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Posts posted by MarkEzra

  1. ...Sounds like the issue is Quick battles and their use of occupy objectives. It also sounds like Mark is planning to make changes that will make you happier....

    I posted a CMBN QB Map (Hills-Town-River Attack/Assault/Probe) using the formula NOW found in Some CMRT QB Maps. That is a simple box outline for V Obj. It looks far more pleasing to the eye during a game. I played the map as attacker and won a total Victory... a very tough nut to crack but I had mix Mech Inf-armor and the AI had Random selected Kriegmarine! Fought me for over an hour. Point being I got all points for control of the Objectives even though there was something around 75 combat effective AI Troops still on the board.

    So just a clarification: Did the original poster "ceasefire" or play to the end of the time limit?

    If a player ceasefires the AI troops haven't given up. If that was the case then the manner in which an Obj is painted is not relevant. Keep in mind Troops "near" a painted area control the obj just as well as troops sitting "on" an Obj. This does not change my view of using an out line formula... it's simple and testing as proven it successful.

    ANOTHER Idea for Stretching The Limits of QB Objectives

    I will be posting a Meeting engagement using an enlarged version of the afore mentioned CMBN Hills-Town River Map. This map uses the out line objectives but also has one Hidden objective for each AI Side. As the Human player you will see your "hidden" Obj But you will not see The AI's I've given it enough points to alter the victory but not change it completely... (unless the AI is handing you your ass anyway)

    I am of two minds about this: cool idea or gimmicky, one time AI trick? I will place it on the CMBN Maps portion perhaps today or tomorrow. I would appreciate any input.

  2. ...In contrast, if only the 4 largest, heaviest buildings in the down are painted as separate small Occupy Objectives, this compels the attacker to gain substantial control of the town in order to put men into these buildings, but does not obligate him to clear out every sniper and vehicle crew hiding in the rubble. This also allows the attacker to gain points for achieving some of the objectives, but not all.

    I would argue that the latter is usually more consistent with the kind of combat CMBN tries to represent. Not always, but usually.

    This is an excellent idea! For a scen game.

    I am compelled to make QB Maps that account for EVERY conceivable Unit choice players wish. The single platoon of King Tigers the player bought may have difficulty clearing out that top floor of your map. Look, it's not a total disagreement I have with your idea regarding the size of "Occupy" space. You will see QB Town and village maps in CMRT that use only the town edges as V Obj. So what you want is Already there.

    My Concern in map design is how well the AI can function on it, not how easy it should be for the player to win. That is always my driving vision. I do not think my emphasis is mis-placed.

    Speaking of mis-placed.

    QB Battle Generator is the Sand Box for CM play. It's fast, simple, and fun.

    Scenario's and Campaign offer the more precise "binary whatever you all are going on at" code. They provide a riveting storyline, finally honed TOE's and the maximum use of the AI pathing tricks (many of which just Cannot be applied successfully to a QB style map).

    Attempting to make one into the other is a common wish for us all. And we all wish for more (and I think we have and will get more). I just need to keep my eye on the ball, and never forget that I design for the "game" end of a CM wargame.

  3. It is not possible (and never has been) Let's say I want to convert a scen map that has only Touch and Exit Obj. So I copy it to my QB Map file, fire it up and voila!.... all magically become "Occupy". The QB Battle generator cannot recognize another type.

    In a QB Perfect World the QB Battle generator would allow us to customize the setup well beyond Assault, Attack and Probe.... BUT.... I cannot imagine the coding difficulty to get that to work... oh, and the AI Group plan layers involved to make it so... Now you've gone and given me a headache... I'm gonna go watch re-runs of Veronica Mars and let her ease my pain.

  4. I don't see this as a V Obj size but as a win/loss calculation. Consider this: Even a very small V Obj will have many places to hide a cowering enemy.

    Now Let me discuss my evolving thinking about V Obj.

    Since CMSF and all through CMBN I have generally kept V Obj to a minimum number and a maximum size. I used this thinking to help the AI hold and have a chance of reaching the Obj during counter-attack. CMRT has a large number of QB maps designed in this manner. But I started trying something different near the end of Beta Testing which may be going un-noticed. It's the future.

    What is coming in the next patch and later modules is something entirely different.

    The maps I am doing at this moment are being designed to use smaller, multiple victory locations and are assigned different values. I believe the improved AI allows for more "group" choices. So instead of just 2 or 3 groups for the AI the numbers are more likely to be 4-8 groups. This of course is based on map size. It doesn't mean that all maps will be multiple V Obj. But it does mean fewer single V Obj than ever before.

