you do: When you have this problem please send a save file along with a basic description of you rig (PC win8 is really enough for me). Have your PBEM Partner do the same. I will handle it as a bug report to BFC and provide results to you. markDOTezra2591ATgmail.com

    Hope this will help...

  6. It seems we are still suffering from the reverse setup bug in QB's... :confused:

    Does anyone else have this problem?

    Hi: I am Responsible for every QB Map In the CMBN family.

    This has been reviewed over and over by me and the BFC Programmers. It is NOT the maps and it is NOT the code. It is, however, some glitch in a users PC setup (especially when playing PBEM-MAC&PC) which creates this annoying effect. It can be lessened by not selecting the "Map Preview" button (turn it off). I'm sure you wish to hear solution...and so do I. It just cannot be found in the QB Maps or the code.

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