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Posts posted by MarkEzra

  1. ...Finally, the thing that strikes me is that the AI is such (I saw it wheeling guns around the place to take advantage of my positions...Apoll

    Funny You should mention. If this is happening in a QB Game (and I have seen it already. too) then it's actually something I will be reporting to BFC. The QB AI plans do have Movement by time and trigger. But when I make the AI defender setup/pathing plans I do so with overwatch in mind. I want the inf arty/AT/AA do stay immobile while other units (including their support teams) counter attack towards the objectives.

  2. Thanks Mark

    I did that but ended up with a ver. 1.10, which looked wrong. I uninstalled and did FI, then GL then the patch last and it was fine, showing as ver. 1.12.

    More than can be said for CMBN/CW/MG which is giving me no end of grief - have posted on the BN tech forum and posted a ticket.

    Install Cmbn and patch to v.1.11, add CW, Intalll CMBN 2.0 upgrade (you will be offered to upgrade base game and CW but NOT MG. Install MG 2.0. Now patch to 2.11 and 2.12. That was the only way I got out of the CMBN nightmare I was in

  3. At the risk of a metaphorical smack in the mouth, are you at all likely to upgrade the CMBN/CMFI QB maps? Or is that a bridge too far......

    I appreciate your comments. I, too am enjoying CMRT QB's. As to Retro-fitting CMBN, if called upon by BFC, I'd love to do that. But it would be a very large project and time constraints might really get in the way. BFC is pretty busy these days.

  4. (This is a copy of the Installation chapter in the CMBN - Market Garden game manual)

    The important thing to keep in mind (and probably the biggest potential source of confusion) is this:

    If you have a CMBN module, then you do not need your base game key (ever again), and you do not have to patch/activate your base game separately (ever again)!

    If you have the CMBN Upgrade, then you do not need your previous base game nor module keys (ever again). When you activate a module with a module key, or patch a module, the base game is activated/ patched automatically as well, including any installed modules. When you activate an Upgrade with an Upgrade key, the base game and any modules are activated automatically as well. There is no need to license/ patch the base game, or other modules, separately, PROVIDED that you activate/patch the latest available version.

    Below is the correct way to (re-)install CMBN and modules. If you do not have a module listed below, simply skip that step:

    1- install the base game, Combat Mission: Battle for Normandy. This will typically be v1.00 or v1.01.

    2- (if available) install the Commonwealth Module. This will update your game to v1.10.

    3- install the CMBN v1.11 patch. You can find it at www.battlefront.com/patches.

    4- install the CMBN 2.0 Upgrade, or the 2.0 Market Garden Bundle.

    5- use your 2.0 Upgrade license key, or the 2.0 & Market Garden Bundle license key to activate. This will activate the base game and Commonwealth (if available), and Market Garden (if you installed the bundle).

    5b- install the Market Garden module, unless you have installed the bundle already in step 3.

    5c- use the Market Garden license key to activate the Market Garden module, unless you have activated it already in step 5.

    6- if available, install the next Module. 6b- use your next module license key to activate.

    7- Repeat 6 and 6b for all available modules.

    8- if available, install the latest patch for CMBN. Usually, only one patch is required to update all game components, including the base game and modules.

    Note: It’s important to follow these steps and patch as the last step! This will ensure that your game and all modules are up 10 Combat Mission: Battle for Normandy to date; otherwise you may unintentionally downgrade your game to an older version by installing an older module.

  5. RE: CMBN QB Map Large Rough (bocage-water-damage) QB-131:

    Well The Bad News First. I carefully checked the AI Pathing orders for both Attacker and Defender and found no unduly long orders. Group 1 Defender counter attack movement orders respond 20-25 min Defender Group Stays in place on or around the Objective with an Ambush/dismount order and no movement order (more about this later!). The Attacker Group 1 has 1st movement orders within a minute and all follow up orders at one minute. Group 2 has it's start movement at 4-6 minutes and follow up orders at 1 min (more about this later!)

    The Good News: While it is a completely functional QB Map made with the CMBN specs (wow have things changed since then!), I did find a small error in the Defender Plan 2 Group 2 setup. It was set to "Normal" and "No Dismount", Rather then "Ambush" and "Passanger Dismount". Sloppy, Yes but doesn't affect movement or times.

    The Attacker had no such defects so if they aren't moving it's not due to their QB Map AI Pathing orders. I can only surmise that other aspects of the AI in game program (morale, ect?) play a roll.

    I did fix the errors I noted and have placed the corrected map in the repository under CMBN Base Game/Maps/CMBN QB Map 131 Fix.

  6. Sorry didn't see this thread until now... QB 131 will be checked out just as soon as I have CMBN completely up and running... A new PC is slowing down the process ... Hopefully tomorrow I'll be able to get a look at it. I was alerted to this issue in the CMRT forum but will respond in this.

  7. Yes. I pared down Radzymin Master changed the attacker and deploy zones and twice the AI would not move from their deployment.

    The Radzymin Master Map is not a QB Map but a "clean map" that players can make there own scen or QB Maps. You will need to create the set up areas, AI plans, and victory locations in order to make a viable QB Map.

  8. Trust me to find the exception... :)

    It's QB-131 "Asslt Large Rough (bocage-water-damage) QB-131" the reverse direction University of Hard Knocks map. I may also be misinterpreting the Plan (it chose Plan 2, AFAICT). Thanks for the feedback. I also have saves of the game if they'd be any help.

    I'll check it out and report back...may be a day or two... just loading up a new PC and reformatting CMBN is taking some doing.

  9. Changing the QB Map in the editor? I think you mean changing the attacker and defender in the QB game setup screen. If that's the case then you should know the game automatically conforms to the players commands. If you have a problem with any Map in CMRT please supply the name of the map I will check it out.

  10. [quote

    supplementary question: does the AI still allocate its forces to the various (usually 2) AI groups available in its plan on an arbitrary (round robin?) basis by Formation (So if you have a Company of tanks, and a single FO, Group 1 (of 2) will have a Company of tanks, and Group 2 has the FO)? And if so, does the picker make any effort to, rather than picking a Company, pick 3 platoons from separate battalions so there's a chance of some infantry in each group? Would that help with AI performance (I'm playing a Huge QB vs the AI where I manually picked its forces for it, so it's got 3 PzGr Companies from different Battalions, one of which has the Heavy Company, and 3 platoons of StuG, with two short platoons each of PzIV and Panthers, and they, from a very rapid look (to avoid spoiling any surprises the AI might throw too much) it seems like the two "apparent" groups in the setup zone were both Combined Arms.

  11. How it works in CMBN:

    On Defense the AI has group 1 on or near objectives withe an ambush order and no further movement order. Group 2 Is Also set to ambush but has a variable-Timed movement order. If the Human player beats the the timed movement order (wins or Ceasefire, ect) The 2ndary groups remain in place.... CMRT triggers will help avoid some of this

    Attacking AI should always move. The first group will move generally in the first minute. The 2ndary groups will move within 5 minutes or so... Always

  12. You are all making important comments. I can assure you that BFC is very focused on improving our QB gaming experience. I need to disengage myself from the discussion for two reasons. The first is NDA (what I can I say when I cannot say!) Second...and more important to QB Players.... I really need to be making the best possible maps I can... AND more of them...not talking about them. So it's back to the QB Map Factory! Thanks for your support and ideas!

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