  5. [quote=Reanimator;1526419

    Poking around the QB maps in the editor I notice there are a lot of plans that are on the "not used" setting but have actual orders. Are these going to be used in the future when you guys get some more time or are they just sorta failed ideas?

  6. Who did the CMFI QB's by the way?

    The credits list Michael Andersson and myself. But it was all Michael's fine work. During that period of time I had to stop Map work due to some ongoing eye sight issues (only one eye and it isn't up to snuff)...I should not have had my name included on CMFI/GL.

    And while I'm about it:

    QB Maps is always a co-operative venture. I rely heavily on the scen, campaign maps, and Master Maps, along with my own (ever shrinking volume) maps. My only task is to modify the maps for QB Map function.

    The AI and New trigger system is all BFC.... absolute genius!

    So why does my name show up under Quick Battle Maps? I am solely responsible for the end result. If a map doesn't work as intended it's my fault and I will do my best to fix it.

  7. Will all the CMBN and CMFI maps be redone when those games are upgraded?

    I don't know. I'm responsible for the CMBN QB Maps but not the CMFI QB's. We are talking about a pretty large, time sucking project, but CMBN is worth it. I do have a method in mind that might speed up the process to maybe 30minutes per map.

  8. In recent small probe qb battles ai purchase mix forces i have found only antitank team without the weapon thei are missed ! I have no save to reproduce. Is this a bug?

    if you are describing an AT Gun Team then that might be a bug. If you swee it again just save the file and post to the forum.

  9. Just in case this is a QB Map problem, Do you have the exact name of the map? Otherwise it may have something to do with the original Attacker/Defender choice not being what you thought it would be during game setup. Or: A long time back (in CMBN) PC vs Mac players had this problem. Some may still for all I know.

  10. "Multi Large Forest Town Water QB Map" has been placed on the repository and can be found in the base game/Maps section.

    This QB map is a departure from the "normal" QB maps I make for the Game. I have applied 5 different Objects all with various Victory Pts. The Deeper the Attacker gets the More the Objectives are worth. The Attacker AI has 5 group orders, one for each objective. The pathing order consist of a time variable setup order and one movement order to the objective. The Attacker AI is left to figure it's own route to the Objective.

    The Defender has 10 order groups, five on or near the Objectives and 5 near each objective. So the first 5 groups are set to ambush/dismount with no movement order. The last five are set to ambush/dismount plus a variable timed movement order to the objective. Movement times are set to reflect a one hour game limit. So if the player sets a game limit of only 35 minutes then defending units may just sit where they are (by the way I generally do this with QB Maps by default). The Defending groups variable timed movement orders reflect their location.

    The map is set for "large" battles, but I hope players will use it to play any size battle that suits them. Your feedback would be appreciated.



  11. "Multi Large Forest Town Water QB Map" has been placed on the repository and can be found in the base game/Maps section.

    This QB map is a departure from the "normal" QB maps I make for the Game. I have applied 5 different Objects all with various Victory Pts. The Deeper the Attacker gets the More the Objectives are worth. The Attacker AI has 5 group orders, one for each objective. The pathing order consist of a time variable setup order and one movement order to the objective. The Attacker AI is left to figure it's own route to the Objective.

    The Defender has 10 order groups, five on or near the Objectives and 5 near each objective. So the first 5 groups are set to ambush/dismount with no movement order. The last five are set to ambush/dismount plus a variable timed movement order to the objective. Movement times are set to reflect a one hour game limit. So if the player sets a game limit of only 35 minutes then defending units may just sit where they are (by the way I generally do this with QB Maps by default). The Defending groups variable timed movement orders reflect their location.

    The map is set for "large" battles, but I hope players will use it to play any size battle that suits them. Your feedback would be appreciated.



  12. ...Finally, the thing that strikes me is that the AI is such (I saw it wheeling guns around the place to take advantage of my positions...Apoll

    Funny You should mention. If this is happening in a QB Game (and I have seen it already. too) then it's actually something I will be reporting to BFC. The QB AI plans do have Movement by time and trigger. But when I make the AI defender setup/pathing plans I do so with overwatch in mind. I want the inf arty/AT/AA do stay immobile while other units (including their support teams) counter attack towards the objectives.

  13. Thanks Mark

    I did that but ended up with a ver. 1.10, which looked wrong. I uninstalled and did FI, then GL then the patch last and it was fine, showing as ver. 1.12.

    More than can be said for CMBN/CW/MG which is giving me no end of grief - have posted on the BN tech forum and posted a ticket.

    Install Cmbn and patch to v.1.11, add CW, Intalll CMBN 2.0 upgrade (you will be offered to upgrade base game and CW but NOT MG. Install MG 2.0. Now patch to 2.11 and 2.12. That was the only way I got out of the CMBN nightmare I was in

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