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Posts posted by MarkEzra

  1. Hello: I am Mark Ezra. I make Quick Battle Maps for CMx2 Titles.  I really need your help.  I'd like to remake the CMBO scen Wiltz by Wild Bill Wilder.  To do that I need the following:


    1.  2D map editor Pic showing the setup areas and elevation


    2. Pics of all written docs for both sides (that includes the history and TOE for both sides)


    You will need a screen capture device like fraps to create jpeg pics .I will be certain to include your name in the credits


    please send me an email markDOTezraATgmailDOTcom


    Thank You!



  2. Just installed on mew computer.

    Editing maps in the editor.

    Creating new maps using pre-mades as templates.

    Doing this sober, for reasons unknown.


    Just installed on mew computer.

    Editing maps in the editor.

    Creating new maps using pre-mades as templates.

    Doing this sober, for reasons unknown.


    I do all my maps sober... I kinda ran out of options awhile back

  3. I have a weird request. after Kohlenklau excellent Bulge mod for CMFI there was some talk of a winter  mod for CMBN. I made a very detailed map for Wardin Belgium for the battle of Wardin (501st). I hate to see the man hours wasted. Can I give it to someone on the team doing QBs, maybe they can convert it to the new Bulge game and use it, I must have spent 25 hours on that map.




     send it to me for qb map markDOTezra3591ATgmail.com

  4. Many a QB Map started life as a Campaign! CM Campaign and Scen designers have been generous in providing their maps for conversion into QB Maps. Players can, of course, take QB Maps and make scen or campaigns with them. But there is no function within the scope of Quick Battle Generator to take a human controlled force from one Quick battle to another. A player could take the time and work during QB Force selection to mimic such an event. But it really isn't within the scope of the Quick Battle Generator. Perhaps that's something better left to the Scen Editor. The Master Maps found in some of the CM Games would be great for that kind of thing.

  5. The thing about CMBN early QB maps (and any new title) is the buildings and doodads can kill a map. Telephone poles gave me some real headaches in CMBN As did any number of new buildings. But QB maps is a volume driven product. So what I needed to do was put together a lot of hills and forest and open farmland in the early builds. I always have a goal of 50 attack style and 50 meeting engagement maps (that makes the QB map file count of 200). That's forces me to work fast and except some less than stellar results. The place I need to push for excellence is always the AI mapping. There can be no excuse for have assed work there.

  6. I use the word "contrived" to refer to certain designs which are meant to be a very static puzzle: there's one or two solutions, and you need "search" for them by trial and error. That doesn't make them bad scenarios necessarily. Making scenarios that pose several, dynamic challenges requires experience, skill and time.


    What Kohlenkau mentions above about "blocked terrain" used to be fairly common on some of the first scenarios made for CMBN. People went a bit overboard with the bocage: bocage fields too small or with illogical entries preventing any kind of meaningful use of the land, access to the fields designed so you had to charge at a HMG/AT Gun/Inf Gun frontally, etc. 


    There's more subtle stuff to put you on rails. Most people don't realize it, but if you look at things, you'll tend to find stuff like maps where two-storey (or higher) buildings with windows looking on a particular direction are hard to come by or heavily defended, a treeline can be found in a most curious alignment and much thicker than any other nearby covered areas, etc. This kind of "contrived" map making I think is fair - as usually there is some way to work around that obstacle/challenge/problem rather than figuring out one very particular sequence of arty support/smoke/bounding assault.

    This is bad map making, plan and simple. I recently redid a number of CMBN bocage heavy maps... all of them mine. We learn as we live... hopefully

  7. post-36368-0-52985200-1424748631_thumb.j

    I'm playing Town-Water-Damaged (1408 X 1152) 015 Meet. I started the game as Allied Batt size Mech Inf with two Sherman's. I laid smoke and Ran one of my Mech Coy over the road bridge and took the town. But the German's have a ton of armor and have massed on the rail bridge side. I was able to kill a number of them with flank shots... gonna promote that boy if I don't get him killed first... but the Huns didn't bother with the rail bridge! They slipped across usin the low ground of the ford. Damned! Now the're headed for my Maj VP (the rail station). Time for some coffee and cookies. That's sure to help.

    SEE the pic? The cookies didn't help much.

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