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Everything posted by Thomm

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Slapdragon: ... or the number of G (constant).<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> :confused: "g" is a constant??? How come?
  2. AWESOME!!! Excellent contrast and lighting! I love it!
  3. I can only confirm Marco's answer! If you are a student, get a student version of the program Mathematica! Copy, Paste, Solve in 3 seconds! Regards, Thomm
  4. And if you jump around during replay you could actually hear the same sound twice ...
  5. Pvt Ryan: They said that Manhatten is about to be evacuated!
  6. WTC contained important internet node ... seems to account for communication problems!
  7. The world will never be the same! I am going to church tonight!
  8. Actually the pathfinder should stick to the road system by himself, if the road is not to curved and the end point is on the road. If the pathfinding chooses a different way, then the road was not the best choice in the first place. Just depends on how much cross-country driving is penalized in the path-finding. Regards, Thomm
  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Greenman: TOk Panzer if you're so gung-ho for BTS to shoot for mid-range systems, how would CM be different?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>Wait a second! :eek: You do not want to bring CONTENT to this topic, now, do you?!
  10. I sincerely want to thank everybody who buys a GeForce3 now so that I can buy it for 1/3 of the price next year! Thank you, Thomm PS.: Celeron 466, 128MB, Matrox G400. Bumper sticker: I do not upgrade for ANYBODY!
  11. No high-end system will o) develop graphic algorithms o) create polygon models o) paint textures. So the bottleneck must be elsewhere Regards, Thomm
  12. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Panzer76: I for one would like to see more graphical detail in the game.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>Okay, so where are your suggestions? Hint: This thread should have most of them: http://www.battlefront.com/discuss/Forum1/HTML/015600-7.html Regards, Thomm
  13. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Username: I wonder what other people think about these OPTIONAL suggestions?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I proposed the same thing 2 years ago Particularly, I suggested that the camera should automatically float higher when the distance to the closest friendly unit increases. This way, when you select view 1 and scroll around on the battlefield the viewpoint would flow up and down as friendly units are passed by. I even made a drawing back in 1999 but I am too bored to upload it again. Regards, Thomm
  14. I have some excellent reference material on walking cycles of horses (just in case BTS is interested) Regards, Thomm
  15. The situation described above (Germans outgunning Russians) seems poorly suited for an interesting battle. I know that generations of wargamers are waiting to simulate such an encounter, just as many people were eagerly awaiting the 14 inch naval guns. But where is the point? Is it funny or challenging to shoot up tanks without them being able to shoot back? I do not think so ... Furthermore, battles on (dry) open plains should include the effects of dust and smoke, which would greatly hinder visibility. Regards, Thomm
  16. Thanks for the reply and the advice, Dan! However, I still think that the process of identifying and selecting passenger teams should be streamlined in CM2:BB. Actually, suggestion (2) from my previous post would make suggestion (1) obsolete, because you could simply click on the vehicle repeatedly to see who are the passengers. The pseudocode for this functionality could look somewhat like this: <kbd> function single_click_on_vehicle() if (target unit is a vehicle) __if (this vehicle is already selected) ____if (vehicle has passengers) then select first passenger unit; ... __else if (previously selected unit was a passenger of the selected vehicle) ____if (vehicle has more passengers) ______select next passenger unit; ____else ______select the vehicle; </kbd> There is only one problem with this: if you have a passenger team selected and you click on the vehicle, then the other passenger team will be selected. But in many cases there is only one passenger team anyway, and in the other case another mouse click would safely select the vehicle itself again. Seems like a elegant solution for me. And since the vehicle obviously "knows" its passengers, the necessary pointers should be in place already, such that only small adjustments as outlined above are necessary in the code! I hope you guys give it a try! Regards, Thomm [ 08-14-2001: Message edited by: Rollstoy ]
  17. Once again, two interface suggestions for CMBB with regard to passengers: 1) When a vehicle is selected, show which passengers are carried (in the unit window or as a label?), so that no additional keystroke (Enter) is necessary. 2) Clicking on the same vehicle more than once should toggle through/select the passengers!!!!! Having to change the view to select passengers *really* upsets me! Do somefink, please! Regards, Thomm
  18. Ahhh, die deutschsprachige Subkultur gedeiht ja praechtig individual soldier graphics! Hat Grossmeister Hofbauer schon vorbeigeschaut, multiple turrets? Und Moon, machst Du Test-Spiele mit der CMBB Beta? Das muss ja noch zeitaufwendiger sein als CMBO spielen! Schoene Gruesse an das Team jedenfalls!
  19. Na phantastisch! Wenn Du seinen Namen erwähnst wird er natürlich sofort Verdacht schöpfen! Eine zärtliche Umschreibung wie "Der verrückte Glatzerte" waere (keine Umlaute ab hier, Anm.) wesentlich diskreter! Aber eins ist sicher: Lange gibt's dieses Topic sicher nicht mehr, konspirativ wie es nun mal ist! Aber bei CDV gibt's sicher ein deutschsprachiges Forum, oder? (Na, und schon zurueck beim Thema).
  20. Und überhaupt: Wie kann man nur so leichtfertig einen FLAMMEN-KRIEG anzetteln wollen!
  21. Das war natürlich böse und unnötig untergriffig! Zur Buße schaue er sich fünfmal "Der Schuh des Manitou" an!!
  22. HeHe, noch ein, zwei Generationen zurück, und es waren doch alle Landwirte! <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>... und vernuenftig denkende Familie.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>Von wegen, wenn ich zurückdenke wie Grossvater 1 mit einem meiner Gips-Dioramen und einem Liter Terpentin "Atombomben-Angriff" gespielt hat! Was haben wir gelacht!
  23. Grossvater 1 sagte: "Ich hab' mit dem MG immer über die Köpfe gezielt!" Grossvater 2 sagte: "Den Mond immer im Rücken haben!" Grossmutter 1 sagte: "Wegen einem Liter Milch kauft man auch nicht die ganze Kuh!" (zum Thema Heiraten, Anm.) So, mehr fällt mir nicht ein!
  24. Just re-played "A Day in the Cavalry" as the Germans. My battery of two FlaK guns was attacked by a platoon of US infantry breaking out of the woods at approx. 90 meters distance. Close defense of the battery consisted of two HMG42 teams. What can I say? One of the HMGs fenced off the whole platoon! No units were eliminated, of course, but they turned around and went were they came from. I was watching this with great interest after following this discussion and did not put to much faith into my MG, but it protected the battery nicely! I was also pleased to witness that the AI played the two opening battles of this operation better than me. Of course it got ripped to pieces in the long run, but over-performed in the beginning! The mentioned battery was already softened by artillery with one gun being abandoned. The subsequent infantry charge was a textbook move! Regards, Thomm [ 08-08-2001: Message edited by: Rollstoy ]
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