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Everything posted by Thomm

  1. Does anybody notice how the snow cover has the same 3D effect like George-III's static lighting? Other than that all the mods are uniformly shaded! I hope that this will change some time, because it is boring and physically wrong! The FlaKs look particularly good, by the way! Regards, Thomm
  2. I have to admit that I love this thread! I am sure that whatever happens to this fine idea in the long run I will keep coming back and marvel at the eye-opening `before-after' screenshots. Outstanding work, George-III!!! Regards, Thomm
  3. I think this is mostly owing to the fact that the vehicle shadow rendered onto the terrain is ridiculously pale in CMBO! A darker shadow would help reducing the contrast between terrain and tank belly! Regards, Thomm
  4. Same in Austria! You found the answer: there is no link, the mod is not uploaded anywhere, yet! We have to wait! Regards, Thomm
  5. WAIT A SECOND!!! The night screen shot proves that CM is capable of statically shading textures. Why could the static lighting proposed in this thread not be applied in the same way that the textures are darkened for night scenarios????!! The surface normal of the polygons could be calculated at compile-time and the polygons could be darkened just as for night scenarios, just selectively so. Little effort for maximum effect. Or so I think ... Thomm
  6. The answer is on the third page of this thread! Regards, Thomm
  7. *Sigh* If George-III applies his methods to hi-res mods, you would have the best of `both worlds'. It's as simple as that! Regards, Thomm
  8. Maybe this picture makes you reconsider your assessment: (It's geocities served, so you will have to click on it?!). Picture courtesy of Armor in Focus http://www.armourinfocus.co.uk. Guess nobody can argue with the `realism' of a photo! Regards, Thomm
  9. Only for the sake of realism!!!!
  10. For some reason George adjusted the terrain brightness level to 150% as he mentioned above. Thus the high contrast! But I think that can be changed very easily back to the original values or even darker! Certainly a compromise has to be found, but the immediate impression is incredibly graphic one way or the other! Just look at those Panthers ... this is not just a `rarest ambush scheme ever' or a `unit so-und-so marker' mod, but something entirely fresh! Regards, Thomm
  11. Man, that looks soooo cool! I think they would look better on a darker grass mod, though! And I always was wondering, why the vehicle shadow was so pale! Now with this high contrast mod I really long for a stronger, darker vehicle shadow! The zoomed out view hides the necessary fine-tuning and reveals the great overall effect! An excellent substitute for the missing dynamic lighting capabilities of CM in my humble opinion. Keep em' coming! Thomm
  12. I *love* your results and I hope that they will have some influence on future CMs and Mods! Good contrast does so much for `fleshing out' 3D structures! Great work! Thomm
  13. Do they consider themselves "lucky"?! :confused:
  14. Madmatt just wanted to illustrate the difference between Code Complete and Content Complete.
  15. HiHi, *cool* mod! The rounded corners are better, by the way! Regards, Thomm
  16. In that case, please consider to provide an option to increase the doodad density to a level, where the ground is virtually hidden by doodads, as in the second picture, or the bottom left corner of the picture below! Something like [extreme] in the settings. That should be simple and satisfy the GeForce 4 crowd (to which my institute belongs of late). Thanks for putting up with me again and again and Regards, Thomm [ June 07, 2002, 07:56 AM: Message edited by: Rollstoy ]
  17. Thanks for your quick reply! No reason to `give up', though: check in with Charles and ask if it is possible to relate the position of the doodad to the terrain elevation level. Then you can blend in and have a gradient at the same time. At the same time you have the `feature' that the grass is lower at higher levels . Requires some artist/programmer cooperation and most likely opens other cans of worms, but sounds good to me. On the other hand, I do not know how good the blended in grass looks, but I can imagine it looking (even) better than the presented version! Regards, Thomm
  18. My inevitable suggestion to The Artist Called KwazyDog: Consider removing the brightness gradient on the grass doodads. Although it does, of course, make perfect sense from the point of lighting (lower areas are darker) it emphasizes the base line of the doodad polygons. This is something that should be avoided in my opinion! You may want to conceal that the grass volume is composed of 2D objects as much as possible. To this end, I think it would be best to let the lower areas of the grass doodad blend in with the ground as much as possible, thereby removing the sharp contrast between doodad and ground! Compliments and regards, Thomm
  19. It doesn't make sense! What are you doing up all night *and* on the internet! I am writing on a phat Ph.D. thesis, but ... sunrise marks the end of my working "day"! Schönen Feiertag (as if *sigh*) Thomm
  20. Guys, have you ever seen a model like *this*: It is supposed to be an OFP mod! More:http://www.flashpoint1985.com/cgi-bin/ikonboard301/ikonboard.cgi?s=3cf597a226b6ffff;act=ST;f=4;t=12730 Regards, Thomm
  21. Just when I thought I am the only one awake at this unholy time of the day :eek:
  22. For me this flaw is so obvious that it ruins the model (add: for me). The eye of the beholder is magically drawn to this out-of-place polygon. Cannot help but stare at it ! Took me a while to realize that it is not a matter of polygons, but the texture itself! I am just afraid that I am by no measure smarter than KwazyDog himself, so I guess there is a reason why he chose this style over the original template! On the other hand the road wheels hide the coarse polygon mesh of the threads perfectly, so I think my point is valid in case of the gun mantlet! Regards, Thomm
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